(another long one 😅)
1st PersonThe Day of Finals
For each day of written exams, when we walked in the class the atmosphere was quiet; everyone was nervous.
We would sit and get our written exams.
I zoomed past the math, but took my time with everything else, I couldn't take any chances of failing.
Eventually it was the last day of Written exams. Once we finished a weight had been lifted off the class.
Kami and Mina instantly thanked Momo, saying how much better they did thanks to her tutoring.
I gotta thank her too, along with Bakugou. The both of them helped me so much.
The second half of the day we went to training grounds for our Practical exam.
"Now then, let's begin the last text" All of the UA staff stood before us, "Remember, it's possible to fail this final. If you wanna go to camp, then don't make any stupid mistakes"
I sighed, how could we make any mistakes we are going against robots?
"Why are all the teachers here?" Jiro asked
Aizawa nodded, "I expect many of you have gathered information and believe you have some idea of what you'll be facing today"
Kaminari cut him off and shouted, "We're fighting those big ol' metal robots!!"
"Fireworks! S'mores! Here we go summer camp!!" Mina added
Just then Principal Nezu popped out of my Uncles scarf, "Actually, this years tests will be completely different for various reasons"
Mina and Kami froze in fear.
"You're changing things?" Yaomomo asked
"The tests now have a new focus. There will be Hero work of course, but also teamwork and combat between actual people" Nezu climbed down Aizawa, "So what does that mean for you? You students will be working together in pairs and your opponents will be one of our esteemed U.A teachers!! Isn't that fabulous?"
The class all gasped at the principles words.
"We are fighting the teachers??" Uraraka asked
Aizawa added on, "Additionally, your partners and your opponents have already been chosen. They were determined at my discretion based on various factors, including fighting style, grades, and interpersonal relationships."
He then began to pair up everyone, "First, Yaoyorozu and Todoroki are a team. Against me. Then we have Midoriya paired with Bakugou, and their opponent is..."
All Might came Hurling out of the sky and slammed down onto the ground, "I am here to fight!"
In unison Bakugou and Midoriya spoke, "We're up against All Might?"
"You're going to have to work together boys, if you want to win" All Might said
Bakugou glared at Deku and Midoriya looked nervous.

Erebus (Bakugou x Male Reader)
Fanfiction- "How could you stoop to this level? Don't even try to say that it was for us!!" - My favorite mha character and you. It'll be awhile till they get together, because I value the story too. But stick around, and I'll do my best!