Chapter 3-Trial 4

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???: A new part of the Non-Stop Debate has been added, would you like to hear more?
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Puzzlekuma: Here we are, once again! There is a new part at play in the Non-Stop Debate! So you have Truth Capsules, right? Well, sometimes, they don't always convey the point you want to make properly. This is where the Copy & Paste Function comes in. (Which will be referred to as the C&P Function from now on for convenience) The C&P Function allows you to take what someone says and use it as your own Truth Capsule. How helpful! If you notice that someone says something important, you should take it, just in case they allow you to make a point clearer. By the way, this is done by pressing the [C] Key on your keyboard as your hovering over an agreeable or refutable statement. That's all from me now, good luck and have fun!

Non-Stop Debate! Start!

Truth Capsules:
Dustox File #01
Dustox File #02

Sheik: "Reiko has no reason to lie, since we've confirmed his innocence."
Inteol: "This is true."

Sheik: "Reiko saw Ternovuh, who didn't have blood on him, which means that he's innocent too!"
Vex: "What kinda boomerang logic is that?!"

Escovo: "Ternovuh could've very easily washed off any blood he had on him."
Ekolo: "Hm..."
Myth: "Possible, yes, plausible, we'll see."

Escovo: "He wouldn't even need to do a good job, it was dark and his clothes are red, which would make the blood blend in."
Ternovuh: "My clothes aren't *that* red!"
Vex: "Ehhhhh."

Reiko: "That's a good point, however, there was no smell of blood or any other unfamiliar scents for that matter."
Ekolo: "Maybe..."

Dulse: "We have identical copies of our clothes in our rooms; so he could've changed out of the bloodied ones."

Inteol: "Surely he'd have gotten some on his skin right? He would've needed to wash that off for Reiko to not have noticed."

Saturn: **"The hallways aren't fully illuminated at night,** so that could have been missed."
Escovo: "You literally just made the same point I did..."

Vex: "The blood would still leave behind some residue though."

Myth: *Sigh* "Oh my god, we're literally just running in circles..."
Dulse: "Tell me about it..."

Rena: This conversation is going nowhere. It's time for me to interject, as per usual.

Sheik: "Reiko has no reason to lie, since we've confirmed his innocence."
Inteol: "This is true."

Sheik: "Reiko saw Ternovuh, who didn't have blood on him, which means that he's innocent too!"
Vex: "What kinda boomerang logic is that?!"

Escovo: "Ternovuh could've very easily washed off any blood he had on him."
Ekolo: "Hm..."
Myth: "Possible, yes, plausible, we'll see."

C&P Function: Activate!

Truth Capsule Get! (['very easily washed off any blood'])

Escovo: "He wouldn't even need to do a good job, it was dark and his clothes are red, which would make the blood blend in."
Ternovuh: "My clothes aren't *that* red!"
Vex: "Ehhhhh."

Reiko: "That's a good point, however, there was no smell of blood or any other unfamiliar scents for that matter."
Ekolo: "Maybe..."

(['very easily washed off any blood'])

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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