𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 // 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘥

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Rain fell down from the sky rapidly. The tinest of raindrops seemed to target Drew and I as we walked to the Rosemeadow mall.

Living ten minutes away from Rosemeadow mall had its perks, auch as not having to worry about how quick I need to get ready as much as most people or simply just the fact that it's so easy to get there it's a go to place to hang out in the first place.

This was not a perk.

Drew, having an upbringing like the one he did, never really saw a reason to learn to drive since he had someone to do it for him.

Where as I did learn to drive. But because of the weather, I had let my mom use my family's one and only car to take my siblings somewhere and public transport would take longer to get to anyway.

Drew and I pushed ourselves through the walk. I used to love walking in the rain but I guess it just lost its charm when I got older.

Finally, we arrived at the mall, the bright lights welcoming us in.

Drew flicked his hood down, his hair still a bit wet at the front. I thought he would complain about this but he didn't, not directly to me at least.

"We still have ten minutes before my shift starts," I said, unzipping my coat and placing it in my backpack. "You wanna do something?"

"Okay," he said, his monotone voice making it unclear what he actually wanted.

So for the next couple of minutes, we just walked in and out of shops. On the odd occasion, Drew would look at something for a few seconds, but everytime he walked away from everything. I, on the other hand, was too sympathetic to look at all.

We didn't venture far away from the pizzaria, so when the time finally came for my shift, we both walked in on time.

The back of the pizzaria was chaotic, to say the least. Everyone was working in some, unorganised manor, either speed running washing the dishes or slapping things on the pizzas just so they could throw it in the oven and start working on the next, equally half-assed, one.

I could see Henry stealing a little bit of the lettuce he had just cut for a meal. Up until this point I thought this had been a good move, getting Drew a job and working at his side. I guess I had forgotten it isn't just me he'd be working with.

Luckily, he didn't notice me staring. I noticed Stacy in the corner messing on her phone and called her over.

"Why's he here?" she asked out of a genuine curiosity. Like most people who knew Drew, she probably never saw him working at a pizzaria inside random mall.

"He's applying for a job here. I thought I told your mom about it." I replied.

"So she wasn't lying? Didn't expect that."

"That's fair."

"Why is he applying here? Got too bored at home with everything he wants?"

Before I could jump in to defend Drew or at least come up with a lie that was believable enough, she took Drew's hand.

"I'll take him to see my mom then. Just do your job. Apparently no one's doing it good enough."

She dragged Drew along to her mom's office and I breathed a sigh of relief.

Behind me was Henry, starring at me.

"Why's Drew tryna work here?"


"Are you dating now?"

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Well," Henry began, "If you were this would be the perfect excuse to spend time together. Especially if you didn't want anyone else to know."

"We're not dating," I said a bit too defensively.

Henry looked at me for a moment before he seemed to decide to believe me.

"So.. what happened then?" He asked.


"Just tell me!"

"I don't know!" I lied.

"Sure you don't."

Henry went back to working next to me. It felt awkward bot twlling him every thought I had on my mind like I had for the last five years of my life but I couldn't just betray Drew's trust like that.

After a minute or two he turned around to me and said, "I'm not mad at you, not yet anyway. But I will be asking you about this until you admit something believable to me."

And with that, our shift turned into a normal one of playful teasing and doing just over thte minimum to keep our jobs.

About ten minutes after Stacy had dragged him in, Drew walked out of the office. He came over to where I was standing and told me that he had gotten the job.

"That's great!" I celebrated.

"Yeah," he replied.

"So when do you start?" asked Henry, appearing from who-knows-where.

"Tuesday, after class," he answered. "I'm gonna go watch something over there."

He walked off and Henry looked at me with nothing but suspicion.

"You know I don't care if you're in some weird talking phase, right?"

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