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Few weeks passed and I got accustomated to the missions and work. As late night rolls over the city I figure it would be a good time to finally accept the invitation for a dinner my dad has been sending. I dress up for the occasion. A tight black dress with shiny but flexible material that hugs my curves right. Im in the base of Port Mafia and walk the long dark hall to reach the room. Once Im close I hear many voices behind the specific doors. I take a moment to think it over before I walk in. A deep sigh is let out and I knock few times. The room went silent and welcoming words to come in were said. I turn the knob and enter. The room was lit by candles, rest was dark red with black walls. In center was the table and all executives including my dad were sitting at their spots. I find vacant space on the right side of my dad's chair and I walk confidently over to the spot, all eyes on me.

"Very sweet of you to join us, my Yuki." Dad spoke to me in most dear voice he can. It brings a shy smile to my face. I come over to the chair and sit down. After making myself comfortable I look at others that I say hello to. Dazai sits right in front of me and I get annoyed just by his smiley expression.

"Yuki-san are you fully settled down for the work here? Do you miss your previous job at the mafia?" Chuuya asks while slowly spinning the wine he has left in his glass.

"I am fairly enjoying the work here, more action and brain using. It's stimulating"

"Glad you like it. However, as fellow executive we all agree we'd like to see you around more often. Keep the contact and so on-"

Dazai interups Chuuya to express his strong agreeing and so Chuuya get overly mad at the brunette. I sigh at their rivalry and look over at my dad that says nothing but enjoys the present.

Their fight at the table got interrupted by chefs that brought us food on our plates. I ignored the whole ordeal with the two and went eating as the only source of entertainment.

Other executives slowly join the conversation and once again the room is noisy. It's such a relaxed atmosphere, warm; as if we arent all killing on weekly basis.

Once everyone has their stomaches full dad speaks up from his spot.

"Now that you are here Yuki, I'd like to introduce you to a very important mission that is a part of a bigger plan. It's finally your turn to shine and the opponent we are facing is something not anyone is able to defeat, I believe you are our only hope."

"I'll do it" I quickly reply.

"I thought so but first you need to know the details"

"Do I need backup?"

"Just for your safety and the safety of further plan it would be best Dazai-san goes with you."

"Aaah, fine. When we are going?"

"The bait is already set, whenever you are ready let Dazai know and it shall start."

I reply with a hum and look at Dazai, he atleast looks less annoying now but his smirk is slightly visible. I agree with the terms and dinner goes on. I found out about the enemy and I can't help but feel left out since the beginning of the threat. Why no one told me about it, not even my dad did nor anyone came up to me and said we are dealing with a problem. Instead, I was given short missions of catching people or disposing traitors.

My sudden change in mood didnt go unnoticed by the brunette on opposite side. As everyone was talking about things it seemed as the world didnt care about me, everyone was busy and focusing on topics I didnt care about. Staring at my empty plate totally zoned out, a small piece of cake was placed on my plate. I look at the one who did it, Dazai. He smiles to reassure me, a different personality of his was shown.

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