𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 // 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨

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When I got back from Henry's, I went straight to my room. The house was basically silent.

My plan was to go up to my room and just go to bed. I didn't want to tell Drew I had told Henry anything. I also didn't want him to say that the kiss we shared meant nothing.

However, as I headed upstairs, Drew noticed me from the living room.

He gestured for me to stop, and walked over to me.

"About last night.."

"You don't have to say anything. It's alright."

"Well then.. sorry for giving you silent treatment today, I was just thinking about what to say." He paused.

"It's okay."

The silence returned. Neither of us mentioned anything more about the kiss.

"By the way, Henry asked if you wanted to go the wall this weekend."

"Yeah, sure." Drew replied.

More silence.

"I'm going to go get changed," I said, feeling the awkwardness in the air. Words unspoken.

"Yeah - uh - you do that."


The days passed until the weekend arrived. Life began to feel normal, even though it quite obviously wasn't.

On the Saturday, we all met outside of Rosemeadow mall. Drew and I had talked on the way there about anything and everything except the kiss.

Deep down, I kind of wished he would bring it up. Mention that it meant more than what he wanted to say it was, even if he wasn't ready to persue more than that yet.

However, as the days went by, I actually started to believe it didn't mean anything to him. He would've mentioned it by now if it did. I had to accept that.

Henry met us outside, joggling lightly to make sure he reached us before we went inside.

"So.. Where's our first stop?" Henry asked as soon as we had all stepped foot inside.

"Probably ClozyClothes," I answered.

Drew and I had went and bought a couple new outfits for him when he first got kicked out, but only enough to get him by at the moment. I knew I was helping but the idea of only doing the bare minimum felt wrong. Plus, maybe if I did some nice stuff for him, he would tell me what the kiss really meant to him.

"Oki Doki," Henry replied, practically skipping towards the store, leaving me and Drew to linger slightly behind him.

CozyClothes was one of those clothing stores that had a little bit of everything; no theme whatsoever.

When we walked inside, the intense lights blinded us. The smell of cherries was obvious. It was always a nice smell though. It added to the cozy atmosphere.

I looked at every item in the men's section and picked up every item of clothing I thought Drew would luke.

Henry made some kiss-y faces as I did this, as if I wasn't just trying to care for a friend. I mean - yeah - it was half an effort to attract Drew but he didn't have to spell it out loud for the entire store.

Henry and I also picked some stuff up for ourselves. A few minutes into shopping it had become apparent to me that all I had picked up was a couple of shirts for Drew. Henry had then seen an anime shitt in the tweens section he was desperate to try on. Part of me thought that maybe if I pretended I was intrested in buying stuff too, then Drew wouldn't notice this was for him, or if it didn't, it would stop him from feeling embarrassed.

After twenty-something minutes, we went over to the dressing room and started trying on our stuff.

Henry gave us an entire fashion show with his outfits. Every few seconds he'd come out the changing rooms with a new anime top and model it for us.

It started with the first one he tried on. A top with an MHA meme on it. He wanted to show us how cool it was. We burst out laughing. He thought we found the meme funny and went to show us the other twelve shirts he had found, each with some variation of anime meme or iconic quote.

I went next. As I grabbed my stuff and headed for the changing rooms, Henry turned to me and said, "make sure you show us all your stuff," as if all I had wasn't a two pairs of jeans, a cringy band tee and socks.

Unknown to me, as I was getting changed, making sure everything looked okay for show, Henry was asking Drew indirectly about the kiss.

"So you and Liam huh?.."

"What?" Drew responded.

"What what?"

"What do you mean me and Liam?" Drew questioned.

"Well you've been spending a lot more time together, and I see the way you've been blushing whenever you look at eachother or smile at something he's said."

"I do not!" Drew said, blushing.


"I'm telling the truth, Henry."

"Okay. But the fact you're red now isn't helping you."

Drew cupped his face in his hands, unsure of what to say.

"Look I think you guys should get together."

"What?" Drew asked.

"I don't know. You both would be cute together. Besides, it's pretty damn clear you both have some feelings of love for eachother."

"Do not— Wait. You think?"

"Forget think, I know."

There was a small silence between them before I walked out with blue jeans that were way to big for me and a tiny band shirt on.

Henry burst out laughing. "You look STUPID."

"I KNOW!!"

I looked at Drew, head still in hands blushing.

I smiled at him, staring at him for a bit to long.

"I'm going to go get changed." I said, heading back towards the changing rooms.

Once I was inside, Henry turned his head back to Drew.

"See what I mean. You guys are head over heals for eachother!!"

"I'm just not ready for a relationship yet," argued Drew.

"Most people are and they're still with someone."

"Well, even if I did like Liam, how would I know he liked me back?" Drew asked.

Henry looked down at Drew and smiled.

"Trust me, I know."

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