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Minho felt his breathing stop.

Jisung looked at Minho with a worried expression evident on his face. "S-Sexual assault? Minho- you-"

"No, okay? You guys have done enough to me, today. I'm done."

Minho went up the stairs and the group heard the receding footsteps. After a few minutes they heard the front door shut and Jisung snapped his head to the stairs.

"Did he-"

"He's gone, Sung. He probably left."

Jisung didn't want him to leave. He loved having him here. He had company aside from the other couples. Company he loved.

"It's dangerous for him to be out there, Chan. He doesn't know anything about the world."

"Which is why we should have put him back into a mental hospital, Jisung. Not take him with us."

He didn't like the way Chan talked about Minho. Like he was sick. Like he needed help.

"Don't talk about him like that."

"What, the truth, Jisung?! He's a mental patient!"

"Fuck, I loved him, Chan! And you- he probably hates us now!" Jisung felt tears slip down as he told his friends his new found love interest and sighed.

"You loved him?" Chan froze as he recalled the night him and Minho talked. The way Minho blushed as they spoke about the kissing, how his eyes lit up whenever he talked about him.

They heard a knock on the door and Jisung opened it. An old lady was at the door and she gave them a warm smile.

"Hello, boys. Is this the house where I would find a Jisung? There's a sweet boy looking for you."

Jisung's eyes widened and he nodded quickly. "Yes, yes oh my god. Is he safe? Is he okay?"

The lady laughed slightly. "He's perfectly fine. He was passed out at my doorstep and I felt just so bad for him. He is sleeping in my grandson's old room currently if you would like to come see him."

He grabbed his shoes and put them on, tying them fast, and following the lady out the door. "Chan!" He peeked his head back inside and muttered lowly. "Go get the files from the hospital and maybe Minho will answer us."

Jisung walked with the lady down the sidewalk and she smiled at him. "Are you his boyfriend? The way your eyes sparkled once I mentioned he was safe, was very loving of you."

"I- I am, thank you. He left after a small argument." He gave him a sad smile and she nodded.

"Well, with the love I could see in your eyes, I think you two will resolve it just fine. Besides, how sad he looked when he told me that he just lost someone he loved? It was heartbreaking."

Jisung nodded and felt himself flush, blaming it on the October weather. They walked up the steps to a nice home, simple and modern.

She unlocked the door and Jisung quickly went in. Taking off his shoes, she pointed to a room at the end of the hall. "He's sleeping."

Jisung thanked her and she gave the two privacy, sitting on her porch, as he went into the room, quietly, closing it behind him.

Minho lay there safe and sound, cuddled up under the sheets with his mouth slightly parted and his hair messed up.

He went on the opposite side of the bed and under the sheets, wrapping an arm around his waist to pull him close.

Minho groaned slightly and sighed. "Sung?" The latter laughed slightly and nodded. "Yes it's me, Min."

The boy muttered an 'okay' and turned in his hold, smiling at how their noses touched due to the proximity.

"I'm really sorry, Min. It shouldn't have gone that far at all. We just wanted to know a few things, but, Chan got impatient."

"It's okay, Sung. It would happen eventually, I just didn't think Chan would pull a knife on me." He laughed slightly and Jisung felt the breath tickling his bottom lip.

He glanced down at Minho's lips and sighed. "You said you didn't mind if I just kissed you, right?" The boy shook his head. "Nope."

"Can I?" Minho muttered a 'yes' and the latter slowly leaned closer to press their lips together. He felt a smile against his own and held Minho's cheeks.

As he slowly pulled away, he left repeated kisses on the boy's lips and stared back at him with a small smile.

"I think I really like you, Min." Minho nodded while still in Jisung's grasp. "I do too."

"We should go back. The guys need to talk about something." Minho murmured an 'okay' but he wanted to stay with Jisung. His worries went away when they kissed and he wanted to feel that kind of love, forever.

The two got out of the bed, and Minho fixed it up so it looked nice, as they left the room. They left the house and the lady hugged Minho.

"You two better invite me to your wedding."

Jisung laughed and nodded. "Of course!" He held Minho's hand and the two walked down the sidewalk.


The called boy glanced at Minho, who had one hand stuffed in his pocket and the other in Jisung's hold.

"What's a wedding?"

Jisung thought on how to explain it simply and sighed. "Well, when people are in a relationship, one of the partner's would give them a ring and as if they want to be married. It's asking someone if you want to be their forever."

Minho smiled while looking at the ground and nodded. "Would you want to be my forever, Minho?"

"Of course I would." Jisung fixed their current hand positions and he interlocked their fingers, squeezing the boy's hand tighter.

"Then you better say yes when I ask you."

"My answer will always be yes."

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