Chapter 3-Daily Life 1

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Houndoom: "Time to wake up! Another fun day awaits you all in hell!"

Rena: I woke up from my slumber. I am not feeling that well right now but is anyone really?

Flashback Start!

Rena: "But why... Why do I care now? Why do I care now that Mark's dead?! I didn't even like him that much!"

Ekolo: "Rena..."

Rena: "?"

Ekolo: "I-I think... you're experiencing the same thing I felt after I killed Yoko. Guilt."

Rena: "...!"

Ekolo: "You feel guilty about Mark dying because of you. I don't fully understand you or how your brain functions but that's my best guess right now."

Rena: "I-... I think that might be it..."

Flashback End!

Rena: "Guilt, huh? I don't really know how to feel about this... Is it a good thing? Should I feel bad for killing Mark? ...Of course not, I don't care about anyone here! Then why do I-" My out-loud thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door.

Ekolo: "Hey Rena? It's me, Ekolo, I brought you breakfast if you want it. I'll leave it at the door."

Rena: Ekolo? ...I kinda want to talk to him. I rushed over to the door and opened it. Ekolo was walking away. "Hey Ekolo?" They turned around. "Can- can we talk for a bit...?"

Ekolo: "Of course!" They came back over to me.

Rena: "Do you mind if we do it in my room?"

Ekolo: "If you want!" I invited them to my room, picking up the plate of food as they came in. "What do you want to talk about?"

Rena: "I- ...I don't really know, I don't really know what to do with myself right now."

Ekolo: "Alright then," They hopped onto a nearby chair. "Explain to me what that means."

Rena: "...Are you trying to act like my therapist or something?"

Ekolo: "Do you have one?"

Rena: "No."

Ekolo: "...Well no offense, but you should probably get one once this is over."

Rena: "If it ever is..."

Ekolo: "Hey, don't think like that, we'll get out! I know we will! It can't get worse then it already is right?"

Rena: "Yes it can."

Ekolo: "Come on, we need to think positively!"

Rena: "There is a fine line between optimism and toxic positivity and I cannot tell if you've crossed it or not..."

Ekolo: "What does that mean?!"

Rena: I snickered a little. While we are trying to have a semi-serious conversation, it's kinda nice to have some fun like this.

Ekolo: "So anyway..."

Rena: "...Yeah... ...Uh- I really don't know what to feel... I don't care about you, and yet you care about me. I shouldn't be feeling like this."

Ekolo: "Well just do whatever feels right!"

Rena: "What feels right?"  I grabbed my pocket knife from my pocket. I just looked at the blade. Ekolo just sat there. We both stared at it for a bit. "What feels right? What is right? What isn't? Why don't I know this? They're my fr13nd$, r1gh+?





Rena: "What feels right?"  I grabbed my pocket knife from my pocket. I just looked at the blade. Ekolo just sat there. We both stared at it for a bit. "What feels right? What is right? What isn't? Why don't I know this? Why do I almost feel like I shouldn't have this?"

Ekolo: "Maybe you shouldn't, maybe someone changed who you are? There's got to be someone behind this right, and not just Houndoom right?"

Rena: "... ...Ekolo you really are dumb aren't you?"

Ekolo: "Oh come on!"

Rena: We kept talking for a while. Honestly I think it really made me feel better. I think we grew close in a special kind of way! Eventually Ekolo remembered that Inteol was waiting for them and had to go. We said goodbye and they left my room.

Special Skill Get!
Fluffy Forgiveness
(Fluffy Forgiveness SP 0:
Grants 5 extra influence and removes one incorrect answer from every other minigame. Obtained from the canon Special Time Event. Only applicable when Rena, Ekolo or Reiko are the protagonist.)

Rena: I decided to stay in my room for the rest of the day. I don't think I'll be able to face everyone else today. Tomorrow I'll go out there.


Houndoom: "Time to go to sleep everyone!"

Rena: I fell asleep.

Rena: I woke up. I really don't want to talk to anyone right now but... I guess I have to eventually, I can't just make Ekolo bring me food every day until I die. I want to feel as good as humanly possible before I go out there though so I spend a good hour in my room getting ready. I take a shower, wash my hands, just everything to make myself feel good honestly. Eventually I stopped being stupid and decided to exit my room. Here we go... I walked to the dining hall and...? No one's here? 


Houndoom: "Good morning everyone, time to awaken! Oh yeah by the way, the third floor is available now. I waited for someone, anyone to show up and no one did, so I axed the wall myself. Anyway later."

Rena: Oh, I guess I woke up early. I completely forgot about the announcement. Literally before I could finish that mental sentence Inteol walked in.

Inteol: "Oh, am I not the first one here today? What are you doing here so early?"

Rena: "I guess I just woke up earlier than usual and just didn't realize it."

Inteol: "I see, things on your mind?"

Rena: "I- Yeah I guess so..."

Inteol: "Would you like to talk about it?"

Rena: "Not particularly."

Inteol: "Understandable, we've all been through a lot so we need to take it one step at a time."

Rena: "...Sure." As soon as I finished saying that, more people entered the dining hall. I just kinda sat in the corner like I used to. Inteol went into the kitchen to make us all breakfast. I was considering asking if I could help them but the conversation would be pretty awkward plus I don't really know how to cook anything that isn't a slice of bread. Ternovuh and Sheik wandered over to me like they used to do.

Ternovuh: "How're you holding up?"

Rena: "..."

Ternovuh: "Rena?"

Rena: "Huh? Oh, sorry, I spaced out there. Did you ask me something?"

Ternovuh: "Yeah, how are you holding up after everything that happened? I haven't seen you since the trial."

Rena: "Until like 15 minutes ago, I hadn't been out of my room since the trial. It would've pretty hard to see me."

Ternovuh: "I see, honestly, understandable. This whole scenario is just... strange. We're being placed in some place where we're trapped and the only way to escape is to kill? Not to mention the motives too."

Rena: "Plus my memories being scrambled and both Inteol and I don't have a talent. What is Houndoom's plan and what are they gaining out of this?"

Sheik: "Hmm..."

Rena: We continued to talk while we ate. Eventually, we finished and went on our own.

To be Continued...

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