4 - I guess it was my time to drown

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( I beg anyone reading this... please do not take this one shot seriously, it's focused on comedy... at least it's filled with my terrible jokes ! )

I rub the bridge of my nose and look down, sighing as a slight pain stings me.

'Honestly, conflict is pretty common in this world, everyone will have different opinions every now and then, through which a small debate can occur, hopefully it just doesn't get too brutal or physical.'

'Hell, there's no real avoiding it, just like drama it can spread like wildfire reaching even the most innocent of saints, who haven't harmed a soul which really pisses someone off I'm sure.'

'I'm pretty used to getting into trouble myself, I never really was the quiet type, nor was I the one who would just sit back and watch as others got hurt, but not once did I think I would end up in a situation like this...'

The rain hits the window pane behind me as I calmly pick up my cup of tea and take sip from it, analyzing the situation I'm in once more.

'Surely there's a reasonable explanation for all this right ?'

Looking around the dimly lit room once more, I notice to my left a girl with white hair and a suit that's too big to fit her, right in front of me was a rather tall girl with a red suit, on said suit were black skulls giving me grim reaper vibes of sorts and to my right was a girl almost, if not even equally as tall as the one in front of me, although she's wearing a black suit with a dark blue overcoat which she has kept entirely open.

Y/n: "So, before I ask anything else, can everyone introduce themselves ?"

I set down the cup of tea and take a deep breath.

Y/n: "Here, I'll even start, I'm Y/n, L/n, as you already know I'm not anyone special, all I am is some random guy who got involved in this."

The girl to my right sighs and crosses her legs, as she sets a revolver down on the table.

???: "Ouro Kronii, godmother of the timeless ones, I'm sure you already heard of me, well at least those two and I have quite the history."

I nod and slightly smile.

Y/n: "See, now we're getting somewhere... so if you two would please put your weapons down so we can have a civil fucking discussion, that'd be amazing, thanks."

Next the one in front of me stabs the floor with her sword, causing someone below us to scream suddenly.

???: "Mori Calliope, I'm not tryna be formal or some shit, so just call me Calli."

I turn to the girl on my left as she innocently smiles and sets two pistols on the table, happily leaning back.

???: "Gawr Gura, but I prefer being just called Gura, Gawr is... someone else hehe-"

Smiling I lean back into my seat and sigh, trying to lower my guard as much as possible.

Y/n: "Now that we got the formalities out of the way, would any of you three mind answering me a simple question ?"

They all stay quiet and stare at me, essentially giving me what I would deem a sign to just ask away.

Y/n: "Why... and please be honest, for the love of god... WHY THE FUCK AM I HERE !?"

Kronii: "Well quite frankly, I think you should have figured it out yourself already or are you that incompetent of a fool ?"

Y/n: "How the fuck am I supposed to know what I'm doing here when I can barely remember what I ate for breakfast this morning !?"

Kronii sighs and snaps her fingers as someone wearing a black suit with a alarm clock for a head comes in and turns the light off completely as a projector starts playing a video.

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