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Minho had a large frown on his face as he couldn't find his favourite person and he looked everywhere.

No one was in the house.

He couldn't find his meds either, and Jisung had them at all times, so he couldn't under any circumstances; freak out.

He heard a loud pounding on the door and gasped. He covered his mouth as he heard shouting to 'let me in' and felt himself trembling as he recognized the voices.

The men from the night of the assault.

He pushed the couch in front of the door and shut off all the lights, as he went up into the bedroom.

He found a small door and went in, hiding in the small room. His fears would have to hold off due to the situation he was in already.

Minho covered his mouth as he hid his face in his legs and his body shook with every quiet sob he let out.

He heard footsteps and shook his head as he desperately wanted it to be over. Minho had never been so scared.

He heard low chuckling and his heart stopped, he heard voices that were all too familiar and held his breath.

"Not here, boys. Slut must be gone, damn it."

Minho's hands trembled on his mouth and he heard the footsteps going downstairs. He didn't leave that small room, he wasn't going to leave until he heard someone he knew that wouldn't hurt him.

Jisung parked in the driveway and Felix froze. "Guys? Why is the door fucking unlocked?"
They got out of the car quickly and into the house as they saw the couch against the wall.

"Shit, Minho."

Jisung's heart stopped as he called out for him but heard nothing. "Is he gone? No, he wouldn't leave-"

He went upstairs, opening and closing each door, and finally went into the bedroom. Minho covered his mouth as he heard footsteps again and desperately shook his head.

"Min? Baby, are you here?"

Jisung sighed, growing even more concerned as he was nowhere to be found. He heard a small sob and he whipped his head around the room.

"Minho? Sweetie, it's Jisung."

Minho opened the small door just a crack and saw his lover. He cried harder as he exited the small room and Jisung exhaled in relief.

Jisung quickly took him into his arms and kissed his head repeatedly. "Fuck, you scared me. I thought you were gone."

"S-Sung, they came back- the- the men that assaulted me-"

Jisung pulled away, eyes widening as he checked Minho for any new injuries. "Did they do anything?"

"No." He sniffed. "They couldn't find me. I was so scared." He cried into Jisung's neck and heard sprinting up the stairs.

"Oh, good, you found him."

Minho felt himself slipping at the stress he was under and Jisung caught onto it quickly.

"T-Thought Min would d-die!"

Jisung shushed him, holding him close. "You did well to hide, Min. Such a good boy to keep quiet."

"Min's scared. Min's so so scared. What if- if they come back to hurt Min?"

"Sung would never let them hurt you again. Ever."

Minho nodded and peeled off of Jisung, as he sniffed. "Sorry, Sung. I- I lost myself for a second."

"No, Min. Please slip. I can tell you need it, okay? I'll take care of you."

Minho hesitated, before fully allowing himself to slip into the youngest headspace he could with the amount of stress he felt.

"Baby Min?"

Minho curled his lips slightly before nodding, and Jisung squealed picking him up and holding him on his hip.

He wanted him to himself, but he needed to let Felix know. He also had to shower.

He rapidly knocked on Felix's door, and the boy opened it with a frightened expression before gasping.

"Baby Min?!"

"Baby Min!" Jisung nodded with a proud smile as Minho giggled into his neck at the love he felt. "Can you watch him for a bit? I've got to shower."

Felix nodded quickly and picked up the boy from Jisung's hold and blew kisses at him. Minho stifled a laugh as he was still shy with Felix, shying away a smile.

Jisung left the two and went up to shower, as Minho watched him walk away with a pout. "Where's Sungie going?"

"He'll be back, baby. He's showering."

Minho felt himself slip into a deeper headspace as Jisung left him and couldn't speak coherent sentences.

"Min, sweetie? Do you want to lay down?"

Minho babbled incoherently and Felix smiled widely at the cuteness. He brought him over the the bed and gently sat him down, mirroring the action next to him against the head board.

Minho wanted his blanket.

The one he kept in the hospital.

But sadness overcame him as he hasn't seen it in a long time. He sniffled and Felix whipped his head to the side.

"Min? What's the matter?"

He cupped the little's cheeks and Minho sobbed, hating that he couldn't make out a sentence in this headspace.

He stumbled off the bed, going out of the room although he couldn't keep his balance too well, searching for his blanket.

A part of him knew he wouldn't find it here, but it brought him great comfort, possibly more comfort than Jisung.


Maybe Jisung had it?

"S-Sungie have?"

Felix grew confused. "What does Sungie have? Something you want?" Minho nodded as his normally sparkling eyes were now filled with tears.

He cried harder and fell to his knees on the floor, Changbin heard the loud wailing from the kitchen and came to see the ruckus.

"What's wrong with Min?"

Felix felt stressed. Jisung trusted him to take care of Minho, but he couldn't even do that.

"I don't know! He was fine and then he started crying! He said that Jisung had something he wants?"

Changbin sighed, going over to Minho and picking him up. "Min, we can't help you if we don't know what you need. Crying won't get you want you want."

Minho's lips trembled as he thought he was being told off. He buried his face in Changbin's neck, as he mumbled apologies while sniffling.

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