Chapter 8 :)

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Adam had dinner with his grandfather, but the whole time the only thing he thought about was Stanley. As he hugged his grandfather goodbye Harvey pulled him closer. "Have fun with Stan." Adam froze as he left.
"I'm going back down stairs." Adam quickly walked to the door and walked down into the basement. He tripped over the last step but gained his balance. "Stan!?" He worriedly searched the room trying to find the ghost. "Stanley, where are you!?" He Stopped and looked down at the blank book. "Stan!" He knelt down and picked the book up. It was closed shut. Adam attempted to open the book, but it was glued shut. Like someone was trying to keep another someone away from them. Adam went to sleep that night in an empty room. He laid awake, staring at the ceiling, alone. It had been the first time he was without the ghost in about 2 or 3 months. He had never realized how much he cared for the ghost until he was gone.
Adam woke up in the middle of the night, about the same time as when he first met the ghost. He rubbed his eyes open and sat up, he looked over to bed to see the book gone. "What the hell." Adam threw his blankets off of himself and jumped out of bed.
"Where did it go!?" He searched the room, it was still dark, as the moonlight shone through the window, he was able to see. Tears filled his eyes, he was in slight denial. Has Stanley really left him? Adam spun back to the bed, he felt cold hair brush his hair. He looked up at the window with teary eyes. His face softened, his breath quickened. He spun around once more then... The rest was a blur, his head pounded, he fell to the ground. The last things he saw were dark brown boots, covered with gray trousers. He believed that it was the end of his life. But as always, he awoke.
"Finally." His eyes blurred open, his eyes stung greatly, and his whole body was sore. He sat on a cold floor, concrete. The walls were wooden, dim light shone in the room. He wasn't chained to anything, his hands were free, his legs were free. He looked up to see who was there. Both his father, his grandfather, and someone else he did not recognize.
"What-" He stopped himself, he felt like throwing up. He covered his mouth trying his best not to.
"Augustine, it seems you know something you shouldn't." Adam caught his breath and looked back up to his grandfather. Everything clicked, his grandfather was Stanley's killer. That's why he was able to see Stanley, he was related to the killer. That meant his father could as well, which also meant he knew the whole time.
"Wait no, no that can't be true you gave me the book, you meant for me to know...Didn't you?" Adams' eyes filled with tears, he really did think his grandfather had changed, he thought it was all going to be fine. But this was all his fault. He ruined his own family.
"Augustine, I did not mean for you to have that devilish book, Stanley is a bad man, now. Where is he?" His grandfather sternly asked, Adam shook his head with a chuckle, trying to hide his tears.
"Stanley is a sweet person, you all are ignorant, you all have sick minds, Stan-" His father slapped him on the cheek, Adam fell onto his side once again. His breath hitched, he didn't want his life to end this way. He loved Stanley, whether he liked it or not. He promised himself that if he lived he would tell him no matter what. He curled his legs up to his face, covering his ears.
"Your mind has been corrupted by that demon!! You know too much, now you must pay the price!" The older man chanted, tears ran down his face. His eyes open, the unknown man grabbed something that was almost like a sword. Well that's old fashioned. Adam thought,
"Well? What are you waiting for!?" His grandfather snapped, the man smiled as he twirled the sword around his fingers. Show off. Adam thought, he sat up. He was really about to die. The man pounced the sword at Adam, he lowered his body as fast as he could, he felt his flesh on his neck get cut by the blade. He winced at the pain and managed to halt himself upwards. His breathing was quick, he was terrified. He had never thought he would be this scared of his family, he just wanted a normal life.
"Get him!" His father chanted, as Adam ran for the door behind them. He grabbed the door knob was locked. He felt like crying, it was locked. The door was locked. No widows, he was stuck in the room. Adam started banging on the door hoping someone was there, but he was turned around by the man, he held the sword up to his neck. The sword slowly started to cut into his neck. He whimpered and tried to fight back. The door behind him slammed open, he fell to the ground and looked back up. He raced for the door, slamming the door shut behind him. He was somewhere he didnt recognize. His eyes caught a door, it led outside. He heard the man turning the knob and ran to the door. He tripped over the stairs, falling onto the concrete ground, he felt his body ache as he jumped to his feet and began to sprint wherever.
He ran until he was lost, until he couldn't even move. He collapsed onto the grass helplessly. Luckily he had lost the man but there was blood streaming down his neck, his knee was all scraped, his head hurt like hell, blood streamed from the side of his head, making him feel dizzy and light headed. He felt although he was dying.
"Stan I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He whispered, as he laid on the grass. He couldn't do anything. His body ached so much to the point it hurt to even breath, tears streamed down his cheek onto the slightly wet grass. He felt water drop onto his cheek. It was starting to rain. He sighed trying to groan but he wasn't even able to. He accepted the fact that this was the way he would die. He wouldn't have the chance to say his apologies to Stan, but he admitted to himself that if he woke up the next morning, he would go by August. Just because Stan liked it, he felt like it was important now. August's eyelids grew heavy as his head started to spin. He drifted off, not knowing what to do, he felt alone. He thought he was alone. But Stan never left him. When the ghost found him, he felt hatred but it was raining and his friend was going to die. He gave in.


Alli dear, I hope you cried :))

Word Count: 1190

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