𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘸𝘰 // 𝘢 𝘨𝘢𝘺 𝘮𝘦𝘴𝘴

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After the whole ordeal yesterday, you'd think Henry would back off from making faces at me as I sit next to Drew that lunch time.

But — as predicted — he didn't.

I sit next to Drew this lunch because of an alternating, seating thing we've been doing ever since last Winter when Jake left our friend group.

At first, it was awkward. The seating thing was hard to put into motion as Drew at the time didn't know about it.

Also because we were all down about Jake leaving the friend group. Especially Drew.

It probably didn't help that it was revealed that Drew's girlfriend was cheating on him the same day.

It's only been a month and two weeks since that happened, but everyone's avoided the topic, so on the outside it looks like our friendship suffered nothing from the removal of Jake.

Sometimes I wish that was true.

We stay silent for a couple of minutes. It's one of those silences that occurs when no one is in the mood to speak but they want to. It's awkward. I hate it. Awkward silences are the worst.

Drew coughs to himself twice. I look up to see the boy fixing up his posture and calming himself down.

Was he about to confess some deep, dark secret or something?

I look away, aware that I should most likely be helping him. In my defence though, I'm unsure of what to do.

He continues to stay still until a wave of confidence overcomes him and he states clearly, "There is something I need to confess to you two."

At this point, both Henry and I are confused. Since when had Drew not told us anything before hand.

Okay well - since when did he keep something scret and then confess it to us. It wasn't something he had ever done before, safe to say it came out of no where.

We stare at him, our eyes stating that we want him to go on, even if I'm not entirely sure I want to know.

"Well.. erm.." He trails off for a minute before coming clean. "I'm gay."

Henry, who had just took a sip of his drink to 'show curiousity', spat it out, before looking at me - then at Drew - then back at me.

Then, he asks something stupid, as Henry usually does in any situation. "Who's the lucky boy?"

"No one, honestly.." Drew says and you can tell that this is infact true, as much as it may shatter me.

"What about Zoey?" I ask. I figured if no one else was going to ask anything about his ex, I might as well.

"Well, by gay I mean bi," he began. "I do love her, I mean did. Right now she can go fuck herself or her whore of a new boyfriend."

Yet again, you can tell it is true.

Henry and I take turns asking questions about Drew's sexuality, before we run out and he explains the actually reason why he told us this news.

"I want to come out to my dad," he announced. "And I need some advice on how to."

"Why would you need advice?" I asked. "You seemed alright coming out to us, what's the difference?"

"Well the difference is, unlike you two weirdos, who have openly talked about their favourite m-l-m and w-l-w manga - anime - ships, my father hasn't exactly showed signs of supporting."

I bit my tongue, fighting the urge to say anything without thinking it through. The way Drew had worded it confused me slighting, but I managed to put together through the interactions I had had with his father before that he was a homophobe - probably.

"So he hates gays?" Henry asked. "Jeez - that sucks."

"Mhm," Drew nodded. "But I want to control how the word gets to him. I don't exactly want him finding out in an embarrassing way. We don't exactly have a bond that could overcome that."

"Well - uh - we could try help you.. think of a plan." I stuttered awkwardly.

When I told my mom about the fact I was questioning my sexuality, she had taken it well. It was basically a perfect response, one that I wouldn't swap.

However, seeing Drew here, saying he feels like he can't tell his dad anything made me even more grateful for how my coming out was handled. I felt bad for him!

"Yeah.. that sounds nice," he responded.

A smile formed on my face, a sympathetic one.

Minutes later the bell went. Henry shot me a quick look on the way to our lesson after lunch.

"So, now we know."

"Know what?" I asked, silently hoping this wasn't going to have anything to do with yesterday.

"You have a chance." He responded.

"Henry!" I punched him lightly on the arm. "He said there wasn't anyone he liked."

"Yeah.. didn't say there was NEVER going to be one."

I eyerolled him and continued walking to class.

But the idea was in my head now.

What if Drew ever liked me back?

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