Chapter 6.

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Adam woke up like usual, there were a bunch of random things on his bed from the night before, and Stanley stood at the bookshelf like every morning. “Well good morning August.” Adam flushed a pink, he was starting to grow fond of the nickname, he actually started to like his actual name more.
    “Morning, uh I’m going to the library can you come along?” Adam asked, sitting up to get out of bed. It was a Saturday so they both had all day to search. Stanley smiled slightly and agreed to come along. Adam put a usual sweater on and wide jeans with converse and headed out of the house.
    “Excited?” Stanley asked, while Adam walked down the street with a smile.
    “To go to the library? No.” Adam joked, Stanley followed behind the boy. The library was only a few minutes away so they arrived fairly quickly. “I’m gonna check some shelves, you can walk around for a little bit.” Stanley nodded and went to explore the library. He couldn’t go far from Adam, but the library was small enough to where he was able to explore. Adam searched the history aisle.
He eventually got a bit distracted and picked up a fantasy book. Suddenly Adam felt someone hug him from behind. He froze and looked up trying to find out who it was. The ghost stared back with a smile, Adam realized the height difference and flushed red. He put his hands over the ghosts, still warm in the face.
“What’s this for?” Adam asked, Stanley let go of the boy and collected himself.
“I was trying to scare you but apparently I failed.” Stanley joked, Adam chuckled and looked back up at the books that stacked around him and the ghost.
“I might get some food.” Adam said, he picked up a book from the aisle and turned it to the back to look at the summary. He noticed it was a Sci-Fi genre, he turned it back to the cover. The title read in big letters “Good Omens” He  smiled and looked back over to the ghost. “Seems like a good book.” He mumbled under his breath. Stanley stared back, almost like he had hearts in his eyes. “Stan?” Adam waved in front of his face, but immediately stopped as a librarian walked over.
“Need help with anything?” She walked through Stanley, making him hurl over. Adam winced but smiled at the younger woman. She was a girl in his grade, her name was Kelsey.
“Nope, I’m all good but thanks Kelsey.” Adam said nicely, Kelsey smiled at him weirdly.
“Wanna hang out later? My shift ended a few minutes ago.” She asked, Adam thought about it in a friendly way. He was blinded by the thought of having a friend.
“Sure!” He gave her another smile, she nodded and glanced down at the book he was holding.
“Good Omens?” Kelsey asked with a laugh, Adam’s smile faded as he looked down at the book. He joined the laughter awkwardly. He wanted friends. He needed friends.
“Yeah ridiculous, I thought it was a different book.” He excused, sadly putting the book back where it used to be. Kelsy calmed herself and patted him on the shoulder.
“I really like Twilight, but I like the movies best, what's your favorite book?” Adam looked at Kelsey he thought she was joking, Stanley glanced at Adam, his brows furrowed with confusion. If there was one thing Adam hated, it was TWilight.
“Uhm..I don’t know what book would be my favorite…” He gulped nervously, Kelsey nodded with slight agreement. Stanley felt a bit jealous to say, he was mad that Adam was talking to someone else. But he didn’t understand why.
Kelsey decided on a place and they went. It was a small cafe that Kelsey really liked. But Adam hated the place, although he still went along with the idea. Kelsey led the way, Stanley walked slowly behind them, with his head down.
“Why do you want 3 chairs?” Kelsey asked, she was obviously judging him. There was a chair across from Adam that was meant for Kelsey, and there was another right beside him, maybe a bit too close for two people who were just friends.
“Just because.” Kelsey smirked, and sat where Stanley was supposed to be, Adam opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. Kelsey’s body brushed against Adams, he looked down at his hands and began to fidget uncomfortably. After a very long 10 minutes, that felt like hours to Stanley, they finally got back to the house. Stanley went inside first, which would end up being a mistake.
Adam stood at the door with a very very fake smile. Kelsey gently grabbed his hand, he felt so uncomfortable, he felt like the inside of his skin was itching. “I had a good time, Augustine.” Adam’s face turned into a frown, he had gotten so used to Stanley saying it, he had become comfortable with it, but when Kelsey had said it, he felt like it was an insult.
“Right..uh I must be going I-” Kelsey pulled him closer, her grip tightened, the boy started to feel trapped. He began to try and pull away but Kelsey was too strong.
“Don’t make this complicated Augustine.” She forcefully pulled him into a kiss, she kissed him passionately, Adam tried to pull away. He had a hope that maybe Stanley would help him, but he wasn’t there. Well that's what it seemed. Kelsey gently kissed his neck, he felt like he was about to vomit. He pushed her away and ran to the door, slamming it after he arrived inside.
“Holy..” He sunk into his knees against the door, tears filled his eyes. He felt so stupid, how could he be so stupid? He hid his face, feeling too pathetic.
On the other hand, Stanley saw something totally different. Stanley stood in front of the door for a few minutes, deciding if he should confront August. He built his strength up and flew through the door. His heart sank as he saw August and that girl kissing. His face saddened, he turned back to the door. Wanting to slam the door, but at the same time not wanting to scare August.
“Damn you Augustine.” He flew fastly through the house, just wanting to go back into that stupid basement. He wished he had never met August, He wished he had never helped August, he wished he wasn’t soft, he wished he hadn’t liked August. He didn’t want to love August anymore, he felt pathetic as the words rang through his head. August would only see him as a helpless ghost. Maybe that was all he was. Just some ghost begging for attention, but when he got it, his heart ran cold. Such a pathetic ghost.
Two sides, but the same feelings.


I have had a terrible day, literally just wanted to die the whole day but I was somehow in the mood to write this I hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 1185

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