Chapter 5

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Truth or Dare

Chapter Five: Can I help you with anything?, "I need a better host body"


Piper:So what do you need me to do?

Lilmonkey13:Just give the disclaimer!

Piper:OH, thats easy! Why did the others beg me to do it enstead of them?

Lilmonkey13:I don't know they are very slow at some things.

Piper:OK then, Lilmonkey13 doesn't own nothing! Also I read this really cool story, its called Percy's Future by: Kingofpop12345

Lilmonkey13:Cool, hope you guys enjoy this chapter and Please review!

Leo's POV:

Nico is giving everyone an evil look and I don't like it. He glances over me, Piper, Jason, Rachel and the Stolls no his sights land on Percy and Annabeth.

"Truth or Dare Percy?"


"I dare you to go up to Olympus with Annabeth and get all the Gods and Goddess attention then kiss passionately!"


"Excuse me?!" Annabeth practically yells out. Then the sound of a hand hitting a squshy face hard rings across the camp.

"Dame it Annabeth! That hurt!"

"Serves you right!"

"So come on you two we gotta get you to Olympus," Say the ever helpful Stolls.

On Olympus, Annabeth's POV:

We get to Olympus and I see that Percy's hands are shaking. All of us are here thanks to Nico's shadow traveling power, I swear on the Gods if we get back to camp alive I will kill him!

We walk up to the main hall and of coarse Athena(who is standing next to Poseidon), Poseidon, Zeus, Hephaestus, Hermes, Aphrodite and Hades are there.

I want to put on my baseball cap but I don't, a dare is a dare. I can't chicken out. Percy takes my hand, its sweaty, and we get to the middle of the room. The Gods don't look at us, they don't even seem to notice that we have walked in.

Percy and I stand very still and quiet for awhile and then Nico or Leo yell out,

"Hey! Gods, look at this!"

Percy is blushing like a fend and I can tell that I am to.

The Gods are just staring with mouths agape. Poseidon is the first to say anything, "Alright, nice to see you two also. Is there anything we can do to help?"

Athena looks like she is going to blowup. Zeus, Hephaestus, Hermes, and Hades all look to be on the verge of busting out laughing, but Athena gives them a look of death and most of them shut up.

Travis and Conner are barely holding in their laughter. Then Hades loses it and bursts out laughing. He looks just like his son who is currently rolling on the floor clutching his stomach.

Soon Hephaestus, Hermes, Hades, and Zeus are laughing. Their respective children are also, but Athena's face partly makes me want to cower in fear and then partly wants me to bust out laughing myself. Poseidon is being very quiet with a big stupid grin on his face just like the one that Percy gets when he feels that he has accomplished something big.

Hermes' POV:

A large group of demigods appear in our champers. I seem to be the only one noticing this, with the others busy watching one of my sons' new videos, so I keep it to myself so I can see my brother's and sister's faces.

Nico pushes Percy and Annabeth in front and they walk into the middle of the room. When in the middle they just stand there awkwardly. I wait to see what will happen, and Hephaestus's kid yells out "Hey! Gods, look at this!"

My brothers and sisters turn to see the two standing there. Percy and Annabeth then kiss. I look over at Athena, who just so happens to be standing beside Poseidon, turn cherry red. This almost makes me bust out laughing just to see that. I turn back to the two demigods and their faces are almost as red as Athena's.

I look at my brothers and see them holding back their laughter also. My sons, Travis and Conner, are of coarse video taping this. Hades' kid is rolling on the floor clutching his stomach. Annabeth sends them a similar look that Athena is sending all of us.

I look over at Aphrodite and see that she is making lovey-dovey eyes at the pair of demigods. I look at her kid and see that she is just rolling her eyes, while holding tightly to Zeus' boy's hand. Poseidon I believe to lighten the mood asks Percy, "Alright, nice to see you two also. Is there anything we can do to help?"

Hades finally bursts out laughing and almost falls out of his chair doing so. All of us, except Percy, Poseidon, Athena, Annabeth, Aphrodite, and Piper, are laughing.

After a few minutes of this Athena gets up and leaves, Poseidon gives Percy the thumbs up and the rest of us try to collect the rest of our dignity.

The group crowds around Nico and then they are gone.

Percy's POV:

After shadow traveling we aren't back to camp but just by the elevator to back to the bottom of the Empire State Building. I look at Nico and say, "Why didn't you take us back to camp?"

"I told him not too," Annabeth interjects, "Just to take us to the elevator so I can do the next dare!"

We all groan and she gives all of us an evil smile.

"Take us all the way down," Annabeth instructs.

We get all the way down to the bottom floor. When we get off about five grownups get on, Annabeth grabs Nico and drags him back on.

Nico's POV:

Annabeth grabs me, pulls me on the elevator and in Greek says, "Truth or Dare?"


"I dare you to announce in a demonic voice: 'I must find a more suitable host body.'"

She gives me an evil smile and I clear my throat. I look at the other passengers and then shake all over and I get really still after that and say in my deepest darkest voice, "I must find a more suitable host body!" I then turn my head really slowly and look at this one very nervous looking lady and give her a creepy smile.

The door dings open and she runs as fast as possible off the elevator. For extra effect I follow her. I hear Annabeth ask, "OK, who gave him sugar?"

I almost laugh but I see the lady looking at me and I hunch over with the same creepy smile and my head held crooked walk quickly after her.

That lady freaking jumps out of her heals and runs. She runs so fast that you would of thought a tiger was licking his lips at her. When she runs into one of the office rooms I turn and see Annabeth.

She is laughing her butt off. She then says, "Come on death boy, we gotta get back to the others. That was a good touch, running after her in all."

We head back to the elevator and when we get back to the bottom floor everyone is huddled around Travis and Conner.

We look over their shoulders and see that they are watching the dare we had just done. Jason looks up and yelps. Everyone jumps and then I ask, "Why did you yelp like a puppy?"

We all laugh and I grab everyone again.

We reach camp and I say, "Alright, my turn!"

The thanks for the dares in this chapter go to: Brakenfor (going to Olympus) and the elevator thing I got from Gabbie519's profile!

Truth or Dare? A PJO fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now