Chapter 7 Part 2

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      Anne lowered her tranquilizer and signaled her soldiers to take care of the red creature she had just shot. Her husband, Miles walked over to her "Did he get away?" he asked. Anne nodded "Sorry." she replied. "We'll find him eventually," he said, "You take a group over into the station, the signal came from there, saying that most of the workers were killed but was sent by a survivor.", Anne nodded and gestured to a group of soldiers to head into the station. "Sergeant, want us to check around the area?" Connor asked. Miles nodded as he stared at the white tubby on the floor. Miles got down on his knees and rolled up the tubby's sleeve, (trigger warning) he had large amounts of cuts along his wrist, "Jesus Walten..." he sighed as he checked his pulse. He was fine, just unconscious. He glanced over to his now missing arm, "You're lucky you're even alive." he said. Miles picked the little tubby up, "I need first aid." he said into his radio. Two soldiers ran over and took Walten out of his arms and rushed him into the helicopter. His ear twitched as soon as he heard talking and giggles in the distance. Anne walked out with their old friend Ron beside her. "I can't believe how long it's been." she said, "It hasn't been that long." he smiled. Behind them was a green tubby covered in blood, with a soldier holding his hands behind his back. Anne and Ron walked over to him, "Hey Sergeant." Ron said in a sarcastic tone. Anne giggled a bit, Miles nodded in a way of saying hello to him. "Is Walten doing o—" before Ron could finish, a soldier came running to him "Sir! Sir!" they yelled. Miles looked at them, "What is it?" he asked, completely ignoring Ron. "You need to see this!!" They gestured to a cliff not far from the station. Miles nodded and the two ran off. Anne watched, "So what are ya gonna do with me?" Dipsy asked. Ron looked at him, "Kill you." he responded, Dipsy's eyes widened "WHAT!?" he screamed, with a slight crack in his voice. Anne laughed, "No! I'm not sure what the captain planned on doing." she said. Dipsy sighed in relief. Miles came running back with his gun in hand, "We need to get going! We're being ambushed!" he shouted. Dipsy was quickly yanked towards the helicopter. He yanked back "Hey!! What the hell!?" he shouted. A large group of small tubbies came rushing toward the helicopter. Dipsy noticed and his eyes lit up with excitement. Miles shot them as they came closer, Anne included. A loud roar came from behind. Dipsy turned around to see Tinky held in a large cage, covering his ears as he wailed. In response Dipsy kicked the soldier that was restraining him in the nuts and ran over to Ron screaming, he tripped and landed on his face. Dipsy whimpered and got up, he looked up to see the tubbies surrounding him. Dipsy was flabbergasted at how ugly the little shits were, all he could think about was 'what the fuck'. Suddenly Ron shot one of them with a gun he borrowed from Anne. Dipsy's eyes widened, Ron looked at him, he looked more beautiful in the sunlight. Ron looked away, his beautiful hair flowing in the wind, as he continued to shoot the tubbies. Dipsy fell in love once again. 'I'm so happy my best friend ripped my head off.' he thought, even though he really didn't mean that in that way. The gun he held ran out of ammunition, to which Ron threw it away and began to beat the ever living shit out of them, he looked badass doing it. Dipsy was so lost in thought watching Ron's movements that he didn't even notice one of those things chewing on his leg. Anne grabbed him and dragged him into the helicopter. Connor rushed in with Laa Laa knocked unconscious, Ron and Miles following. Tinky's screaming stopped as soon as they shut the door. Miles sighed and sat down with Anne next to him. Ron sat down closer to the back where Walten was being aided, while Dipsy and Laa Laa were thrown into cages. Ron looked at the little tubby worried, "He's okay." Miles said to him, Ron nodded showing he understands.

      The Helicopter landed in front of the base's entrance. Tinky's ears perked up as soon as he heard the sounds of footsteps. The door opened. The sun shone into Tinky's eyes, he groaned. The door to his cage opened, he quickly jumped out and tried to run but he was tased the second he got out. Tinky screamed as he fell to the floor. Ron looked over to him, soldiers struggling to keep him from moving. "I've been feeding her every day." Lenny said, holding Ron's pet tarantula Hops' cage. Ron looked at him, clearly already fed up with him, "Thank you..." he said as he took the cage. "RON!!" Dipsy's voice echoed, Ron yelped and looked at Dipsy. Dipsy was aggressively waving to him, "Ron...? What—" Ron cut Lenny off "It's nothing! Just don't listen to that creep!" he shouted as he stormed off. Lenny shrugged while Dipsy's screams from being tased echoed through the entire building. Miles walked up to him with Walten in his arms, "I need you to make a prosthetic arm for him, I'll pay." he said. Lenny looked at him and then at Walten, "That's gonna be a few thousand..." he mumbled. Miles rolled his eyes, "Okay, just don't make it bigger than his entire body." he said, "Who said that I would." he smiled. Miles growled, Lenny giggled "I'll get working on it." he said before running off. Anne walked over to Miles, "I'll take Walten to the health center and check on Solemn, are you going to deal with the four over there?" she asked, Miles handed Walten to her "I'll stay." he said. Anne nodded and kissed him "I'll see you back at home." she smiled as she walked off. Miles looked over to the infected, and walked over. "You guys are staying somewhere else." he said, Tinky looked at him, Dipsy as well.

      Tinky growled as he scratched at the wire cage they put around his muzzle. They were put in bright orange jumpsuits. "They feel gross." Dipsy complained, "Why do we have to wear these??". Miles didn't answer. Po snarled at Miles as she clung to Laa Laa, who was left confused. "Come, I'll take you to where you'll be staying." Miles said. Dipsy smiled "Hopefully we get nice rooms." he said, but was disappointed to find out that they were staying in cages. Dipsy groaned, "This is bullshit, don't you think Po?" he looked at her, she punched him in the gut in response. Dipsy yelped. Miles grabbed Tinky by the arm, he growled and tried to stop him, but Miles shoved him into a cage and chained him up to prevent him from hurting anyone. The other two watched as Tinky squirmed around, struggling to even move his arms. Miles glanced over to them, Dipsy put his hand up in the air and walked into a cage. Po grabbed him and moved Dipsy into the one next to Tinky, "Hey!" he growled. Po helped Laa Laa get into the one next to hers.

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