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"Listen, it's not your business on what I do."

Chan raised his eyebrow and had a small smile on his face. Pulling out his phone he dialled a number and put the phone to his ear.

"Hello? Yes, I'm calling because I have concerns for my-"

Minho's eyes widened and he smacked a hand over Chan's mouth, shaking his head. The latter ended the call and smirked.

"That's what I thought."


Minho laid in bed with Jisung after he cleaned the cuts and the two were side by side, staring at the ceiling.

"Minho, can we talk about what happened at the lady's house?"

He nodded and turned on his side to face Jisung and the latter mirrored the action. "I'm just going to be blunt with you. I really like you, Min."

"Yeah, I like you a lot too. But you deserve better."

Jisung shook his head and tucked a piece of hair behind Minho's ear. "No, you're who I want."

"Jisung, you don't want a psycho. Trust me, please. The mental issues I have, it's too much for you to take care of."

"I'll take care of you, I'll help you in whatever ways you need help. Please, Minho. We can try for a week and see how that goes."

Minho was hesitant on letting Jisung in. He trusted him, but to what extent?

"3 days."

Jisung agreed quickly. "Okay, yes 3 days. We'll date for 3 days. If it goes well, we continue. If it doesn't, I'll make it work."

"Han Jisung.." Minho looked at him with sad eyes and sighed. "Okay. We're dating. What do we do now?"

"Make out?"

Minho tilted his head as he forgot what that was. "What is that?" Jisung smiled as he sat up in bed and hovered over Minho.

"I'll show you, boyfriend."

Leaning down, he locked their lips together and Minho's eyes widened. Oh, right. This was making out.

Jisung slid his hands under Minho's button-up and the latter shivered at the cold traces of his fingers.

He pulled his hands out of the boy's shirt and unbuttoned the top buttons, exposing his collar bones.

Slightly pulling away, he panted against Minho's lips and leant down to lick a stripe up his neck.
Minho turned his head to the side and covered his mouth, sighing into his palm.

Minho moved a hand to grip Jisung's hair and they hadn't heard the door open. Chan and Felix stood there with their jaws dropped, too scared to move or say anything.

Chan covered Felix's mouth as they just watched.

Minho glanced to the side with dazed eyes and they suddenly widened, he threw Jisung off him and covered his face with the pillow.

"Were you uncomfortable? Fuck I-"

Minho shook his head and Jisung whipped his head to the side as they heard a cleared throat.

"How long were you there?! Oh my god."

Chan bursted out laughing and Minho's lip quivered under the pillow. They heard light sniffles and Jisung moved the pillow off his face to see his teary eyes.

"Oh, baby, what's wrong?"

"I-It's embarrassing."

Jisung sighed and nodded. "I know. But I've walked in on the guys having sex, and how do you think I felt?"

Minho laughed slightly and Jisung wiped his eyes. "You two are so sweet." Felix had a wide smile and Jisung threw a pillow at him.

"Get out, would you?"

The two closed the door and Jisung shook his head, looking down at Minho. "You're okay?"
He nodded and curled his lips slightly.

"I'm okay, Han Jisung."

Jisung stifled a laugh and Minho tilted his head. "You know you don't have to call me by my full name, right? You can just call me Jisung."

Minho muttered an 'okay' and Jisung pecked his lips once more. "Tell me if you're uncomfortable at any time, okay? I'll stop."

He nodded and Jisung flopped beside him. "Ha- Jisung?"

"Yes, Min?"

Minho turned around so his back faced Jisung and furrowed his eyebrows. "Can you put your hands on my stomach again?"


Minho didn't know the word for it and pouted. "What you always do. When your hands are on my tummy when I wake up."

"Oh, you want me to cuddle you?" Minho nodded hesitantly and Jisung wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling him back into his chest.

"Yes! Cuddle me. That's the word."

"How about tomorrow I teach you about things? I can bring you places, and just learn."

Minho had a small smile as Jisung placed his chin on his shoulder. "That sounds fun."


The group was sat at the dinner table, eating breakfast and they heard a groan behind them.

Jisung turned his head to see Minho rubbing his eyes and sitting next to him at the table.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty."

He kissed the top of his head and Minho sighed, curling his lips slightly. "Morning, Sung."

Chan blinked quickly as he watched from the kitchen and shook his head quickly. A ding went off and a sudden spring, and Minho gasped.

"No, it's okay. Just the toaster."

Minho glanced at Chan who rubbed his nape, muttering an apology. "Toe? Why is he cooking his toe?"

Jisung stifled a laugh. "No, he's cooking the bread, and making it into toast."

Minho pursed his lips and squinted his eyes at Jisung. "I'm sorry, Jisung, I- I don't understand."

Felix came over and put a piece of toast on the boy's plate. "Try it." Minho obeyed quickly and bit into the toast, furrowing his eyebrows at the buttery taste.

Jisung stood up and held out his hands. Minho grabbed them and was pulled up, being led to the front door.

"Okay, we will head out, yeah?"

MY ABANDONED PSYCHO |l.mh x h.jsWhere stories live. Discover now