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When Seven woke up, two days had passed. She was calm now since the ship was far away from the destroyed planet, but Seven could still feel the lingering effects from her episode. And although she had slept for two days (due to the sedation) Seven felt incredibly tired. 

Slowly she got out of her bed and walked to her door. She paused though, her mind was racing more than usual, which was causing a headache to form. Shaking her head, Seven begins to try to block out the thoughts and feelings of everything and everyone around her. It was too much, and if she wanted to stay calm and collected, she needed some quiet. After a few moments she let out a breath, thankful that she was able to block out everything, at least for a little while. 

So, once Seven begins to feel a bit better from not being overwhelmed, she makes her way to out the door stepping into the hallway. Unbothered by the coldness of the floor against her bare feet, Seven makes her way through the halls. 

She has to find Two. 

Although she had successfully blocked everything out, one thing had slipping through all the noise. Two had found out why and who created her when she had been unconscious (the whole crew had), so Seven wanted to make sure that she was ok and the only way to do that in the moment was to find her. But before Seven could find her, Five's voice echoed through the hallways, she was calling for help. 

Seven picked up her pace and ran to where she could hear Five was, but what she found startled her. On the ground in front of Five lays the Android, seemingly unconscious or out of power. 

"What's the matter?" Two says hurrying over to Five.

"The Android's offline," Five says panicked.

Two and Five crouch down to the Android. Five looks to Seven and a glint of happiness passes through her eyes (because her friend is awake and ok) before her worry for the Android takes over again. Seven crouches to their level and watches as the two women look at the Android's neck.

"Her neural chip's been removed," Two says spotting the empty space.

"There's something in her hand," Five points out. 

Two grabs the piece of fabric from the Android's hand, revealing a patch from a soldier's uniform, "Volkov-Russi?"

"The soldiers who took the ship," Five states.

"We didn't get them all."

The three women share a panicked look. This is bad. 


The crew were gathered in the med bay. They had put the Android in there until they could find the missing soldier (a soldier who had been a part of the illegal group that created and wanted Two back at any cost). 

Seven and Five were sitting on one of the tables and listened to the others talk. They all agree that this is bad, but whatever soldier is hiding here on the ship could have already gained control with the Android (provoking the question to why they hadn't). So, the crew decided that they need to sweep the ship again and find that soldier before he could do anymore harm.

Two handed Five a gun, "You know how to use it."

Five nods, and Two continues, "One, you're with Four. Five, you're with Six. Three, Seven, you're with me. Keep your eyes on your partner and stay in touch."

"Wait, hold on," Three says stopping everyone. "Why can't we use Seven? She has these abilities that could help us find this son of a bitch. We should use that to our advantage."

Everyone looks to Seven and see looks at them. She would, but she can't. With being affected from her episode (from feeling a planet explode), having been sedated for two days, and only functioning because she's blocking everything out, she can't. If she tried to use her abilities to find this soldier she could really hurt herself, and who knows how her mind would make her react to that.

"Could you help us Seven?" Two asks.

Seven gives everyone a pained expression, "I want to, but I... I can't... my... my mind is... it's..." Seven pauses, taking a deep breath before continuing, "I need to heal my mind like one would heal a wound. I could make it worse if I tried to help... I'm... I'm sorry."

They're quiet. They wish that they could use Seven's abilities to find the soldier, but they understand. She's been through a lot and doing this could do more harm than good.

"Ok, you heard her. Everyone get moving."

Seven follows Two and Three, but Two and Three share a look. Seven needs to heal, meaning she needs to rest, and sweeping the ship isn't resting.

"Seven, you should go to the mess and get something to eat. You need to rest and gain strength, as long as we know where you are, it'll be fine. We'll have Five fill you in when we're done."

Seven nods and makes her way to the mess hall. 


By the time everyone else had joined her in the mess, Seven had already eaten. Of course she had, it had been a few hours, and by the time she had finished her food she was bored, so she took a book that had been left behind on the table and began reading it to keep herself entertained. 

Seven watched as everyone joined her, there was a lot of tension, more tension than there had ever been before. Like Two had said, Five filled her in when they had finished. Apparently, there was no Volkov-Russi soldier hiding on the ship waiting to take them out and back to Two's creator. It had been one of the crew members who had taken out the Android (which they knew because the stun baton that was in the vault was missing and no one but the crew knew the code). 

Everyone was suspicious of each other, and tensions were rising.

Two began pouring everyone water as they all started talking about what they should do in precaution (since they don't know who to trust). Two wants to lock up the weapons so no one can hurt each other, but Four believes their biggest concern is the Android (since whoever has her neural chip could use her against the rest of the crew). However, tensions rise and clear lines are drawn on who believes who is the traitor.

Seven grabs a water and takes a drink to calm herself down. Things are tense and she doesn't like it. Seven watches as Four gets up to walk away, claiming not fearing any of the crew, and watches as he collapses on the ground unconscious.

Surprised they all stand, including Seven.

Five says something, but Seven doesn't hear it. Seven's vision starts to go blurry, and her hearing goes in and out. She looks down at the glass in her hand realizing the water was poisoned (since Four and her were the only ones to actually drink it). Seven stumbles over to Five and grabs her shoulder, but as soon as she does, Seven collapses as well. Not realizing that when she wakes from the poison everything will be different. 

A/N: sorry for not updating for a while, a lot has been going on and I haven't been in the mood to write. However, I feel good and hopefully will be updated more!

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