Chapter 10

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The man slowly walked closer to the two boys. Although Stanley hated August, he inched closer to the man, not wanting August to get hurt more than he had been.
“Stan, what are you doing!?” August loudly asked, the sound of cars drowned out anything else that could usually be heard. As Stanley scanned the man he discovered that he held a sword, he was the same Man that August had been stuck with.
“Stan!” August pulled Stanley away from the man as he pounced. “We have to go!” August noted, Stan balanced once more, glancing at the Man then back to the boy.
“Okay, let's go!” Stanley grabbed August’s hand, in case he fell. They both started running, the man followed after them.
“We're gonna die!” August shouted, the ghost sighed. They slowed down as the man disappeared. They arrived at an abandoned building. It looked old, the air was dense and made both the boys feel uncomfortable. August breathed heavily, still hurting.
“I think we lost-” Stanley pushed him against the wall, covering his mouth as he heard a faint voice. August stared at his face, his cheeks grew warmer the more he stared. Stanley turned back to August, their faces were only a few inches apart. He slowly lowered his hand, but he didn’t move away. Their faces grew closer the more they stared at each other. Stanley froze in embarrassment.
“Sorry…” He pulled away nervously. August’s legs weakened, he slid to the ground, cheeks grew red. The ghost looked down in slight concern.
“You okay?” Stanley quietly asked, August looked up at Stan and nodded. August felt a sharp pain in his stomach, he winced in pain and covered his stomach. Stanley sat in front of August worried. ‘
“Hey, are you hurt?” Stanley asked, August’s breath hitched.
“I think my stomach is injured…” He confessed, Stanley went to lift his shirt but glanced at August. He nodded with a sigh. Stanley lifted his shirt slowly, revealing bruises all over, but mostly near his side. Stanley raised his hand and gently pushed on his stomach. August winced in pain.
“Sorry, it seems like your bruises, your side is the worst.” Stanley explained. August sighed with a nod.
“We have to start moving, it won't be long until they find us again.” August said, trying to push himself to his feet. Stanley sighed, he stood up and wrapped his arm around AUgust’s waist.
“We can head into this…building? They won’t find us here.” August glanced over to the house, he was against it but agreed otherwise. They walked through the old wooden door, it seemed to be an apartment. It was a small house, old cream couches in the main area, there was ripping wallpaper that had lilies, the kitchen had a rusting sink, old wooden cabinets and rotting counters. Stanley gently placed August on the cleanest looking leather couch.
“Stay here, I’ll see if I can find anything to help you.” August nodded as Stanley rushed to the kitchen, he searched through anything. August rubbed his stomach gently, not wanting to feel any more pain. The cuts on his neck weren’t bleeding anymore, and the rain had washed the dry blood away.
“Found some bandages!” Stanley ran back over, he showed the bandages to August. They looked fairly old, but they would work.
“Thanks Stan, I don’t know where I would be without you.” Stanley’s face softened, he looked back in awe.
“Your welcome, August.” August smiled in return, Stanley mentally shook his head and knelt down. August hesitated before lifting his shirt for Stanley. Both Stanley and August grew warm. The tension between the two was unbreakable. Stanley took a deep breath and started to wrap bandages around his stomach. August winced at every slight touch he felt.
“There, all good now.” Stanley said, August breathed heavily, he let go of his shirt and leaned back on the couch.
“Thanks Stan, I appreciate it.” Stanley sat next to August, they sat there in silence. Tension grew between the two the more they stayed silent.
“Hey Stan?” Stanley hummed, glancing over to August with a brow raised.
“I’m sorry for everything…I know I should’ve been there for you, and I wish you would trust me again, I don’t know how to show how sorry I am. I know you won’t forgive me, but-” Stanley covered his mouth, not able to hear anymore.
“Don’t say that August, you have been the nicest person to me, I may be mad at you slightly, but you shouldn’t blame yourself for anything, I…” He paused, lowering his hand and resting it on August’s.
“I love you, you never have to apologize for my feelings.” He finally finished, August’s eyes widened, his cheeks grew red. He was stunned by what he had just heard.
“Stan…I love you too.” Stanley stared, now he was in shock. He opened his mouth to mutter something out but August pulled him into a gentle kiss. August had his first kiss with Kelsey, but his first true kiss was with Stanley, and he wasn’t mad about it. August pulled away nervously.
“I’m sorry-” Stanley pulled him back into the kiss, not wanting him to worry that he didn’t enjoy it. They both pulled away slowly.
“Oh, wow…uh…” August muttered, slightly flustered at what just happened. They both sat in silence. “Well that was weird…can we do it again?” Stanley sighed with a smile.
“Why would you have to ask dear?” August looked back in shock, before he could respond, like he would be able to, Stanley pulled him into another kiss. August’s face grew more red as he became more flustered. Stanley rested his hand on his cheek. They both pulled away.
“Did you call me dear?” August asked, Stanley smiled.
“What if I did?” August covered his face, flustered. Stanley began to laugh slightly, he patted his shoulder. “It’s ok.” August peaked out of his hand with a sigh. He opened his mouth to finally tell him something, but someone barged through the door. August snapped his head to the door but…everything stopped. Something had changed. August jerked forward, he was back in his room.


I have felt the worst I have felt in like months but writing is helping me cope in the situation I'm dealing with so it's okay, Alli don't be mad at me for another cliffhanger I still love you.

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