Chapter 8

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Truth or Dare?

Chapter Eight: Camp Jupiter and Poseidon

Author's note: OK so thanks everybody who commented on the previous chapter and as I said there shall be a trip to Camp Jupiter! Yay! Hope you like and review. So here is Chapter Eight!

Percy's POV:

We reach the cabin and everyone is talking about going after us. I clear my voice and say in a stereotypical voice of a father, "You know children, you shouldn't be meddling in your parents business!" My voice cracked into a laugh so it didn't sound to serious. Everyone gives me a weird look and I say to Annabeth, "You know the children need to learn to respect their elders more," She nods with a laugh.

Everyone seems to find this a little funny which makes some smiles cross faces. Thalia is smiling as if to say, "See I told you so!"

"So Thalia? Truth or dare?"

"Truth," she gives me a smile as if she had won, but I had been planing on her to say that.

"OK, is it true that you are in love with Nico and that you have a picture of him in your pocket?"

"WHAT!" Nico calls out. Apparently over his, um problem, he stands up and looks Thalia in the eye. He was now a bit taller than her and it was really weird seeing them like this. He looked much bigger than her, he hadn't known how different they looked. Nico looked like a ghost while Thalia was tan from spending all her time outside. The only thing that looked the same is there pitch colored hair.

"So Thalia is it true?" Nico asks her.

"I don't have to answer that!"

"Um, yeah if you had been listening to the book I just read you would heard that it specifically said on page seventy two paragraph eight sub paragraph three. Line eight sentence,"
"OK! Annabeth we get it I'll answer it if you will just be, quiet."

Annabeth seemed hurt by this so I stuck my tongue out at Thalia. She gave me an impolite gesture back.

"Fine yeah I have a picture of Nico in my pocket but I don't, love him." She made a disgusted face as if it pained her to think of that.

"Can I see the picture?" Nico is still in front of her when he asks this.

"Yeah fine whatever." She throws him the picture.

When he looks at his face becomes sad but he still smiles at it. I look over his shoulder and see that its a picture of him and Bianca when they had first come to camp. I smiled at it seeing the little boy with his Mythomagic cards and figurines. He sits down on one of the bunks and doesn't say anything. He just holds the picture for a minute then gives it back to Thalia and breaths deeply through his nose stands up and says, "Hey! Lets go and see camp Jupiter! I want to see my sis." We all nod in agreement, mostly because over there it is still light out.

Nico raps around us and we feel our skin pealing off and then it stops abruptly. We look up and see that we are on the free way near the San Francisco Bay. I look fondly at the door which happens to be guarded by Frank and Hazel. I smile at them and am about to run over and give them a hug but Jason beats me to it. They start talking quickly in Latin and I get bits and pieces of it but not enough to follow. The last thing he says is Truth or Dare? They nod and look at all of us, seeing me they come over and we talk for a minute or two. I look and see that everyone else is a little uncomfortable so I ask, "So can we come in?"

"Yeah! Almost dinner so you guys can join us!"

"Cool, we uh, missed it at our camp."

"Yeah going and having a make out session in front of your parents very classy." Frank teased.

Truth or Dare? A PJO fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now