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With Christmas approaching, the group of Weasleys and friends decided to take a trip to Diagon Alley to pick up any last second gifts.

Marianna felt relief wash over her, as she didn't arrive with any presents in the first place.

Marianna Fudge loved gift giving.

She was already done planning gifts for Oliver, the twins, Hermione, Ginny, and Ron. She was stuck on what to do for Harry and Percy however.

The 5th year witch didn't know Harry very well but he seemed like the type of bloke that would be thankful for anything, so she wasn't too worried. It was Percy she was really stuck on.

Percy wasn't a greedy person, he never really asked for much. He also was exceptionally private which made it that much harder for the witch to determine what he'd like to receive.

Ginny, Hermione, and Marianna decided to break off from the group about an hour ago. They set down their shopping bags next to the chairs in the ice cream shop as the settled down for a well deserved rest.

Marianna zoned out as Hermione talked about the all the books she had to stop herself from buying.

"Marie?......Marie!" Ginny repeated.

Marianna snapped back to reality, facing the red headed girl.
"I'm sorry what?"

"Are you alright? You've been so deep in thought all day." Hermione asked.

Ginny and Hermione looked back at her with concerned eyes.

"I'm just not sure what to get Percy for Christmas is all." She admitted with rosy cheeks.

Ginny laughed and explained how she always got him the same thing every year, a chocolate frog, And every year he told her he disliked them. Ginny knew he was lying, she'd always see the empty wrapper in the rubbish bin later in the day. It was a silly tradition but one the youngest Weasley held dear.

"A book?" Hermione suggested.

"Hermione, there is more to life than books!" Ginny laughed.

"What? He likes books, there is nothing wrong with a good book." Hermione retorted.

Marianna thought about it for a moment, and then it hit her.

"I'll be right back!" She exclaimed, standing up from her spot and rushing towards the book store. Thankfully it wasn't too far. The bell above the door rang as she pushed the shop door open.

She knew the book she was looking for was upstairs, she quickly made her way up the spiral staircase up to the second level. She raked her eyes across the shelves not looking where she was going and ran straight into somebody.

"My goodness I'm sor-" Marianna started apologizing but felt her words dry up when she saw Percy standing in front of her.

"That's alright Marianna." Percy chuckled, smoothing out his jumper with his hands.
"Are you looking for something specific? Maybe I can help you find it."

"Oh no thank you." She stated rather abruptly. Her eyes locked on the specific book she needed. It was on the top shelf and right beside Percy's head.

Percy noticed where her eyes kept landing.
"Do you need this one? I can get it down for you." He asked while pointing to the book.

Marianna hoped to Merlin he hadn't read the title.
"No, Perce it's really okay. I've got it.

Her hand shot up and she stood on her tip toes in a desperate attempt to grab the book before Percy saw it.

"Really, it's no problem lemme help." Percy reassured her as he he too went to grab the book at the same time.

This ended up with Percy bumping into Marianna, and because she was on her toes she was unbalanced, causing her to fall backwards. The red head tried his best to catch her but he ended up falling with her.

With a slightly painful thump, Marianna fell flat on her back. With Percy falling directly on top of her.

"Are you alright Marianna?!" Percy exclaimed from above her.

Her eyes shot open and she took in the awkward situation before her. At first Percy was about to act just as surprised and nervous, but the witch looked so cute like this. Her cheeks were rosy and her eyes looked up at him so innocently.

She wiggled underneath him nervously.

"Oh- I'm sorry" Percy quickly apologizing, thinking she was uncomfortable.

"It's okay."

"It is?"

Marianna nodded and Percy felt an invisible force pushing him closer to her. His eyes flicked between her eyes and her lips. Marianna noticed, and she hoped with all her heart he would kiss her right now.

She closed her eyes and Percy leaned forward slowly.

"Percy?" Oliver called out.

Both Marianna and Percy's eyes shot open, they scrambled to separate and put as much space between eachother as they could when they stood.

"What's going on here?" Oliver chuckled.

"It's nothing!" Percy stated.

Marianna felt her heart break. It was like when they first fought all over again. For a moment she thought Percy may have felt the same way, but she was so brutally reminded that he'd never think of her like that.

The Ravenclaw witch grabbed the discarded book off the floor before practically sprinting away.

"What's going on, for real this time?" Oliver asked, slightly concerned.

"Nothing, I swear." Percy spoke in a guilty tone, his eyes looked towards Oliver pleadingly. That's when Oliver remembered what Marianna had said.

Oliver started laughing again and Percy watched very confused.
"Perce, I don't fancy Marianna and she surely doesn't fancy me."

"You don't?" Percy asked, as if it was the first time he'd been hearing this information.

Oliver patted Percy's shoulder, seeing he was slightly more relaxed than a moment ago.
"Not at all, Perce we've been trying to tell you all week. I know when you get ideas stuck in your head you tend to stick to them, but that hasn't seemed to do you any good as of late."

"Maybe you're right. I'm just so confused lately, it's like I'm not in control of anything anymore." Percy admitted.

"Do you?"

"Do I what?" Percy asked.

"Do you fancy Marianna?" Oliver reiterated.

Percy wasn't prepared for this question. Did he like her? I mean sure she was drop dead gorgeous, smart, funny, she got along with his family swimmingly, and.....

"Merlin." He gasped, as he anxiously ran his hand through his hair.

My Sincerest Apologies- Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now