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Ginny and Hermione sat down for breakfast that next morning with somber expressions.

"Where's Marie?" Oliver asked.

The two witches shared a look and then shook their heads.

Percy didn't know what came over him but he stood up from his seat and made his way to Ginny's room. Molly took a sip of her coffee knowingly while she smirked at Hermione and Ginny. The two witches sent the Weasley mum a gentle smile back.

Percy knocked on the door softly, not knowing if Marianna fell back asleep or not.

"Ginny, I told you I'm not hungry."

"It's not Ginny." Percy said as he pushed the door open.

Marianna's head shot towards him, she quickly covered her head with the blanket she was wrapped in. Percy chuckled at the sight.


"Marie? Are you in here?"

Percy peaked his head into Marianna's dorm room, taking in the sight of the witch wrapped in a blanket like a small child. He chuckled slightly as he sat beside her on the bed.

"What am I going to do Perce!" She exclaimed with tear filled eyes.

"Marie, it was only one failed potion." Percy noted. He pulled the blanket away from her face, revealing a puffy red faced witch.

"First it's a potion, and then it's a failed test, then a failed class. My goodness what will my father say?" Marianna cried.

Percy tucked a loose piece of hair behind her ear. Her sniffles quickly stopping as she looked back at him.

"It's a single failed potion, and if I know you well then I know you'll do twice as good next time. This won't stop you, and so what about your father. Your father gets upset when your hair is too frizzy. Who cares what he thinks." Percy explained.

"My hair is frizzy now isn't it." Marianna sighed as she attempted to flatten her hair out with her hands.

Percy stopped her by grabbing her wrist.
"I think it looks lovely, you always look lovely Marie."

Percy took a seat on Ginnny's bed beside Marianna.

"What's wrong?" He asked softly.

"Nothing." She whispered from under the blanket. Percy could tell by her voice that she had been crying.

"It's obviously not nothing Marianna, Cmon you can tell me. Like old times yeah?"

Marianna didn't move from her spot.

"Remember when you cried about failing that one potion in second year? You thought that was going to be the end of the world but then it turned out okay right?" Percy explained.

Marianna felt warm when Percy spoke. He was much more caring than most people thought or believed. He did have younger siblings, and sure those siblings thought he was stuck up and uncaring, but he loved them and he was a very good big brother.

She thought about second year, when Percy helped her feel better about that failed potion. The memory made her heart hurt more than before. It was the moment Marianna Fudge had fallen for Percy Weasley.

"This time it won't work out. Nothing can change the way I feel right now." She sighed.

"Nothing?" Percy questioned.

"Nothing." Marianna confirmed.

"Not even..... THIS?" Percy began tickling Marianna causing them to fall back into the bed in a fit of giggles.

Marianna snorted, making her cover herself with the blanket again.

"I never thought I'd hear that again." Percy laughed.

"It's so embarrassing." Marianna huffed.

"I think it's cute." Percy admitted.

Marianna pulled the blanket further into herself, attempting to hide her red cheeks.

"Look... Marianna I-"


Percy felt like throwing up right then and there. Ginny's door was then kicked open revealing Bill and Charlie Weasley.

"Well there he is! He's with a girl!" Bill laughed.

"PERCIVAL WEASLEY WITH A GIRL?" Charlie announced, as if they had an audience.

Percy began pinching the bridge of his nose, already feeling a migraine coming on. He could deal with Ron and the Twins, but now he had his older brothers visiting for the holidays too? This was going to be a roller coaster.

"Get out Charlie! You too Bill!" Percy yelled. He knew Marianna didn't want them to see her in the state she was in, but mostly he was embarrassed himself.

"Whyyyyyyy we wanna meet your girlfriend!" Charlie pouted as Percy pushed him out of the room.

"She's not my girlfriend." Percy corrected angrily.

Ouch, Marianna thought.

"Well why not? You have to make the right moves Percy, want us to show you?" Charlie continued.

"Char, shut up you twat! He's obviously too nervous!" Bill noted as he smacked the back of Charlie's head.

"I am not!" Percy yelled as he pushed the two older Weasleys out of the room.

He turned back around, facing Marianna whom was still covered by a sheet.

"I'm sorry about them, I didn't know they were coming back for-"

"Can you just leave me alone Percy?" Marianna asked softly.

Percy felt his heart sting slightly.
"Y- oh yeah, sure." He stuttered, slipping out of the room and shutting the door behind him.

My Sincerest Apologies- Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now