Chapter 1

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WAM! Adam jumped violently as something hit his window. He peered to look over to his parents but they seemed unbothered. Adam was a 14 year old boy, he had just moved to Michigan from New York. He hoped that it would be a bit smaller than the city, but this was a bit too small.He didn't want to complain very much about the town, but it was insanely more tiny than he was expecting. His features follow his mothers side,  brown hair, his hair swoops across his face with curtain bangs, dark academia outfits, and he is almost always wearing some kind of black converse that were bare, and surprisingly clean. He has round glasses that fit his button nose, almost like a rabbit's nose, his freckles complement his sharp jaw that follows his slim body.
    "Are we even close to-" He was interrupted by the car falling into a pothole. Adam jerked forward, his seatbelt pulled against his chest violently. He was about to say something, but his parents seemed yet again, calm.
    "We're only 5 minutes away August." His father chapped, Adam sighed. His full name was Agustine, but he liked Adam better. His friends in New York called him Adam, his teachers used to call him Adam, but his family were always against it. He knew they would push him to keep his full name, but if he was honest, he wanted to keep Adam. Suddenly a feeling of uneasiness washed over him, his stomach churned, almost like he was about to take a math test unprepared. He breathed slightly heavier and looked out the window, there was a house ahead. He prayed they weren't moving there. Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop, don't, stop don't... The car slowed down at that very house.
    "Is this the house?" He mumbled silently, they fully stopped. Right in front of the house, he sighed trying to let out all of the worry inside of him as he stared at the house in front of him. His mom smiled which wasn't a good sign for him.
    "Yup!" She happily said, she turned the car key and took them out. "Welcome home." She smiled, Adam sighed and opened the car door to get out. He winced at the old wall that surrounded the house, but decided to try and think positively. He entered the old house after his parents and was surprised by the nice walls that looked polished. "Isn't this nice Augustine?" Adam silently smiled back at his mom, she nodded in satisfaction and started to explore the house.
    "Come on kid, I'll show you where your room will stay, I think you'll like it bud." His dad gestured to a door, Adam sighed and followed his father. His father, Paul Whitehall, was a businessman. He was insanely strict on how things were done, and what roles people had. Whenever his mother, Marmee Whitehall, would suggest working for the family Paul was always against it. However, he always pushed Adam to get into sports like football. All he wanted to do was read. He seemed so stupid compared to his father. He opened the old door, it creaked, almost like those doors in horror movies where something pops up and scares you half to death. He winced at the noise and started to walk downwards. The mood lightened slightly, he felt more at ease as the temperature grew warmer. The basement looked homie compared to the apartment he used to live in. He jumped at the last step, it somehow made his stomach nervous, just jumping off two steps scared him.
    "Careful." His father added as he reached the ground as well. Adam brushed the comment off and explored the large space he had all to himself. He didn't have such a small room like in New York, he had a huge amount of space. The feeling of unease immediately went away as he walked near a certain wall, he planned out where everything in his new room would go. You could say he was a bit excited to have such a big space to himself.
    "We'll get all moved in by next week, then you can move into your new cave champ." Adam nodded, his father walked back upstairs. His smile grew wider when he saw an empty bookshelf. His grandpa promised books, he was extremely excited for them to arrive. He didn't know what they were about or how many there were but he still wanted to read them, and he still wanted to have them there. He liked books a lot, and even his grandpa didn't like the idea of boys reading books, but maybe he thought differently now. He hadn't seen his grandpa in years, so maybe this was his way of showing appreciation.
    It took a while to set everything up, but it definitely didn't take a week. It took exactly 3 days, Adam had mostly everything in his room now. He had some boxes that he still had to unpack but he decided to take a break from unpacking for now. He doubted that they would even stay there for long. He didn't understand why they moved there, but he thought it was because his Grandpa lived in Michigan. Maybe he was dying. Adam questioned, he shrugged and layed down onto his bed.
    "School is tomorrow." He sighed out to himself, he untucked his phone from his pillow, and lifted it above his face. He missed his friends from New York, they always stuck with him. Kind of.. He put in a passcode that was 0831, apparently it was one of his family members birthdays, well that was what his grandfather said. He had memorized the number so well that he used it for almost any 4 numbered passwords that he needed. He opened his phone and was immediately surprised with a picture of him and one of his friends. Their name was Trevon, Adam saw him as a great best friend but in reality he wasn't the best. A notification popped up, it was from his grandpa.

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