Chapter Fifteen

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I sighed as the sun penetrated my skin. Jodeci and I decided we needed some time away from the boys and finally came out to the beach. Kids were running around with their families. Women walked around barely covering themselves up. Every dude that walked by gawked at us. Jodeci, per usual, was loving the attention. I on the other hand didn't have time to be part of a First 48 case messing with Naheim. I couldn't see his face but I could feel he was close by. And if he was close by I knew he was watching and making sure nobody messed with me. 

"You been quiet since yesterday," Jodeci said to me. "You didn't even come out of the room to take shots with us."

"I'm surprised you and Kahli were even in the room to take shots," I responded, trying to change the subject from me. 

She huffed and rolled over to his stomach. I glanced over in admiration. I could see why niggas were always at Jodeci. She was beyond beautiful and her body was fit. We both had on matching bikini bathing suits but somehow it looked better on her than what it did on me. I wasn't hating; I will always root for my girl. I guess I can see now why Kahli is crazy about her. 

"After you blabbed my secret-"

"Wait a minute bitch! I didn't blab anything. I am an expert whisperer. Kahli is just nosey."

She waved me off. "I'm not mad at you. I shouldn't have waited until now to tell him. And we ended up having another well-needed talk. We both agreed that a baby wouldn't have been good for us at that time anyway."

"What about now?"

"What? Like having a baby now? Fuck no, I got too much shit to do and only so little time. Don't get me wrong, I love Kahli. But I'm not sure we're even going to be together long enough for me to consider ruining this perfectly sculpted body to carry one of his snotty sperm cells."

"You do know there is no way for his sperm cell to be snotty if it's still at the stage of being sperm, right?"

"Girl shut the fuck up! You get my point."

I laughed and closed my eyes. A question popped into my head to ask so I turned to Jodeci only to see that she had taken her bikini top off and had her titties out on display.

"Jodeci, what the fuck are you doing?" I asked her. She looked at me unphased.

"What? Girl, almost every bitch on this beach got their boobs out. What's the problem?"

She did have a point and it would be nice to get an all-over tan. I rolled over onto my stomach and undid the string around my neck and then reached further and undid the one around my back. I folded my arms underneath my head and lay down on them. I closed my eyes once again and tried my best to relax.


My eyes snapped open at the sound of Kahli's voice. I didn't want to sit up because whilst I wanted the tan, I didn't one hundred percent share Jodeci's view about having my breast out. Jodeci continued to lay on her back until Kahli reached us and snatched her up. I picked up the towel she was laying on and covered her up.

"Kahli, move! It's nothing wrong with getting a tan."

"Niggas don't tan, first of all. And if they did I'm sure they don't have to have their titts out to do it."

"You're causing a scene, Kahli," Jodeci said, lowering her voice. I looked around and noticed a few people had stopped what they were doing to look in our direction.

"Maybe I need to make a scene, Jodeci! You have no issue embarrassing me in front of people. Maybe I need to do the same to you for you to get it through your head to stop fuckin' playin' with me."

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