Tiring job

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It's been a long day, driving around the city for Banzai was exhausting and very boring. I acted like a private tourist guide and the rain only slowed us down. Many cars were driving around the city and it made the traffic unbearable. Sun has set and it wasn't even visible when the night came which made the day even more depressing.

I finally returned home, I take off my coat and put it on the rack. Tired, I fall on the bed with my head down in the pillow. It's about 22:26.


It's my phone and I hear the melody from the incoming call. I get up and have a look at the phone. Dazai is calling. I mentally prepare for this conversarion just because we haven't talked since that day in infirmary.


"Yuki! Do you mind some late work?"

"Depends if I have options, why?"

"Some partner exercise"


"Well to be honest it's quite boring job, just some stakeout but it's taking soooo long Im bored."

"Im not getting into any more work, I spent whole day doing mine and I don't want to burden with you just because you are bored"

"Awww but Yukiii it would be fun. I have rented a small apartment across the street where the target is. I will look but you keep me company! I've got snacks and a comfy bed here. Pleaseeeee"

"Stop whining Dazai! Fine, Im coming."

"Yay! I'll send you the adress right now"

I hang up and burry my face in palms of my hands super annoyed by this sudden change of plans. He mentioned a bed and I'll take the offer just to sleep there if he allows by giving me peace and quiet.

I pack some dry food and extra clothes which I might need. Who knows how long Dazai has been out there on the steakeout and if he got any rest. Taking some medicine with me also hopped on my mind so I take a few things just in case. The backpack is ready and now I need to get myself ready in some comfy clothes. While im changing in a hoodie I hear a notification on my phone, likely Dazai sending the adress.

Once ready I leave the apartment and lock the doors. The rain is still pouring and I run to the car. I drive to the destination and find the building Dazai is in. I take up the stairs to reach 3rd floor and find apartment 6.

I reach for the handle and find the doors unlocked. I get in and look at the space. Apartment is dark, no light except some that comes from lamps outside the windows. I call out Dazai's name and he responds back. I find where he is and I see he's staring out of the window looking at the other apartment across the street. He's sitting on the bed that is near a wall. I come closer and put backpack down leaning it on the frame of bed.

Dazai slightly turns his head to greet me and thats when I notice his dark circles around his eyes and his tired expression that he forces. His clothes arent in any better shape.

"How long is it lasting right now?" I ask quietly with slight worry in my voice.

"Hmm, about 51 hours? He hasnt gone out since I chased him in the apartment there"

"How do you know he's still there? And why don't you just barge in and take him as usual?"

"I was ordered not to and Im left here to get him once he steps out."

"Oh, Ougai I guess?"

"Yes, boss"


"What are you thinking about?"

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