Chapter 12

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August woke up with happiness filling him. MaryAnne was going over to his house that day, and she was spending the night. Whenever he saw her, or even talked to her he felt all woozy. Everytime she would call him a nickname of some sort he would melt into his own shoes. He really did believe he liked her, but he felt as though he was too young. But the feelings wouldn’t go away. He jumped to his feet,changed into some random deep blue sweater and trousers and raced up stairs to meet MaryAnne. His parents wouldn’t be home until way later. He heard a gentle knock on his door and slid to open it. He was welcomed by MaryAnne's face. She was wearing almost exactly what he was, but with jeans and some platforms.
    “MaryAnne!” August hugged her, she stumbled backwards almost dropping her bags.
    “Auggie!” His stomach churned, his smile widened as they pulled away from the hug. He gestured to the inside of the house. MaryAnne walked towards the door, she was a bit familiar with the house by now.
    “What should we do?” MaryAnne asked, opening the basement door. August followed her down the stairs still thinking about what they should do. He wanted to tell her how he had felt. He tried to push the feelings downwards back into his stomach.
    “What about Mario Kart?” August suggested, MaryAnne laughed slightly and jumped off the last step to face him.
    “You cheat on that game.” August shrugged and jumped off as well.
    “You're just bad at the game.” August returned, he walked past her and opened his draw to grab the two nintendos. MaryAnne had already gone back upstairs. August looked upwards to his bed looking for his phone. He froze as his gaze went to the book.
“What the hell is wrong with that thing…” He mumbled to himself, he shook his head and the thoughts flew past him. He snathed his phone from his bed and started to walk back to the steps. He turned the light off before closing the door.
“Your house smells nice.” The girl noted, August chuckled and started to walk over to the old living room. The couches were brown leather, an ugly, old wallpaper surrounded them as the TV stood in front of them. The mantle held multiple photos, but none of them had August in them. Mostly just his cousin, and his parents. His cousin's name was Lillian, his parents loved her so much. She was a straight A student, she was very smart and the perfect daughter for anyone who could have her.
“Woah who's that?” MaryAnne asked, walking into the living room.
“My cousin, Lillian. She's just the perfect kid in our family. My parents love her.” August explained, MaryAnne sighed. August walked over to the TV and turned it on.
They had played Mario Kart for a while until it started to get late. August knew his father would be home soon. He started to wonder where his mom was. She was barely home and when she was she didn’t even put in the effort to be there.
August stared at MaryAnne as she reached over to the blank book they had found the other day.
“Where did this even come from?” MaryAnne asked, August shrugged and sat back on his bed.
“I don’t know, but can you just put it on my bookshelf?” MaryAnne nodded and squished in between some books. He realized how dusty the books his grandfather had given was. It had only been a couple months since he got him but it looked like they had been sitting there for 2 years. He shook thoughts away from his head and stared at MaryAnne. This was his time to confess to her.
“MariAnne?” She hummed and looked up at him.
“Can I tell you something?” He hesitantly asked, MaryAnne’s brows furrowed in slight confusion and concern.
“Of course, you can always talk to me, Auggie.” August felt nervousness grow in his stomach. He took a shaky breath, trying to calm himself down.
“Right…uh…” August fidgeted with his fingers.
“MaryAnne, I love you.” August only caught a glimpse of her reaction before his vision went blank. Memories slowly came back, but when he snapped back to reality MaryAnne was grabbing her bags.
“I can’t believe you!” he heard her shout, he panicked.
“Wait MaryAnne!” He jumped back to his feet and ran over to her. She pushed him away. The look in his eyes scared him slightly. He didn’t like her expression.
“I don’t want to talk to you ever again!” She ran up the stairs, August chased after her. She was the only one who didn’t hate him. Well, that's what he believed. He only remembered her as someone who actually liked him. But now it is gone. MaryAnne slammed the outside door behind her. He stared at the door, the house was silent. He was alone again. Somehow he always ended up alone. He wanted someone to care about him, he wanted someone to ask him if he was alright, he had only just gotten a slight memory back. He missed his old house, even if his friends sucked. They made him feel like he wasn’t alone. He needed someone who would be there for him no matter what. But it seemed he was that person for everyone else, he was left alone again. In the same house, same room, same feeling as before.
His father opened the front door, closed it behind him.
“What happened to her?” He asked, August stayed silent. He knew his father knew what had happened and he didn’t bother to waste his time talking to him.
“Augustine.” His father chatted, August turned to the basement door to walk back down. His father grabbed his arm and forcefully pulled him back.
“AUGUSTINE.” Tears filled his eyes just hearing his father yell. His gaze turned to him with fear. He hadn’t been scared of his own father for a long time.
“You NEVER walk away from me you got that!?” Tears flew down his cheek. He trembled, his father grew frustrated.
“GOT IT!?” He snapped again, August forced his eyes shut not even wanting to look at him. Fear sat in his stomach, he had no one to protect him.
“Yes.” He managed to say, his father sighed frustrated. He started to push him towards the basement door.
“I should’ve left you in that damn house, you disgrace. You have brought guilt onto our name.” He opened the basement door, August’s eyes widened. He grabbed his fathers arm.
“No no please! I’m sorry!” August begged, His father shook him off. Throwing him down the stairs violently. He slammed the door, August fell. Hitting his side multiple times on the steps. He finally fell to the cold ground. He sat up, wincing in slight pain. He looked up at the door. He raced helplessly to it, and tried to open it, but it was locked. He hit the door, sliding down into his knees with tears. He had done everything wrong. Everything he did was wrong. He had no purpose if all he was there to do was to make mistakes. He slowly started to scratch his hand. He knew it would hurt, but it wasn’t like he didn’t know that. He believed he deserved it anyways.


I've been having a hard time lately so I decided to write. It sounds like I'm pushing myself but writing these things help me, I really hope you enjoyed I am hoping to make some more chapters but it depends on how I feel.

Word Count: 1281

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