𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘦𝘯 // 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘱 𝘏𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘺

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The next morning was awkward. Neither me or Drew said more than a word to eachother.

It was as if we both knew something about the other person and didn't want to confront them about it, only we both knew exactly what that something was.

We moved around the house as if the other person didn't exist. Every few minutes, we'd borh look over at eachother and out eyes would meet, but Drew would always look away quickly.

Drew and I both left to walk to school together, but it was still complete silence.

Unlike every school day before the kiss, we split up as soon as we got to the building.

I started walking around school, looking for Henry.

I knew that he was at least one of the first people I should tell about the kiss. It sort of felt like I was obligated to tell him after all the time he spent trying to help me.

When I finally found him he was at his locker.

"Hey, can we talk?"

"Are you going to tell me what's been going on?" He asked curiously.


Was it selfish to tell him what had been going on? Yes, it was.

In the moment, any thoughts on the consequences that telling Henry may have didn't appear. Despite the amount of times I told myself not to, I had to.

Everything had been building up for a while. There were a thousand things I wanted to say something about, even if they were only minor stuff like how Drew doesn't wake up to any sort of noise.

"So," Henry said, over-exaggerating the 'o'. "What has been happening."

Without thinking I responded, "Drew and me kissed last night."

"Wow.. okay."

There was a moment were both of us paused, me out of embarrassment, Henry - I assume - out of shock.

"Are you dating then?" Henry finally asked.

"Well... uh.. no," I admitted.

"So that's not why you were spending so much time together?" Henry questioned, slightly confused.


"You know what, we haven't talked in ages. There's a lot we need to catch up on. Like how I found this anime that I've really really wanted to watch but I've had no one to watch it with. Come round later?"


We finished our lap around the corridors and headed into our form where Henry explained this MHA fanfic he read that was what he considered a top tier piece of literature.

The rest of the day passed quickly as I counted down the hours until school was over.

Drew still didn't say much to me all day. The three of us had sat together at lunch for the forsf time in a while, and even though Drew was acting normal towards Henry, I was still receiving the silent treatment, although, I can't say that I wasn't giving it back.

Finally, the school day was over and I headed for the classroom Henry was in last. It was two doors down from my last lesson. One of the only two classes we don't have together.

A couple of minutes of waiting later, the teacher stopped yelling and let the class out. I watched as Henry rushed to the door along with all his classmates.

As we walked out of the building, we began talking about life in general. Nothing too special, we just talked.

Eventually, we got to Henry's house, where we sprinted upstairs to his room and began to talk about the real reason we decided to hang out.

"Okay so start from the beginning," Henry said, jumping onto his beanbag, smirking.

If I wasn't desperately in need for someone to hear my problems, I may of left out the things that Drew had told me not to say.

However, after dealing through everything alone, I felt as if I had to blurt it all out.

"So remember when Drew said he wanted to come out to his dad?"

Henry nodded, starring straight into my soul.

"Well - how do I word this - his dad kicked him out,"


Henry's jaw dropped.


"Wait. Wait. So... No." He sat there for a few seconds, piecing together parts of the puzzle he never thought would fit.

"When he got kicked out he called me, saying he was coming round. Sounded scared. He arrived at my house just under an hour later, soaked. No other clothes. Asked if he could stay. I kinda figured out that things hadn't gone as well as we wantwd them to."

I paused; reimagining the day. Drew turned up with nothing, soaked for the heavy rain we had had that night.

It was then that I started to think about how traumatic that night must of been for him. Getting kicked out your own house, no where to sleep. I knew the situation wasn't ideal and had wrecked Drew, but that night must of destroyed him as a person. Battling through the nerves of coming out just for that to happen.

I continued, "Anyway, I think the next day he revealed thag he had been kicked out and was looking for a place to stay while he saved up for an apartment."

"Is that why he's working at the pizzaria now or is that because you're dating? Or both?"

"The job at the pizzeria was for Drew to save up some money. I did offer to give him some of my money for essentials and stuff but I don't think he wants to admit the severity of the situation."

"Who else knows about this?"

"Only my mom," I confessed. "No one else was meant to know but I needed someone to talk about this with anyway."

Henry nodded again, saying nothing.

"What about the kiss?" He asked.

"We went out last night. To the park. We had a good time and once we got back - I don't even know whag happened - we just sorta started kissing." I confessed. "Drew won't speak to me because of it."

"I'm sure he'll speak to you again. He's probably just scared to. You know, because of.. all that."

"I guess.."

"You both definitely like eachother. I would just give it time." He said, quiet and serious, nothing like the way Henry usually speaks.

"If you love eachother you'll get together. And it's pretty clear that's the case."

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