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"Hermione!" Ginny exclaimed excitedly, pulling the witch in for a hug.

"Hello Ginny, I've missed you!" Hermione replied. She pulled away from Ginny slightly confused when she caught sight of Marianna.

"Hey there Granger, have a nice holiday so far?" Marianna asked politely.

"Marie, you are always so polite." Ginny laughed as she walked Marianna's back a little harder than she had meant to.

"That's alright, it's a refreshing personality." Hermione replied happily.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ginny asked, feeling full offense.

Hermione laughed while she laid her trunk down on Ginny's bed, unpacking it with a smile on her face. Marianna felt slightly jealous the girl felt so comfortable in the home. Though the Weasley's were very welcoming to her, Marianna felt like she was still an outsider.

"I do have to say, I'm a bit surprised to see you. Did Percy apologize?" Hermione asked.

Ginny crossed her arms and glared at Marianna.
"You've told her why you're cross with my own brother and not me?"

"No Gin, I more so figured it out on my own." Hermione explained.

Hermione was fairly young at the time but she spent just as much time in the library as the Ravenclaw witch did. The idea of being Minister of Magic had crossed the young witch's mind once or twice so she often wished she had enough courage to speak to Fudge.

She'd watch from her study session as Marianna and Percy would sit together, chat, and revise together. Sometimes Oliver would waltz in wearing his quidditch gear, getting mud and water everywhere. And Percy would scorn him while Marianna would giggle at the two of them. The three seemed like very close mates from what she could tell.

Though there was one other thing she had observed when watching Marianna, the relentless amount of other students kissing up to her.

"Of course you have, you're the smartest witch of your age. Maybe you can let the best quidditch player of her age in on the secret though?" Ginny chuckled, elbowing Hermione jokingly.

"It's stupid Ginny, it's almost embarrassing it's gone on this long. I should just tell him." Marianna admitted out loud.

The two Gryffindors stopped what they were doing and looked up at Marianna with wide eyes.

"You think?" Ginny exclaimed, she looked between her and Hermione, then back at Hermione. The witch didn't look as excited as Ginny had. She almost looked nervous.

"Marianna, I don't think your reasoning is stupid at all. I think what he did betrayed your trust as your friend. Not only that but what he did with Pen-"

"Alright Granger!" Marianna attempted to interrupt.

"Pen?.... Pen, pen, penel? No...." Ginny was attempting to sound out. Marianna cringed when she finally understood.

"Penel? Penelope.... PENELOPE? As in my brothers girlfriend 4th year?" Ginny questioned.

Marianna jumped towards Ginny, covering her mouth nervously. Hermione and Ginny were surprised to see Marianna act in such a way. She was visibly flustered.

"Keep it down, I don't want Percy to hear." Marianna explained as she let out a breath she was holding in.

"You fancied my brother?!?! Percy out of all 6 options?!?" The red headed witch questioned.

Marianna's cheeks went bright red, as she looked down at her hands anxiously.

"You were jealous of Pen Clearwater and that's why you are cross with him?" Ginny questioned.

Marianna waved her hands around.
"No no no, that's not it I assure you. It's not his fault he doesn't fancy me. I'd never judge someone for something like that."

"I'm sure it didn't help though, when Ron and Lavender were together it got under my skin no matter how hard I tried to deny it." Hermione explained.

Marianna thought to herself. Could she be over reacting? It didn't help that she fancies him so much, even still. But like Hermione said, he betrayed her trust. He was her best mate and he did the one thing she'd never think he'd do. He should be the one feeling ashamed, not her.

"Well I say you tell me everything regardless." Ginny noted.

Marianna took a long breathe.
"Well you see-"

My Sincerest Apologies- Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now