I have (no) one

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Fast forward from the day of my waking to being cared for at the base. It is much lonlier here, no one else is injured (which is great but at the same time I'm very lonesome). Dad so far only visits once a day, always at the same hour and beside that Im getting no information about what's happening. Nurses come check on me and wounds still burn once they need to clean them off.

"Whats that sad face partner?"

"Ughhh" I roll eyes as soon as I reconise the voice.

"I like you too. I brought you some things along the way. There was a sweet coffee shop next to a street where I had people killed" Dazai explains with a smile.

"What did you bring?"

"I dont know if you like coffee so I brought you tea andddd I remember at the dinner you really liked the desserts so I bought you some."

"You really can be good when you try. Why isnt that your normal thing to do instead of being annoying 24/7.."

"I'll take that as a compliment then"

"I have a sweet tooth indead. I like sweets and thank you for the tea. Id certainly hate you more than usual if you brought me coffee. I dislike coffee."

"Okay then. Tea and sweets it is"

"Whats up with you for visiting? I thought you didnt want to see me until I get recovered so you must be seeing me"

"I.. just wanted to check on you"

"Well then I'll cut it short and tell you the news. Im fine, wounds are better and in 5 days I should be patched up and ready to get out of here" I say sweetly smiling, hoping to make him go away.

"Good to hear that, Mori-san worries for you. Whenever I report to him he asks for your wellbeing but I say I havent visited you yet"

"Oh, he comes around once a day. Is that all?"


"Anything else about me that interests you?"

"Not for now. Get some rest."

I lay back down and turn my back on him. Snuggling in the covers I prepare for sleep. Dazai eventually leaves chasing his own business and I stay here completely bored.

Rest of the days were like that too. Id sleep alot and eat when nurses brought me some. No one really paid me any visit until dad came at his usual late hour to talk to me for about 30 minutes before be leaves again. Dazai also didnt come first few days in a row but then brought me more sweets again. The day after, I felt much more energized and tried to walk while no one else was near. Did i mention i have a hole in my leg and abdomen? Well the metal spikes pierced those two spots so thats all that matters. I sit on the side of the bed and put my feet down. Nothing hurts so far. I lean further to place more weight on both of my feet equally as if im standing but that went so wrong and I fell down on my knees. I choked back tears and got up on the bed again. My abdomen wound didnt like me stretching myself when I was trying to bring my wounded leg closer for examination so I homehow opened up the wound it started bleeding.

I found some bandages on the table nearby and decide to redo them alone. I quickly run over to them, grab and run back but the pain hits me like a truck. I lay down, almost passing out of the sheer amount of pain. I wait for it to pass before going in action. First I will start off with my leg wound. I undo the bandages and examine it. Luckily it doesnt require any alcohol cleaning but I can safely tie new bandages around and that will do. It hurts to squeeze the wound to stop from further bleading but I contiue to chant in my mind how strong I am and how this crying is a sign of weakness. I finish tying them around and lay still for a moment. My hands are full of blood but I ignore that for the moment.


I turn my head to look at the shocked Dazai standing at the doorway. He eyes my hands, blood and bandages before rushing over to me.

"It's Yuki-san for you!" I exclaim and go casualy back to my painful work.

"What- what happened here? Did someone hurt you? What is-"

"I did this myself okay?! Stop panicking and help me get rid of the evidence before I get murdered by my father or nurses come and do the same!"

"Okay, dont shout. People will hear. So, what can i do for you?"

I explain the situation calmly and show him my abdomen wound I have yet to treat. He understands what I want from him and goes straight to work. I get closer so he can untie the used bandages because no sccissors are nearby. He carefuly cleans up the blood around which meant some pain to me so I turned my head around and waited it out. Dazai presses my hand gently once he's done and I turn my head back, only to find him staring in my eyes. We both stared, even blinked but decided to just look at each other's eyes, his hand still on mine. I flip it around and touch his fingers, somehow we made our fingers interlock and gave a light squeeze. Only then it brought us back to reality. We backed off at same time and said quiet but formal byes before we went with our usual business; mine being the boring one.

Days passed and Dazai didnt visit. Eventually I was released and was able to do solo missions until my body was fully prepared for more difficult missions with Dazai.

Today is raining but I must do the mission. I take my coat and put on warm clothes. Dad was worried about me doing it but said no one else is able at the moment and Im the only one available. It's a simple mission: pick up an important man from the train station and drive him around our ground to inspect the work that's been doing, his name is Banzai Kikyo. I heard of him before, he's a potential buyer of ours and so this mission mustnt go wrong if we want to secure a good future of Port Mafia.

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