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The Weasley Christmas party was tonight and Percy wasn't sure he even wanted to leave his room.

"Cmon Perce, you have to go." Oliver begged.

"She barely looked at me all morning, I'm so ashamed. I shouldn't have joined that stupid game." Percy exclaimed, running his hand anxiously through his hair.

Percy had caught Oliver up on what happened after he had passed out. Funnily enough so had Marianna, though she begged Oliver not to share what she had said. At this point, the wizard believes his mates to be hopeless. It was obvious they both fancied eachother, yet they were too daft to even see it. Constantly thinking they were inconveniencing the other, it was exhausting.

"She's shy, plus your brothers were teasing her all morning. Just apologize to her and things will go back to normal." Oliver reassured him.

Percy got up and began pacing. Oliver rolled his eyes knowing this meant he was thinking even harder now.

"I could fake being sick? No mum would make a huge deal out of it. Maybe I'll just find a quiet place to read? No Charlie would bother me if I did that."

"Or you could apologize? Though there's really nothing to say sorry for." Oliver said, whispering the last part.

Percy snapped his head towards Oliver.
"Did she talk to you about it?"

"What no?" Oliver said as he looked around nervously.

"Oliver, you are shit at lying. Just tell me what she said!" Percy exclaimed as he shook Oliver by the shoulders.

"She promised me not to!" Oliver admitted.

Percy let out a long groan as he began pacing again.
"Wait." He said as he paused.

"Yes?" Oliver asked, hoping this next plan had nothing to do with himself.

"Her and I, we haven't swapped gifts yet. I'll just write an apology to her. That way it won't be as awkward." Percy said cheerfully.

Oliver was about to argue but he knew Percy was going to do it anyway. Atleast this way Percy had to leave the room and speak to her. Oliver hummed a reply before walking out of Percy's room in hopes of finding Marianna somewhere.

The same moment Oliver shut the door behind him, Charlie walked out of the bathroom after a shower.

"Hi Oliver!" Charlie greeted cheerfully.

Oliver's face turned the shade of a tomato as he took in the sight of his first boy crush with his shirt off. His skin was covered in scars and burns, most likely from the dragons he has worked with for his job. Oliver swallowed nervously noticing Charlie was still wet with only a towel wrapped around his hips.

"Is Percy going to man up and make moves of little Marie tonight?" Charlie questioned as he used a towel to dry his long hair.

"I- I Uhm.... I'm not sure. Hopefully." Oliver chuckled, trying to stay calm and as normal as possible.

Charlie leaned in close to Oliver, almost touching noses.
"Ya know, it's not nice to stare." He whispered.

Oliver was normally very confident, even cocky, but in this moment he was speechless. He turned right on his heals and walked away from the situation without another word.

"Oh Cmon I was just teasing." Charlie called out to him unsuccessfully.

Oliver ended up finding Marianna in the kitchen, he wasn't even a little surprised. The girl had been practically glued to Mrs. Weasley's hip since she arrived. He smiled warmly at the pair before dipping a finger in the brownie batter Marianna was mixing.

"Ollie!" She scorned, though her smile told him she wasn't too upset.

"Sorry Marie." Oliver giggled before running away towards where Harry, Ron, and the Twins were playing exploding snaps.

"You two seem close." Molly noted.

Marianna looked between Oliver and Molly.
"Oh, we aren't like that. Oliver is like a brother to me." She said with a content smile.

"And Percy, is he like a brother?" Molly questioned.

Marianna paused.

It would be weird to agree with the statement. You don't normally almost kiss your brother or even want to kiss your brother. Percy Weasley was certainly not like a brother to her.

"Oh, Uhm. He's-"

Marianna couldn't figure out what to say in that moment. She thought back to how Molly treated her son's girlfriends. She didn't want Molly to think of her like that, but she also didn't want to disrespect Percy in any way.

"He's something else I guess, but he's still just as important to me." Marianna admitted.

Molly hummed a reply, a knowing smile still on her face as she watched the Ravenclaw girl.
"He seems to really care for you."

Marianna smiled to herself hearing those words.
"I really care for him too."

After helping Molly bake the rest of the desserts for the party, Marianna was getting ready with Hermione and Ginny. The Ravenclaw was questioning her outfit choice.

"Are you sure this isn't too much?" Marianna turned towards the girls to show them her dress. It was a red velvet dress with long sleeves and a low neckline.

"Woah." Ginny gasped.

"Absolutely not, it's perfect." Hermione reassured her.

"Your tits look great." Ginny noted. Hermione bumped her to get her to shut up.
"What? It's true."

Marianna at first was surprised but then she fell into a fit of laughter with the two witches she now was proud to call her friends. She turned back towards the mirror and took a deep breath.

"They do look nice." She admitted outloud.

"Told you." Ginny laughed.

My Sincerest Apologies- Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now