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After the whole memory fiasco, it took a while for Seven to calm down to the point where Two and Six could help her to her room. She was still crying, but the shaking and muttering had mostly subsided. Going into Five's head exhausted Seven so much that when Two and Six got her to her bed, she collapsed, and fell instantly to sleep. 

Though she didn't sleep for to long, she woke up when Five came running down the halls yelling, "I know it! I know the code! I know the code! It's Maplethorpe."

There was no immediate reaction, they waited for about ten minutes, for by the time Five was up and telling everyone about it, most of the crew was spread around the ship. It was good though, it gave Seven enough time to get dressed. She put on a long pink floral dress, and a small white knit vest over it. She kept her hair down like she does everyday, and decided that she wasn't going to wear any shoes.

Seven had found Six in the hallway, and decided that she was going to stick with him. He didn't mind, she might be a little creepy and weird at times, but he likes her. Together they walked to Two's room, and there they found One and Two standing very close to each other, talking about relationships. Though it stopped when Two turned to face Six and Seven.

"Don't stop on out account," Six says laughing slightly.

"Did you need anything?" Two asks the pair.

"Five figured out the code to the mystery room."

"You're kidding," One says turning to Six.

"And we're about to open it, but if you two have something better to do."

"No," Two replies walking past them, causing One, Six, and Seven to follow.

As they walked, Seven couldn't help but giggle a little bit. The way they found them, the fact that One was turned down, and the fact that they both like each other, is really funny to her. As the walked and she giggled, she shared a look with Six, he understood perfectly, and started to chuckle himself. One and Two just decided to ignore the pair behind them. They have mixed feelings about what had happened.

Once they were all down in the room where the vault is, no one had to say a word for Five to enter the code into the computer. She entered the code, and the doors opened. Well they opened a little, just enough space for one person to fit through at a time.

"That's it?" Three asks.

"I think that's as open as they're gonna get," Five replies.

"Why is everything on this ship so much work?" Six says.

No one says anything, they all slowly climb through the space in the door and enter the vault. Once they're all in, the Android heads straight for the panel.

"The panel appears to be malfunctioning."

"Of course it is," Two says sarcastically.

"Give me a moment."

As the flashlights were the only light source in the room, it was fairly dark. Seven though walked straight for one of the boxes and laid on top of it, the only thought in her head, Sarah. But around her everyone was looking at the boxes around the room, Six was able to open one and he found guns, causing Three to take one of the big ones and name it Raquel. 

"All these are locked," One says looking at the boxes on one side of the room.

"Ah, just stand aside. See if I can fix that," Three says pointing Raquel towards the boxes One was standing in front of.

"Don't be stupid. We don't know what's in there. It could be packed with explosives."

"You know, anyone else wondering why you need to lock a box that's inside a locked room," Six asks.

"Could be something that we stole or that we just haven't gotten around to opening yet," two tells them.

"Hey, anybody know what this is?" Five says lifting a small cylinder shaped object in the air.

Everyone freaked out, "Woah, woah!"


"I suggest you be careful not to activate it," the Android tells her.

When Five puts it back down, everyone returns to looking at the boxes and seeing if they can open them or not. No one seemed to notice how quite Seven was, or the fact that they couldn't really see her. She didn't mind though, for Sarah needs some company after being alone for a while. Two opened one of the boxes, and the mood in the room changed.

"Well I know what this is," she says lifting the box of credits for everyone to see.

"We're rich," Three say standing next to her.

Then finally One spots Seven. He sees that she's laying on top of a large box, he thinks it weird, but as he's going to turn away he notices the lights on the box, and immediately became worried. He knows what the box is but he can't see inside yet. As he addresses the crew he can't help but wonder if Seven chose to lay on the box because of what was inside.

"Uh, guys," he says drawing everyone's attention over to him. 

Everyone turns to face him.

"Seven could you get off that please?"

Seven looks to him, doesn't say anything, but gets up off the box. She understands that it's time for everyone to see her, and decide what they should do about her. When she does get off the box, everyone's eyes fall on to the girl sleeping inside. It was another stasis pod, and there is a middle aged women inside.

"She's alive," Two says. "The pod's hooked up to the ships power but there's no data link."

"That would explain why this chamber never showed up on any of our system scans," One replies.

"But what is she doing in here?" Five asks.

"You think she's got her memories?"

"Let's thaw her, find out," Three says.

"Are we sure we want to do that? She's obviously in here for a reason," Four tells the group.

"Any dreams or vision that would explain this?" Six asks Five.


"Let's thaw her and find out," Two says.

"I said that like five seconds ago," Three says.

"Yeah, but coming from her, it actually sounds reasonable."

Moments later, the lights inside the vault turned on. "You're welcome," the Android says.

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