Chapter 18: Panic

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Levi's POV

I could rush to Kenny and find Hanji. But he's not going to give up where she is. He'll take it to his grave. Hanji was right there, and the glimmer of hope that she was okay, she was in Kenny's hands. To give up someone who might be innocent for Hanji... I would do anything for her. But she will never forgive me if someone dies in her name.

Rushing to the station, I hopped onto Hanji's computer to get the information Kenny needed. Hanji... this is why I didn't want you to be near me... you gave me confidence that nothing bad will happen to you if you were near me... I was wrong. I'll never make that same mistake again.

"Levi!" I looked up from the computer after pushing the search button. Moblit tilted his head a bit, staring at me and the computer. "What are you doing at her computer?"

"Doing Hanji a favor."

Moblit sighs, running his fingers through his hair with a heavy sigh. "Alright, alright... well, where is she? Where's Hanji? I need to talk to her about something."

"Leave her a message, she'll get to it soon.

"Where is she?"

I sighed, clicking the options to print the files. I can't let anyone else get hurt because of this entire thing... not anymore. I already roped Hanji into this mess, and look where it got her. No matter what, I won't let anyone else get hurt...

"She's at my apartment, sleeping."

"That explains why her phone keeps going to voicemail... tell her to call me when she wakes up." Moblit taps the door before walking away. I get that he's trying to be a good co-worker. No... he truly does care about her. If I say that I'm not jealous, I'll be lying to myself. 

Joseph Weston. I don't know what he has done to get on Kenny's radar, but that's the man that he's after. One look at his address, and I wanted to do something. Something that Hanji would appreciate rather than hold a grudge against me. She's already holding what I've done to her that one night... I don't want to hear anymore.

*   *   *

A man with a little gray hair on his head was watering his garden at 7 pm. I have until tomorrow to get her back. "Joseph Weston?" I called out, seeing him freeze when his name was called. "Or should I say, Charles Smith? That's your real name, isn't it?"

"How do you know-."

"You have someone hunting after you," I say, holding up a file of his information, "and he's persistent. This needs to go to him, but you will not be here."

"Is that a threat?"

"This is a warning. Stay here, you'll die."

The man looked at the file, scowling. "If you're warning me, do me a favor and don't give it to him. Leave me in peace."

"If I leave you in peace, then someone I love dies. I know you had someone. It's in the files. Charles, when you loved her, would you do anything for her?" I felt the tears brimming my eyes with hints of anger. If she dies... I can never forgive myself. "Because if I don't hand the file over, the one person I love dies. But I can't let anyone else die. Tomorrow by 5, you'll be exposed. I suggest you leave now. Run away. Hide."

Not anymore... Hanji... I promise nothing else will happen to you. I'll be sure of it.

*   *   *

Kenny was holding Hanji by her hair and a knife at her throat when I walked into the bar. I could see the relief in her eyes when she saw me, but fear appeared when she saw the file in my hands. Kenny, my dear uncle, smirked.

"Is that it, Levi?"

"It is. Let her go."

"If you have given me the wrong information, I'll kill her. You know that, right?" Kenny removes the knife and tosses Hanji to the ground. I give him the folder before picking her up from the ground. "I'll find you anywhere, darling..." The look he gave to her... I hated it.

Escorting her to my car, she wouldn't stop shaking in her boots. Once the doors were closed and the car started, Hanji began screaming at me. "Levi, what did you do?!"

"What I did was to keep you safe."

"Levi, that information you gave to him... he's going to kill him. Why-."

"I notified the guy he wanted to kill. I told him that I was going to give his killer the information about where he is. I told him to leave and seek shelter somewhere else. I gave him when I would come to get you. Hanji, I love you... and as I said a thousand times, I'll do anything to keep you safe..."

"So... he's safe? He's alive?"

"From what I heard, yes. The information is true, so my uncle can't say anything about it not being true. But this is it. Don't you dare go deeper into this? I can't lose you. Not this time. I almost lost you... don't step closer to death..."

"He wouldn't hurt me anyways."

"He would. Nothing stops him."

"Nothing but family," Hanji says. "Levi, I lied to him because I was afraid he would kill me, no matter what. I told him I was pregnant with your baby. If what you say that he'll keep to his word... if he finds out that I'm not... I think that's when he'll kill me."

You're an idiot, Hanji... why would you do such a thing? I know you were scared, but this is going too far. Hanji... that means I have to get you pregnant, no matter what. You're telling me I have to be a dad as soon as possible? Hanji... you make things worse for me... but I love you anyways...

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