can't run away from the past

95 4 0

pain along the skull. nothing but pain. i could feel things wrapping around my self but i can't say where. i open my eyes too see none other than the butler and Batman putting me on a table taking out some of my blood. my voice was forced and had a tired tone in it.

Y/N: wh-what a-are you d-doing ?

Butler: just calm down and rest 

Y/N: feels like a train just hit me at over 1000mp

Batman: it was scarecrow's fear toxic 

Y/N:....explains the blackout i guess

there was no more spoken in the air. Batman started buck up to doing what he was working on with my blood. i can't say what happened but i can say as soon at i was injected i was out like a light. i never went to bed faster in my life.

Y/N: what happened ?

Butler: that's what we were hopping to ask you 

Y/N: wish i could tell you and again its like i said, i blacked out...what happened when i did 

Batman: have you ever blacked out like this before ?

Y/N: only by force.. i was knocked out a few times by joker but that's all i can rem-....

i felt the sounds of what ever batman was doing putting the things down to look at me.

Batman: what is it 

i hate this.

Y/N: when i was.....ten i was at home playing with my family.......but when dinner was ready i heard my mother call and then....nothing i felt so tired.....i opened my eyes in an open filed in front of a moving tractor with blades in front of them no more than a few feet... i snapped and move as fast as i could...i almost lost an arm....i have no clue what happened.....i was told i ran.. i ran and ran and ran and never stopped they lost me.....i was six states away........they said that i was not acting my self...that i was a totally new person...i try my best to sleep twice a month at fear that...that new person would come and play with my body and kill me in my sleep........never was the tired type

i looked down trying to keep the tears in. i wanted to do something but what. i felt a hand on me.

Y/N: look i know you the butler and all but yo-

i looked up to see the butler but it was Batman doing so.

Batman:... when i was a boy my parents where gunned down in front of me... i told them a promise that i will cure Gotham...make sure there is no more crime in this city....only the people who are strong and brave can change that... and i think your one of the lucky few along with my team

Y/N: thanks.....i still need to know... did i say a name anything ?



blast from the past 

Y/N pov

i am taking out the cards to play with my sister. she comes over and sits down with me.

sis: so what are we doing this time ?

Y/N: i was thinking black jack/21?

sis: sounds fun lets do this

?????: no no no

Y/N: uh? what ?

sis: what?

Y/N:...never mind

i start as the dealer and we start the game. we have a few laughs and all that. we switch to war then we got out UNO we played for hours. one of us we spam each other with +2 or +4's. it was none stop. we could not help our selves.

?????: WATCH OUT 

Y/N: uh?

sis: what ?

Y/N: did you just say that 

sis: say what...your scaring me ?!

Y/N: just have must been my mind messing with my now ba-

sis: uno


sis: Y/N

Y/N: ya ya shut up heh

she wins of course. but then here comes dad coming in the door from work and mother coming in to give a kiss welcome 

sis,Y/N: eww 

they both laugh at us two. we have a great time doing what we do with only so little. mother takes dad to the kitchen talking about things about taking us into the real world or talking us away. can't say anything about it. this place it for no kid i see it along the streets every day.

they had finely stopped and mother started to get dinner finished up and ready as me and sis started up another game of UNO. 

Mother: dinner is ready 

sis, Y/N: we are co-!%^&*%^^%$%^%*&^&*%^&^%^


the sounds of blades spinning were heard. i open my eyes as fast as the blades were moving. i moved as fast as i could. when i was about saw the blade cut my arm good. nothing to where it will come off but still hurt. i was yelling at the pain as i was wrapping what was left of my sleeve onto the cut. the farmer who was driving come over and ask if i was ok and panicking asking why was i in front of his tractor. 

Y/N: i-i-i do-don't kn-know

Farmer: where are your parents

Y/N: we live around crime alley

Farmer: crime alley ?.. from Gotham ?

Y/N: yes

Farmer:..kid your not in Gotham 

i was stuck where i was. everything stopped.

time later the cops where called. i was told that i was gone for 6 days.

Y/N:six....six...nnononno i was just about to have dinner...that can't be right

felt the peoples eyes eating me. i was full of hate. i felt so tired. soon here came my family see i was ok. tears falling off there faces we all hugged i told them i was fine and i was tired. they asked me why i ran and why did i go so far. 

Y/N: ran?

sis: you ran away but you made small stops getting playing cards and placing the joker card along your run 

Y/N: can you show me 

two cops went and came back with there laptop and gave it to me and showed what look like me but act like a different person. but my sister was right. i made small stops and on th video showed me on one of the Gotham bridge leaving Gotham into the next state. the same thing happened for the other five. i was being controlled by this person i hade no clue of until this day?? night?? 

i was later dragged into a lab being tested on my sleeping, eating, and the rest. they did this for six months. i never showed any of the sighs i did last time. i was on mark for staying me? everything was weird. i was messed with in school bullied and the rest from being a joke to being robbed and ruffed up on the street from my class mates. i never went to bed if i could help it. i was nothing but showing fear for what was coming up next.

stop me if you heard this one before [female joker x reader]Where stories live. Discover now