𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘳 // 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘦

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Of course, the plan was just the plan, so that weekend, all three of us met up at Henry's to prepare.

I arrived early because of how awkward I had been the last two times. Apparently, the other two had been talking about my weird behaviour behind my back, and that was 'ruining my chances' in the words of Henry.

His dad let me in at the door and we made small talk for a bit until Henry came down. I'm actually on good terms with both his parents, in the wau that they tolerate me and I like them as people.

Henry rushed into the dining room, an empty glass in one hand and dragged me upstairs.

His laptop was on with a huge chunck of words showing and a word count. Clearly, he had been writing some fanfiction, again.

When I asked him about it though, he just looks at me and tries to deny it with a, "No I haven't Liam!!" defensively, even though I've known about it for years and follow his wattpad account.

"See I've only been doing homework," he says, his mouse lingering above another tab with our school's website on it.

I shot him an eye roll and a, "sure.. sure.." to finish it up, because I honestly wanted Drew to like me as much as I like him, and if this was going to potentially help my chances I'm willing to try.

Even if it's going to be something insane with Henry written all over it.

"Okay! So welcome to Henry's tips for getting your future boyfriend to like you back," he annonced proudly, as if this is something normal and successful.

"Says the one that's still pining after some girl who is constantly rejecting him," I retaliate.


Even though we cut ties with Zoey after the breakup between Drew and her, we still kept in contact with Lia, since she was apologetic for her actions and didn't cheat on any of us.

Despite everything that had happened, Henry was still obsessed with her and the (basically non-existent) possibility of them.

He had gotten rejected by her since the second or third week of them knowing eachother, yet he hadn't found anyone to get over her with.

Part of me thinks at this rate his only hope of a sustainable relationship would be if Lia somehow liked him back.

"Anyway," Henry continues, shutting his computer for what I still believe was dramatic effect. "This little.. session is to help you act normal infront of your crush."

I wanted to bring up Lia again, but Henry acted weird around everyone, including her, so it seemed pointless to argue. I simply nodded in response.

"Hang on a second while I get something," he said, walking off to his closet.

And if you guessed he got out the manakin again, you'd be correct.

"Oh my God Henry, this shit, AGAIN!?" I said, quite pissed.

"Uh yeah - this shit again."

"Are you actually saying that like you're proud?"

"I am proud," he exclaimed as he turned around.

Just then, we got a notification from our groupchat saying that Drew was going to be here in five minutes.

"Aww damn it," Henry says. He seemed genuinely upset he couldn't tease me for longer.

"OKAY! No more breaks." He begins. "Just talk to Drew.." He pointed at the manakin, "..and be normal."

"How can I make this feel real if the manakin can't talk!?" I ask, looking for any excuse I can.

"Because I'm going to be Drew. I'm going pretend to do his responses."

"The real Drew better be here quick," I muttered, quiet enough so Henry wouldn't figure out what I had said before he could do anything about it.

"Begin!" He exclaimed.

"Hi Drew.." I start.

"Hey Liam! Whats up?" Henry says.

It already felt weird.

"Good, How are - HENRY!!??"

He looks up from messing around with the weird human-like object, ending his air quotes.

"It's not my fault I've gotta be both Henry and Drew at the same time!"

"IT KIND OF IS," I agrue.

Just then, the doorbell rings and I race down to get it, both excited to see Drew and to have someone to distract me from Henry's shenanigans.

As I opened the door, he walked in, flicking his magenta hair to the side. I bit my tongue so I wouldn't make a stupid reply.

"Hey Drew," I said way to slowly. Henry's notes were spinning around my head. Something inside of me knew I couldn't make this too awkward.

"Hey," he replied. Before I knew it, we were all upstairs again.

That's when I found out the real reason Henry had the manakin again.

"Oh my God," Dreew whispered under his breath when he saw the manakin, an understandable look of disgust appearing in his eyes.

"I know right! Isn't it an amazing plan," Henry begun.

"So I've decided that this manakin is going to be your dad and I'm going to voice act. You're going to act like you're coming out to me - him - and when I think you're truely prepared you can leave."

He ended his rant with a smile on his face that looked manipulatively innocent. Drew, on the other hand, looked scared out of his mind and really fucking annoyed.

"Henry I'm not doing that," he stated, firmly.

"Well too bad."

And with that commenced the most uncomfortable hour and a half of my life.

Between the notes Henry made me keep on how Drew was doing (so I could help him improve), the running to 'keep Drew in the room' (which was more me seeing if I could get away from Henry aswell) and just sitting there as the two worked together on the preformace aspect, I think awkward was an understatement.

Thankfully, we got there in the end with the last one.

"Hi Father," Drew began.

It sounded slightly sincere, mostly becaude Henry said the last one would've been perfect if it didn't sound like he just wanted to get it over with.

"I just wanted to tell you that, I'm into boys. My apologies if this isn't what you wanted of me but it's who I am and I can't keep it hidden anymore."

As soon as he finished, Henry gave a round of applause as Drew rolled his eyes and sat down, looking fed up.

"Wow Drew! That was perfect!" He announced.

"Now, will you guys come take this manakin to the rental place with me - I'm a couple days overdue because of the last time I needed it. I need Jim to know I'm geniune!"

And with that, our days continued as normal.

Until Drew got home.

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