channel 12 please

132 5 0

pain is something people feel. something that happens on a day to day bases no. but things you see on the dark sides of the street is something thing else i will have to say. but what can i say. she knows what she is doing.

i was on the ground being dragged to who knows what. all i know is that I'm F to the U to the C to the K all the way for sure. i had a sack over my head but all i needed was my ears and at times i wish i was not able to hear but there's no leaving now that's the only free will i have left. i heard was seemed to be a old rides like what i was hearing when i was in my " mind " when the " male joker " was talking to me. everything about that is still fuzzy.

none of it made help me where i am right now so i think i need to forget about it and just move on for now. but all i can hear are small laughs and small talk from that voice, that voice of that "joker" he had a string on me some how i don't know how he just does. but for now i think i need to keep and eye out for my self as for now i can feel something bad coming my way.

??????: get him to the room we need him ready in 10 we don't got all day now move it

??????: i just past that are you kidding me ?!

??????: hey do you want to piss off the boss no didn't think so now move it fast 

i heard a sigh then i was dragged once more but a little more where i cam from. i then was pushed into a room and then the sack removed from my face. i saw a tux in front of me for what ever joker has planed. if i do put this on nothing is going to go the same from here now on. like putting a collar on and being called a dog for the rest of your life. its never going away for good.

????: put it on now 

he then slammed the door making my body shake as the door was shut. i look back at the full white tux with a black shoes and a black tie. i felt like i had nothing in my body but i needed to do this or i could be the next person to meet the end of her revolver. i undress and redress into the tux looking my self in the mirror and what i saw was a different person from myself. a cages animal trying to look good for a bad owner. but as i look inside of the suite i saw a something reflect the light making it hit my eye. i look inside as was it was a sharp meatal playing card. it was joker of course but why it was there i have no clue all i know is that is my way out. i just have to hope fates on my side of the table.

i heard the loud knocking on the door making me shake and stand up straight so fast. 

???????: you ready or not

Y/N: y-ya 

????: then come out here its time for the show

the door opens again for two men to walk in with a sack. 

Y/N: is thi-this re-re-r-really n-n-needed ?


they shove the sack over my head pushing back what should be the hall way but from there on then it never got better. the sounds i heard were nothing i wanted to here right now. all i could here were clapping of the people that work for joker and some people laughing as well for what ever reason.

?????: hey i got an idea switch these two and then him with the mayor.

what was the mayor doing here ?!?!

joker POV

lights camera and action. the lights came on then the lights of the tv cameras came on live showing the whole world what was happening here. we had five lucky guess including my favorite Y/N. right behind them where charismas lights saying in big letters 'WELCOME' all the people in the chair all had sacks on them. if i remember correctly my lover should be in the far right. they all have either back or full white tux's on so this should not be to hard heh.

i started to make my way to the camera showing the world the mess i have made.

Joker: hello Gotham city welcome to another show of mine and today we have some verrrryy special guess tonight. will you welcome our mayor everyone and some of the other cops along with the GCPD the think its ok to get away with crimes.

there was cheering all around from the goons in the crowd. there wising and all they other fun stuff. 

Joker: AHAHAHAAHa yes yes well then now where were we ahh yes the reason we are all here for tonight. tonight we will be playing the best game i can think of for tonight and every one who lives gets a prize. what is that prize i will never know but what can i say i love surprises

i start to take out my revolver and take out two bullets hoping to scare the people watching as it should all ways.

Joker: the main game tonight will be Russian roulette one of the best games we can play. and yes this will be short

they stuttering breaths of the people in the chairs was so nice to hear knowing they knew what was going to happen to them. but i do hope my love will be fine at the end. 

i walk up to the first man to the far right watching the camera all the time. i raised my gun and spinning the rounds and putting it in making sure it was able to fire. i aimed at the mans head pulling the trigger.BANG. it seemed to go off. i looked over seeing that the man in the middle jumped witch made me laugh a little. i went to the next and the same happened BANG there they went and so did the man in the middle he jumped in there seat. good thing there tied or i bet they would have ran by now.

i move up the the man in the middle pushing the barrel of the gun on there head making them shiver and shake violently. this was a little funny to me i do have to say. i moved back getting ready to pull. and i did and once i did a flag came out saying " BANG " 

Joker: seems like your a lucky guy 

i move on to the next nothing i was not already hoping for i shot the next guy and my lover was last and when i did it i was already out so i was home free. 

Joker: and we have our winners of the night and for the people who are wondering who our winners are lets see 

i walk over to the far right going to reveal my lover

Joker: the lucky person we haver here is no other than my lover Y-

i pulled the sack over what i thought was Y/N but it was the mayor. i was starting to hyperventilate a little bit has my breath got faster i quickly pulled my revolver back out putting a bullet into the chamber 

Mayor: nonononono wait w-


there he went. i then went to the person in the middle pulling there sack off seeing that there mouth was taped so they could not speak. i slowly take it off.

Joker: oh my poor baby girl/boy do you know who did this to you?!

Y/N: n-


stop me if you heard this one before [female joker x reader]Where stories live. Discover now