The Crystal Cave (Part 4)

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Merlin's POV

"Young witch. To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" Kilgharrah calmly enquired landing gently on the grassy field infront of me.

"Its Morgana. She fell down the stairs. Gauis doesn't think she will make it." I replied. Staring up at him beneath my cloak.

"Oh. Is this not a thing to rejoice. Without the witch to interfere abilion will flourish." I felt hot boiling anger fill my heart at his words. How dare he say that about my friend. My sister in all but blood.

"How many times must I tell you. Morgana isn't like that. Didn't you learn anything from the triple lady scolding you?" I snap. Irritation clear in my voice. He rolls his eyes at this.

"Merlin. I know what I have seen. If you allow that witch to live. She will destroy everything you have worked for." He stated. His voice taking on a note of exasperation.

"Enough. I will not let my friend die just because you can't see past your own stupid bias." I snapped. Eye twitching in annoyance.

"Well then you will save her without my...."

"SILENCE! I COMMAND YOU AS YOUR DRAGON QUEEN TO HELP ME SAVE HER!" I roared finally reaching my limit.

"HOW DARE YOU USE YOUR VOICE AGAINST ME! HOW DARE YOU FORCE ME TO PERVERT DESTINY BY SAVING ABILIONS DESTRUCTION!" Kilgharrah angrily roared. Smoke billowing from his nostrils. A part of me felt slightly bad for forcing Kilgharrah, but the part that just didn't care won out. Its time he stopped letting his anger at Uther control his ways. His bitterness at being locked up for so long has gone too far.

He may hate me for saving Morgana but I know its the right thing to do. So shaking away the small pang of guilt. I glared up at the fuming dragon. My clipped voice coming out harsher then I meant for it to.

"Its you thats trying to pervert destiny. If I listened to you. Not only would I have lost Morgana as a friend, but I would have made the wrong choice and destroyed destiny beyound repair. Its because I am willing to force your hand that Abilion will not fall. Its time you see that and stop expecting evil where there is none." He growled at this. Teeth bared in anger as he leaned closer to me.

"For Arthurs sake I hope your right, but I know your wrong. I hope this is worth my anger. Don't expect me to help you again young witch." He spat before breathing a golden mist on me. The moment the mist cleared I felt my magic stir with in me as I knew what I needed to do to save her.

"Thank you." I whisper to the still fuming dragon bowing slightly to him.

"Hmmph. Don't call me again." With that he flew away. Leaving me to make the trek back to Camelot to save my friend.

Morgana's POV

Blinking open my eyes for the first time in days. I frown in anger as memories of the conversation I overheard filled my head. I may have been comatose from my fall, but my magic somehow made it possible for me to hear everything around me. Hearing Uther admit to being my biological dad was bad. Hearing him admit to killing the man I loved like a dad though was wrose.

I could feel my magic stirring angrily within me. Threatening to explode out of me. Its at this moment as I lay in my bed in my room that at some point I had been moved to. That my chamber doors opened. Allowing Leon to step through. Upon seeing me awake. His face falls in relief. Rushing inside and closing the door behind me. He hurrys to my side. Lifting my hand to his mouth. Where he softly placed a kiss. A gentle smile gracing his face.

"I am so glad you are ok." He softly says. Rubbing his thumb along the back of my hand. So lost in my anger at Uther. I remain silent. Struggling to keep my magic from lashing out. He frowns at my silence a concerned wrinkle marring his forehead.

"Morgana whats wrong." He asks. Letting go of my hand to reach forward and brush a strand of hair behind my ear. Before I can truly think better of it. I begin to speak. Also doesn't help that my magic is almost forcing me to speak. Wrapping around both Leon and I as if we were the same person.

"While I was unconscious. I could hear everything around me. I heard Uther admit to being my father. My biological dad. He also admitted to killing the man that for years I thought was my dad." I frown at the unsurprised look in Leons eyes.

"You knew?" I accuse. A bubble of hurt building in my heart. He sighs at this. Laying down beside me on the bed and pulling me into his side.

"I suspected. I have seen paintings of Glorois and Vivian and you look nothing like Glorios. You have your mothers curls and eye color, but your face is pure Uther. I have also heard rumors that Uther and Vivian once had a fling while Glorios was missing. It wasn't hard to figure out." He stated running his fingers gently through my curls.

"But then why did you never tell me." I sniffled. Tears brimming in the corner of my emerald eyes. He sighs at this. Staring unseeingly at the purple conpay above us.

"Its because i was certain. If I had told you and it turned out false. It would have destroyed the relationship between you and the ming forever. If it was true and I had told you. It would have not only hurt you dearly but I know you well enough to know you would try to kill Uther in an act of revenge." I reeled back at his blunt statement.

"You knew I would want Uther dead if I knew yet you haven't warned the king about it?" I couldn't believe how calm Leon is. He is the most loyal knight in the kingdom. For him to talk about treason so carelessly. Is this really my Leon?

"Morgana one do you honestly think the king would believe me if I told him this?" Ok thats true. The king would likely have Leon executed before he believed me evil.

"And two." At this Leon pauses turning my face gently to face him. His eyes glittering in some unnamed emotion. Making my breath stutter with in me at the sight.

"Two do you honestly believe I would ever chose the king over the woman I love?" With that his soft lips met mine. Sealing his words with his love and wiping away my anger in seconds. Maybe Uthers betrayal isn't that bad after all. As long as I have Leon. Maybe I don't have to kill the king after all.

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