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Even if Percy wasn't thankful for the oldest Weasley siblings showing up, Marianna mentally thanked Merlin for them. As they had been doing a very good job distracting Percy and taking his focus off of her.

She told herself it was silly to cry over Percy. After that day she pulled herself together and acted as if nothing had happened.

"A Christmas party?" Molly questioned.

"Yeah mum, Cmon, you love having people around!" Charlie exclaimed cheerfully.

"Just admit you're lonely Char, I know you are only doing this to get over Sylvia!" Bill noted as he took Charlie's toast from his hand.

"Who's Syyylvia?" Ginny taunted.

Charlie anxiously laughed as he tried to avoid his mother's eyes.
"Oh, Uhm, my ex girlfriend..."

"EX GIRLFRIEND?!?" Molly's voice boomed throughout the house.

The Weasley children ducked in cover, fearing their protective mother's wrath.

"Now hold on mum, I would have told you, but we broke up before I had the chance!" Charlie exclaimed while he put his hands up in defense.

"You should have told me right away!" Molly huffed before pulling Charlie into a bone crushing squeeze.
"I hope that girl didn't break my poor boy's heart, what a terrible woman she must have been."

Ginny and Ron giggled while the twins made fake crying faces at Charlie.

"Help me." Charlie mouthed silently.

Marianna thought about how Molly would feel about her if she dated Percy.

Molly was an extremely protective woman, the twins had told her how she reacted when she found out about Penelope Clearwater. Let's just say she wasn't fond of the girl. This made Marianna nervous as she thought Penelope to be quite lovely.

Over the school break, Marianna had grown very fond of Molly. She might have her own mum but she didn't come close to how caring, warm, and loving Molly had been to her. Even over such a short period of time. Maybe her and Percy not working out was for the better.

"Besides, how could someone be sad with beautiful Marianna Fudge around?"
Mariana felt Charlie throw his arm over her shoulders.

"Leave her be Charlie, you know how shy Marie is." Ginny stated protectively.

"She's not shy, she's just nervous around extremely handsome men. Isn't that right whittle Marie?" Charlie continued, he bopped her nose with his finger playfully.

Percy and Oliver walked into the living room. Percy felt a wave of jealousy wash over him when he saw his brother's hands on Marianna.

"Can't you stop flirting with her Charlie." Percy stated angrily.

"So protective Percy, what a temper on you." Charlie chuckled while pulling away from Marianna and walking towards his younger brother.

"You told us you two aren't dating, how was I supposed to know you fancied her?" He continued as he walked out of the room.

All eyes were on Percy now, except for Marianna whom was hiding her blushed face. He attempted to ignore everyone when he sat beside Oliver on the couch.

Arthur and Molly had left to attend the yearly Ministry Christmas party, Marianna was thankful she wasn't forced to go this year but she made sure Molly and Arthur knew not to bring up the fact that she had been staying with them this holiday. Her father believed her to be somewhere her grandfather would call more respectable. It wasn't that they hated the Weasleys, they just weren't prestigious enough.

My Sincerest Apologies- Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now