71: the truth

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i know how much u guys love and miss this book, so i've given u an extra chapter eheheh.


jisung woke up with minho tight in his grasp, the older cuddled as close as can be in his neck. they left nari with changbin and felix so minho and jisung could have a day to themselves.

it was the greatest decision that they had ever made. as jisung stared at minho's face, he smiled fondly at how pretty he was.

minho woke up with a gasp, hand flying to his forehead as he sat up. he exhaled slowly as a hand instantly rested on his back and jisung sat up beside him.

he didn't get as many episodes now, but they still happened now and then. and it scared jisung every single time.

"hey, hey, you're okay. you're with me now, mm?" jisung held the back of minho's head to guide him to his shoulder.

minho nodded in jisung's neck. " 'm sorry, ji." jisung clicked his tongue shaking his head. "none of that, my love. you can't control when they happen. maybe we should shower, and we can relax. it could help."

minho murmured in agreement and jisung helped him out of bed. they stripped out of their clothes, and jisung turned the water on.

jisung held minho from behind, arms tight around his middle. "you're alright. i'll always protect you."


"ji, we- we really need to talk." minho muttered, having been sat at the table. jisung set their daughter down into her crib, pulling a chair out from the table to sit across from minho.

"i lied to you. and i'm sorry. i just- i never knew how or when to tell you and then- then i forgot about it, but-"

he gulped, noticing jisung's confused expression.  "but; then that episode this morning just brought it all back."

jisung reached for his hands, interlocking them on top of the table. "minho, what's going on? what are you talking about?"

"i lied to you about my entire life, ji. and i'm really, really sorry. i just couldn't tell you."

minho's throat closed up before he could say it, and jisung squeezed his hands. "hey, hey, it's alright. nothing that you say could ever make me hate you."

minho took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. "i didn't get admitted when i was 3, and my parents didn't just leave me there. i- a lot of shit happened in my family and i had to go."

jisung nodded, deciding on keeping calm so minho would as well. "okay, what happened baby?"

"i was 13 when i was admitted. and- it was cause i killed my parents. i-"

jisung dropped his hands, and minho's eyes widened, scrambling to hold them again. jisung's touch was a lifeline.

"when you said that you went for hallucinations and murder.." jisung trailed off, connecting the dots of minho's life.

"my family wasn't good, ji. but- i- i thought they were trying to kill me..so i killed them first. and i- i spent the next 6 years in the hospital, and forgot how to act as a human."

he exhaled shakily, sniffing. "when you're kept from society for 6 years, and just continuous torture, y-you forget who you are. you forget how to act. so, when you guys saved me, i- i had no idea how to act around you."

jisung hummed, interlocking their hands again. "alright, take a deep breath. you're okay, mm? i'm not upset that you didn't tell me. your past is none of my business, my love. you have the choice to tell me whatever you want."

minho averted his gaze, and jisung could sense the guilt. "my minho, did you think i was going to be upset?"

"you have every right to be upset." he murmured, eyes tearing up as jisung's hands gripped tighter onto his own.

"no. i have no right to be upset, because it's your choice to tell me about your life. i love you so much, do you think what happened in your past will change that?"

as minho nodded, jisung sighed. he stood up, pulling minho with him. he walked to the other side of the table, pulling him into a hug.

"i married you, minho. i married you because i love you. and not because of what you did. i married you for who you are, alright? you deserve love, min. you deserve the world. now say it."

minho flushed pink, burying his face in jisung's neck. "i deserve it." he murmured, soft lips tickling jisung's neck.

"what do you deserve?" jisung rubbed his back, one hand in minho's hair. minho sighed, kissing the younger's shoulder.

"i deserve love. i deserve you, and our daughter, and i deserve to be alive."

jisung smiled, pulling back to press their lips together for a brief kiss. "you deserve the world, my love. and i will give it to you."

minho stared at him, lips curling upwards. "you already have, ji. you are my world."

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