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Seven had been brought back to her cell by a guard before Nix was able to join the conversation/plan for escape. Though, she still knew everything that was important. Nix knows a way of escaping, and she wants to help the crew of the Raza escape so that she can go with them too. Seven was happy that she was returned to her cell because Two, Three, and Four were all brought to a new work detail. At this new work detail, they almost died, because someone wants them dead. Also, a woman from the GA was questioning the crew of the Raza (minus Seven) because of what happened with the exploding planet. She'd much rather be stuck alone in a small cell than almost get murdered or questioned.

A few hours after all that, Two walked up to Seven's cell and informed her of new information. The woman they were working for from the Mikkie Combine gave Three the plans/blueprints to the prison. Apparently, she too wants them to escape.

Another thing that is making it easier for them to escape is not only the blueprints, but the 'blessing' from the gang leader. Aris (the gang leader) wants them to escape from prison and take him with them. 

It would seem as if things were beginning to look up for the crew of the Raza.


Things had been looking up, until they weren't.

Two had been brought back to solitary confinement for an unknown reason. Meaning that Four's plan to get a shuttle from his home planet and escape on that, had to be delayed (because they don't have Two). So, Four was admitted to the recovery ward after Aris knocked him out. The only problem was that time was running out.

And time ran out for Seven. 

Seven had been standing in the hallway area outside the cells with Aris, Nix, and Three when she felt something. Seven stumbled forward and let out a shakey breath. They're here.

"Seven, what's wrong?" Three asks, worried that something else has happened to their plan.

Seven looks up at him, her eyes full of fear, "They're here."

"Who's here?" Aris asks confusedly, not understanding how this girl could know anyone was here (because no one has entered the detention area yet).

Seven ignores him, and as the doors to the detention area open (to which she's not looking at) Seven replies, "Two by two, hands of blue."

Seven's gaze falls upon the two men wearing blue gloves that just entered the detention area with a couple of guards. Seven takes a step back in fear and draws another shakey breath. She's not going to escape prison with her friends, instead she's going to be brought back to the academy and experimented on again.

Three, Aris, and Nix watch as the two men look up at Seven. They watch as the two men, along with the guards, make their way up to them. 

Seven immediately grips onto Three's arm and pulls him to face her, "You cannot stop. leave without me if you must, they're going to take me, and you have to let them."

"What? Seven no, I..."

"Please, Three. Either I escape them, or you help me when you do."

"Ok... please try to stay as safe as you can."

Seven doesn't get the chance to answer for the men stop a few feet away from her. "Evana Qwan, you're coming with us." Seven slowly turns to face them, shaking slightly. She steps back in fear. The men with blue hands must have seen this as an escape attempt, for they said something. They said something that was programmed to make Seven fall asleep, "Shì shí hou shuì jiào le."

Seven collapses to the ground unconscious, and those around her jump in surprise. Three is radiating in anger, but he knows that there is nothing he can do. He can only do what she said. Hope that she escapes them or help her escape when they're free. Aris and Nix however are even more confused. It was confusing to see a teen girl be in general population with a bunch of criminals, it was confusing to see her more confined to her cell than anyone else, but this took the cake. She somehow knew that two men wearing blue gloves were here, and when they got here, they knocked her out with a few simple words. Who the hell is this girl?

Three is forced to watch as two guards come up from behind the two men and grab Seven. He's forced to watch as they drag her out of the detention area, and out of sight. 

Seven is gone.

Taken by the very men who work of the academy.

The academy that experimented on her.

And turned her into a weapon.

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