Chapter 25: Walls Crashing Down

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Hanji's POV

6 months passed and there was no sign of Levi. I had to deal with my female co-workers mocking me for sleeping with Levi and I was left with a baby to raise. They gossiped about how Levi convinced me to have the baby to make me suffer. They even praised Levi for leaving me with a baby as a punishment because I would drag myself over like some... whore. I know that this isn't true. They didn't know a thing about what happened between the two of us. Though they may be mocking me, I want to see their jaws drop when Levi comes back.

Logging off for the day, I began to walk out when Moblit stopped me in my tracks. "Going home?"

"Of course, I have a son to take care of."

"Can I help you with him?"

"Uh, sorry, no, Moblit," I said quickly, taking my keys out of my pocket as I quickly walked toward the doors. "It's fine. I can manage."

"Just hold on. Hold on for a few more minutes." Moblit sprints in front of me, stopping me from walking forward. "I just want to talk."

"Then you can talk while I walk to my car. I have to be at the daycare in an hour to pick up Zayne. What do you want?"

My pace quickened as we walked toward the elevators. Moblit stumbled on his words, trying to figure out what to say when they finally came out. "Is it difficult to take care of Zayne by yourself after Levi left?"

Why must he say that to me?

"I can handle myself."

"He's a dumbass for leaving." He's not! I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs that Levi was anything but those words. "Hanji, listen, I can help take care of Zayne-."

"Because of what? Do you think you could fill Levi's spot as a father figure? Moblit, the last time we had a topic similar to this was when I was pregnant. You were asking me why I was having a baby with Levi instead of you. Listen, I appreciate the time we had together, but I'm not looking to you for help raising my son. Levi is his father, and will always be the father. My son will be raised by Levi. Your name will not be involved in that sort of line. Do you understand?"

Once the elevator doors opened, I stopped Moblit from following me. "Hanji-."

"Enough, Moblit. I'm tired of this. Just let me go."

"Okay, fine." Moblit sighs, "Just... understand that Levi might not be coming home."

"And why would that be?"

As the elevators began to shut, Moblit said these words quickly. I had to have a few minutes to myself to comprehend what he said. Fear and hope mingled as they struggled to fight for control. How am I supposed to feel about this? Fearful that our lives are in danger? Or hopeful that Levi might be coming home? I don't know...

"A man was found dead in an alleyway. Black and gray eyes."

*   *   *

"We're home, sweetie," I whisper to Zayne as we get to our apartment. Ever since Levi left, I couldn't stay at his apartment. Though I wish I could, I'll settle for the one I've lived in for years. "Ready for a bubble bath?"


"I'll take that as a yes."

With one hand, I unlocked the front door and flicked on the lights. When my eyes turned back to the living room, I froze in place. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to weep and cry at the sight of him. My knees wanted to buckle and fall to the ground as I held Zayne close to me. On the other hand, I wanted to smile to see him back here. But another feeling arose in me as I put Zayne on the carpeted floors.

"Levi... what happened to you?!"

He looks at me with a black right eye and his face covered in bruises. He smirked at me, "I'm home, Hanji..."

"What the hell happened to you?!" I rushed over to him, cradling him in my arms. "Jeez, Levi... you're home... you're home..."

"I know... but you need to take care of Zayne-."

"Zayne can wait for a bit. He just needs a bath. Right now, your wounds need to be dressed."

"Hanji, I can take care of myself."

"If you could, why didn't you patch yourself up before I came home? How long ago did you come here?"

"Half an hour or so ago."

"That's good enough time to at least clean up the dried blood from the cuts on your face. Or even putting ice on your bruises. Let me help you, Levi. I'll put Zayne in his playpen as we clean you up. Got it?"

Levi sighed, chuckling softly. "Okay... but can I hold Zayne?"

"Not until you're cleaned up."

"Says the one who hardly showered when we were together-." He deserved that slap. I swung my palm across his face in anger. "Okay..." Levi winced as he turned his head to me. "Fine. Clean me up, Hanji."

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