Chapter 11

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August jumped awake in his bed, he rubbed his eyes in confusion. He quickly lifted his hand up to his neck, there were bandages on his neck. He searched the room he was in, it was the basement. The first person he saw was his father, he looked worried.
    “ I’m so glad you're awake, some morning you were just gone, you were all beat up and…Me and your mother were so worried about you.” His father hugged him tightly, August was in shock. Was everything just a dream? He glanced to the floor, the blank book wasn’t there.
    “What happened? Where's Stan?” He pulled out of the hug, his father looked at him with confusion.
    “Who is Stan? And I don’t know what happened, I just found you under some bride. I've been so worried ever since you started to talk to yourself, no one was ever there. We even checked on you but you always were talking to the wall, are you alright?” August started to question his own sanity.
    “Y-yeah, I’m fine.” August muttered, his father nodded and hugged him again. August felt a warm feeling, his father never hugged him, it made him forget what he thought had happened.
    “Now, I’ll give you some time to rest, how about after everything is normal again we go on a vacation, that would be nice right?” His Father suggested, August nodded with a slight smile. His father sighed one last time with a nod.
    “Right, well make sure to get some rest.” His father noted, he ended up leaving. August sighed and scanned his room. There was no sign of Stanley. He slumped down on his bed, he felt like shit to say the least.
    Over the few weeks, August believed he had lost his mind ever since he moved. Maybe he was just imagining Stanley in his head because of what happened. He ended up having to go back to school, which he wasn’t very excited about. Like every dream, he forgot about Stanley, and the explanation his parents told him started to stick in his mind. He went back to school feeling lonely, but normal. He didn’t remember Stanley, but the little he did remember was all a dream.
    “Hi!” August jumped, he slammed his locker and glanced at the person who had spoken to her. She had ginger hair, it was curly but short, her skin was a bit darker, she wore a T-shirt that had some plants on them that tucked into her trousers with brown books underneath.
    “Oh uh, hi.” He awkwardly responded, August was only wearing a sweater, jeans, and his usual converse so he felt like the girl was better dressed than him.
    “My name is Maryanne!” She introduced, August nodded.
    “Mary as short? Also my name is Augustine but you can call me August.” he responded, Maryanne shook her head with a slight chuckle.
    “I don’t let anyone call me Mary, just Maryanne.” She explained, August nodded. She smiled at him then seemed to remember what she was even doing there.
    “Oh! I’m new here and the principal told me to go to you since we have the same schedule.” August nodded slowly, then smiled.
    “That's nice, I can lead you to your classes.” Maryanne nodded with a smile. She followed him around for the rest of the day, they talked a bunch, but mostly Maryanne was the one speaking the whole time. August would listen, and everytime she had a question he would answer.
    “Oh! Before you leave, I’ll put my phone number into your phone.” August nodded and handed her his phone, she did as she said she would then handed it back to him.
    August stared at his phone as he laid down onto his bed. He set his phone onto his chest and glanced over to the bookshelf. I should start reading some of those. He thought, suddenly his phone buzzed. He picked the phone up and opened it. Pressing on the notification, he found Maryannes profile.

MaryAnne!!!: Hey August!

Augustine: Hey

MaryAnne!!!: I was wondering if you’d like to go down to the small cafe near the school, the new one. I went there not long ago.

Augustine: Uh sure.

MaryAnne!!!: Alright! See you at 5?

Augustine: Yea

MaryAnne: Byeeee

Augustine: bye

    Over the next 3 months, they grew closer and closer. August continued to forget Stanley more and more everyday until he didn’t even remember his name. August started to develop feelings for MaryAnne, making it easier to forget Stanley. He felt the way he did with Stanley.
    “Auggie!” MaryAnne ran down the steps, tripping over the last one but continued running. August jumped, MaryAnne ran over to his bed side and sat down.
    “I was looking in your attic and found this thing.” August raised a brow, she scooted the object to August so he could see what it was. It seemed to be a book, it didn’t have a cover or anything which confused him.
    “That's weird, why were you in my attic?” August picked the book up, it made him feel uneasy as he stared at it. He threw it to the floor not even wanting to look at the book.
    “Oh, your dad has been acting creepy so I just thought maybe he was a murder and there was evidence in the attic, but obviously there was just some book.” MaryAnne explained, unbothered. August sighed, and shook his head.
    “Well my dad isn’t a murderer, how was he being creepy?” August asked, since he remembered his father was actually nicer than before the incident that he couldn’t even remember.
    “Well…uh…I don’t know, he just gave off a vibe.” MaryAnne laid backwards onto the mattress with a sigh. “Can I just sleep here?” She asked with a yawn, August chuckled.
    “You can’t just sleep in my bed.” She sat up slightly to look over at August.
    “And why is that?” She asked, a brow raised. August rolled his eyes, they had this conversation every time she didn’t want to leave.
    “You know why, you can come back tomorrow and play some games, but you can’t spend the night knowing my dad hates that.” August said, MaryAnne groaned and jumped back to her feet, snatching her book bag as she walked away from the bed.
    “See you tomorrow I guess.” She sighed, August smiled smugly back and waved goodbye to her. She nodded and slowly walked back up the steps. August glanced back to the book, dread filled him. He mentally shook his head and turned around.
    “Stupid book…” He muttered, turning his lamp off.


Today has been emotional but I managed to finish this hopefully I'll at least get chapter 12 done.

Word Count: 1130

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