Chapter Fourteen

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My eyes fluttered open from the sun shining through the blinds and into my eyes. I slept hard as hell for the first time in a while. Maybe it was because I wasn't worried about my dad falling down the steps because he was drunk. Or thinking about if today would be the day my mom decides to come home. The worst thing I had to worry about was whether or not Naheim was going to keep eye fucking me. 

I tried reaching up my arms to stretch but they were pinned down by a heavy arm that I didn't remember being on me when I went to sleep. I turned my head slightly and looked up at Naheim's slumbered face. His breath tickled my nose and he snored lightly. We all took some shots and played music the night before and I do remember feeling like I reached my newly discovered limit. But I didn't recall at any point Naheim getting in the bed with me. In fact, I remembered Kahli joking about how we were probably going to fuck and Naheim instantly shut him down. I peeked underneath the blanket that was covering both of our bodies to see if I was naked. I breathed a sigh of relief when I realized I had on the same pajamas I put on before the festivities. I took another look at Naheim and then tried my best to get out of bed and not wake him. I needed to talk to Jodeci so she could fill me in on exactly what my drunk mind got me into. 

"Good morning," Naheim mumbled, pulling me back closer to his warm body. I tried to pull away but didn't put as much effort into it as I could have. His body felt wonderful against mine.

"Uh ... good morning ... I guess."

"What's wrong?" He asked.

I finally broke free from him and got out the bed. I crossed my arms over my chest, not wanting him to focus in on how hard my nipples had gotten from the cold air blowing on me from the vent above my head. 

"I woke up and you were in my bed. That's what's wrong," I said, trying to sound snippy. He smiled and stretched his arms and then placed them behind his head. 

"I take it you don't remember last night."

I shuffled my weight from one foot to another. My heart started to race as I thought of all the possibilities.

"We didn't ... did we?" I asked, becoming nervous.

"Did we what? Fuck?"

I nodded and swallowed the lump that was forming in my throat. He stared at me for a few seconds and then laughter erupted from him.

"Yo, you gotta relax Annie. What kind of a nigga do you think I am?"

"I'm not understanding your question. And I'm also not seeing what the hell is so funny."

"Listen, I like my pussy wet and aware, aight? You were really fucked up last night and then started trippin' about how your dad was going to kill you when he found out we were here. We all tried to get you to calm down but nothin' was workin'. You asked me to come lay with you so if he came and tried to murder you, I could defend you."

Just as he mentioned my father, my phone started vibrating on the nightstand with a call from him. I stared down at my screen terrified.

"You might as well get it over with, Annie. You're already here. The worst thing that can happen is he tells you to come home but it doesn't seem like he's in much of a position to force that to happen right now."

Naheim flicked the blanket off of him and strode out of the room. I watched as the muscles bulged in his back and began to wonder when was it he got so stocky. I quickly focused my mind and slid the icon across my screen and placed the phone to my ear.

"Hey, dad. What's up?"

"Roxanne", I heard him breathe. "Where are you?"

"I'm ... on spring break."

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