Chapter 3 Part 2

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      Walking down the path, Walten was shivering in the cold, he didn't even bother thinking of grabbing a jacket. It was dark so he could barely see while it snowed. He grabbed his lighter and turned it on to at least have something to warm him up. He sighed in somewhat relief and continued walking. His boots made small prints in the snow, so he made a few 'drawings' of smiley faces in the snow with them. Doing this made him force a smile on his face, trying to tell himself that things will be okay. He heard a noise in the distance, making his ears perk up. He grabbed his night vision camera and looked around through it, there was nothing he could see, he started walking around looking for what could be the source. Walten heard a branch snap behind him, he turned around to see a tall cyan colored fur tubby standing in front of him. The tubby wore a mask with only two pitch black holes as eyes, and a small gap near the mouth. Walten backed away before the tubby roared into his face and knocked him out.

      He jolted awake, sweating and breathless. To his surprise, he was covered with a blanket that didn't belong to him. He touched the floor, it was squishy like flesh or something, he looked downward, it turns out he was sitting on the remains of a tubby. He screamed and got up, "I see you're awake." a robotic voice said. Walten looked over to see an actual robot standing there holding a pile of logs next to a fire. He looked around, he was in a cave, there were scraps of metal and bones scattered around, and there was even a pile of clothes in the corner. "I am Unit 437, you're in my master's home." The robot said, "You should sit down by the fire, my master wouldn't like his guests to be cold.". Walten knew he shouldn't stay here, but he was cold so he sat down next to the fire for a bit to warm up. He sighed, it felt nice. "Care for some rabbit stew?" Unit 437 asked, "No thanks, I'm vegan." Walten smiled nervously, "What is a 'vegan'?" the robot asked. Walten looked at it, 'can't believe i'm gonna tell a robot what vegan means' he thought to himself. "It just means I don't like meat." he said, "So that means my master isn't vegan? He loves meat, he usually gets it from our guests. It's been awhile since we had a guest.". Walten sat there silently, now uncomfortable about the fact that he's about to be eaten by some cannibalistic monster. "What are the scraps of metal for?" Walten asked to change the subject, "Those were... others like me." Unit 437 said. "Your master scares you doesn't he?" he asked, "What does that mean?" the robot asked, Walten looked at him, he felt kinda bad even though it didn't have many emotions. "It means... you feel a horrible feeling, like a pain that tells you that you need to get out of what situation you're in." he said, "But how can I feel this if I want to stay? He needs to be taken care of." The robot asked. Walten got up, "You know, just forget it, I'm going to leave." he said, grabbing his bag, he looked inside and realized he left his camera behind, "Shit." he muttered. "You can't leave, my master will not be happy with me if you leave." Unit 437 said, "Then come with me." Walten said, looking at it. "I shouldn't." the robot said, "Well then... I'm sorry." He grabbed his hat and put it back on before running out of the cave, he could hear the monster's footsteps nearby, he quickly hid in a bush as it walked past him into the cave. Walten rushed to the spot where he was last, he heard the thing roared in the distance, echoing through the mountain. Walten looked around everywhere, he then noticed the drawings he made earlier and ran over to them, he found his camera in the snow, quickly dug it out of the snow and ran down the pathway. The monster was not far behind him, Walten reached in his bag for his knife. It suddenly grabbed him, sinking it's claws into Walten's stomach, Walten quickly stabbed it in the chest, making it drop him and scream in pain before running off. Walten landed in the snow and watched the tubby run away. He got up and looked at his knife, "I actually hurt somebody..." he said as he began to tremble, he broke one of the rules of being the guardian, he was supposed to keep people safe, but he knew he had to do it, he has to try to help them by figuring out what did this to them. He turned around and noticed he was near the gateway to the outskirts, he walked over and tried to open it but it was chained up. Walten observed his surroundings and noticed a shed, he walked over and opened it. The shed was filled with boxes, he looked around and found a pair of pliers. He grabbed it and took it to the gates, cutting the chains off. He opened it and went into the outskirts. "Fucking christ." He said as he walked over to a boulder, he sat down and relaxed his back against it.

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