𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘪𝘷𝘦 // 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘶𝘵, 𝘬𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘶𝘵

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Drew unlocked the door to his family's main home. It was the biggest out of all the Ramirez family houses, and the one occupied the most.

The dark door opened within seconds, and the boy headed in, putting his hood down after the minor drisal he had faced on the way back.

The house - more accurately described as a mansion - was empty. He managed to slip upstairs to his room for an extra ten minutes before his father arrived.

The thing about Drew is, he never backed down from anything. If he says he's going to do something, he probably will.

That's what he told himself when he went to clean his face. That he had took risks time and time before and nothing bad had came out of them. The majority at least.

Drew opened up a draw in his room. If he was about to come out, he wanted to get rid of one thing.

A note was sat on top of the many books he had managed to shove into the tiny draw. Despite the fact the boy knew if he asked he would recieve a bigger draw, he thought the smaller one looked more pleasing in his room, so he kept it.

He folded the note neatly and placed it into his hoodie's pocket. Incase if the worst outcome happened, he would be able to hide this much from his father.

Drew also grabbed a couple of other things, throwing some clothes into a back, while putting his headphones and phone into his hoodie pocket.

A hour or two later, his father came in. Drew waited in his room as his father ate his meal and went through his routine of getting a shower.

After that, the magenta haired boy headed down to meet him before he got to the cinema room of the house.

He managed to catch up before he stepped foot.

"Ah Andrew, what do you want?" He began, sounding like one of those posh CEOs.

"I-i need to talk to you about something," Drew nervously began, every ounce of the coming out plan he had with Liam and Henry exciting his mind, leaving him with nothing but improvisation.

"Well go on then," his fathrr replied. "Spit it out."

Drew hesitated for a moment. As much as he wanted to and had been planning to for the last few weeks, it was harder in person. Especially since his mind had gone blank of any advice he had recieved.

"I'm gay," Drew announced.

His father's body stiffened.

Shit, he thought.

"What about that Zoey girl," his father retaliated.

"I-" Drew tried to explain, before getting cutoff by his father.

"Is this because of that difficult ending you two had? Is this just some way to argue that you never loved her too?"

Drew was stunned by the question. If he had been expecting anything, it was the generic, It's just a phase, not an entite arguement.

"It's not." He said.

"Then what is it. Did those faggots you hang around with say they were gay and now you want to be just like them. Don't drop yourself down to their level, Andrew. The lower down you go the harder it is to get yourself up. See this is why I said we should get you a better group of friends before you graduate.."

"Shut up!" Drew screamed, clutching his head.

The room went an awkward silence for a moment.

"Look father, I like boys. I would go out with a boy. I would date a boy and I sure as hell with wether I have your support or not."

Drew took a deep breath. It was over.

"Fine," His father said turning around. "Guess you're doing it without."

Drew looked at his dad, face filled with horror. "What?"

"If you are going to force me to shut up in my own home so you can play out some delusional fantasy with your boyfriends that's fine," He explained. "But if you do you sure as hell aren't living in my house you sinner."

The words shattered Drew's heart. "Fine," he mumbled, walking towards the nearby staircase at the back of the house.

"No." His father said. "You go out the front exist, now. Unless you've changed your mind."

Drew turned around, heading towards the front door by all the fancy paintings his family had up to show off how rich they were.

He walked out the expensive door and he slammed it, even though it wouldn't be into his father's face.

Contemplating his options on where to go, Drew went to reach for his phone, when he found his hand had touched his note.

He closed his fist around it, a faint noise coming from the sound of paper being squashed.

Then he got out his phone and called a number. The number of a person he knew wouldn't let him down when he needed a place to stay.

The other line picked up.


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