Chapter Two

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My alarm on my iPhone woke me up out of a deep sleep and I groaned in annoyance. It took me all night to get the things in my room in order and I still hadn't put up everything. So tired doesn't even cover how I'm feeling right now. However, I wanted a head start on getting myself together for school. It is my first day and I want to make a good impression.

"Alexa, play morning playlist," I said. My alexa speaker started playing a Meghan the Stallion song and I jumped out of bed, doing a little wiggle and grabbing the speaker on my way to the bathroom. My mom hates when I play this type of music. She says I benefit nothing from listening to rappers talk about sex and money. I never pushed my argument; it wasn't a point. I loved all music but definitely music that gets me to dance. I didn't go to parties back in Albany, mostly because I wasn't invited. Which was weird because I was very popular at my old school. But I always had a pep in my step and sway in my hips. When I was at home bored, dancing by myself is all I would. And hot girl Meg gets me moving.

I jumped in and out the shower quickly, still moving to music. The steam curled my straight hair up and I decided not to frustrate myself with it. I went into the small closet that was in the bathroom and grabbed some curl custard and fingered comb it through my hair, leaving it a nice curly fro on my shoulders. I went back to my room and pulled the uniform I had to wear off the hanger. I never went to a school where you couldn't wear what you wanted to wear but I guess that was a thing here. I feel it doesn't leave much room for expression but I was going to make the most of what I could do. I put on some girl briefs and a Victoria Secret sports bra then slipped the tan joggers over my hips and tied the strings. I looked in my floor length mirror admiring myself. I ate healthy and exercised from me being a cheerleader so my body was fit but I still have hips and thighs passed down by my mom. Back in Albany a lot of guys tried to talk to me but I ignored them. Mostly because I knew I didn't have the time for them. I still noticed their stares regardless.

I sat down at my vanity and pulled out my makeup brushes and pallets. I didn't want to do anything too extra so I filled in and outlined my brows and put on some light foundation. I always got my lashes done with my mom so I didn't bother with mascara.

"Roxanne, there is a ... Jodeci here to see you!" My mom yelled from downstairs. I laughed knowing my mom was confused when Jodeci told her that was her name. A few minutes went by and then Jodeci came strolling into my room.

"Damn girl," she said looking around. "You have a lot of stuff. I didn't even know it was a room this big in here."

I shrugged. "My parents know how I am about my space so they gave me the bigger room. I still need more closet space to be honest."

"Well come on, I like to get to school before the crowd. Them niggas and bitches are rude and I don't want to hit nobody today for stepping on my shoes."

I got up from the stool I was sitting on and and went to my bed to grab the red collar shirt they require us to wear.

"Gah dayum!" Jodeci said from behind me. I turned and looked at her confused.


"Um, you had all of this under those clothes yesterday?"

"All of what?"

She walked up to me and smacked my ass and put both hands on my breast. I yelped and looked at her wide eyes, slapping her hand away.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Are you gay?"

She laughed. "No I definitely love me some dick. But if you're a bad bitch I'm going to tell you."

"And clearly touch me too."

"We're friends, it was no sexual intent at all."

I rolled my eyes. Jodeci was weird and I didn't know if I liked her weird or not yet. I went to my closet and pulled out a box. I slipped on my red and white retro jordans then grabbed my book bag.

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