Chapter 2 - Secrets

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^^Cas's wings above^^

-Dean POV-

I followed Gabe down the hallway and into Cas's room. When he opened the door, I could see Cas lying face down on the bed, his head resting on his folded arms. 

He no longer had his signature trench coat on, actually, scratch that, he didn't have a shirt on. I knew that this wasn't the time and place for this sort of reaction but seeing Cas like this did something to me.

"He's sleeping," Gabe said, "but I need to show you something that Cas would probably never show you because he's a stubborn little thing." I was a bit confused but followed Gabe as he approached the sleeping angel. 

Once at his bed side, Gabe looked at me one more time before holding his hand an inch or so over Cas's back, moving it slowly around almost as if he was searching for something that lay underneath Cas's skin. "Now," Gabe started, "every angel has a certain spot that, if thorough pressure is applied, could make things very complicated."

I looked curiously at Gabe, tearing my eyes away from Cas, "Okay, so what does this have to do with Cas's situation?" I questioned.

"The one way to know if a human or creature is in fact an angel's soulmate is to have the angel reveal his wings. If the human or creature can see the angel's wings, they are their soulmate." Gabriel explained, "quite a simple process actually. Ah, here it is." His hand stopped moving in the middle of Castiel's back, centered on his spine. "Give me your hand, Dean."

"Okay?" I cautiously gave his hand to the archangel and watched as he placed it on the spot he stopped at. Gabe removed his own hand, leaving mine on Cas's back, "Now, all you're going to do is push it. You don't have to use your whole hand, just two fingers or so will do."

"You sure this isn't gonna hurt him?" I asked, feeling as if I'm invading Cas's personal space for a change. "Oh, trust me, it won't hurt. Quite the opposite." Gabriel replied, mumbling the last part under his breath. I formed two fingers as Gabriel instructed and pressed lightly on the designated area, only to draw a deep noise from the sleeping Seraph. My mind went dark for a moment. Did he just - no - did Cas just moan? Holy shit, I just made my angel moan. Wait. What? No. Cas isn't mine. He could be though if I made a move. Shaking off the thoughts I was having, I pressed harder. 

This time Cas didn't make a noise. No. His shoulder blades started to deform under his skin and in a matter of seconds, beautiful white and black wings emerged from Cas's back. I stumbled back from Castiel's bed and fell to my knees, startled by the sudden appearance. My thoughts betrayed me yet again. They're huge. They are literally wall to wall. Oh god this should not be hot but, hell, it is. Shit am I really getting a boner right now?


I can see them.

Does that mean-

Cas woke with a start moments after. He turned and sat up on the bed, his body now facing the door and his wings behind him. He had on nothing but his boxers and his now exposed chest made me suck in a sharp breath. The dude is ripped. Wait no stop thinking that, this is your best friend. Cas's expression held confusion and his attention moved down to me as I was still knelt on the floor. "Dean?" Cas asked, his rough voice making me practically melt. But I couldn't utter a word other than, "Wings," I said quietly, almost as if I were whispering a secret, looking over at the heavenly wings that were attached to my angel friend and then back at his face. 

In that moment, I could feel the raging boner that I was trying so hard to ignore pressing against the stiff fabric of my jeans. I shifted my hips slightly to try and hide my clear interest but that only made it worse as my boxers rubbed against my length, almost making me moan on the spot.

Cas's eyes bulged and his wings disappeared back into his vessel, "You could see them." Cas stated in a gruff voice that I thought was really sexy, a hint of lust and love present in his gaze. I nodded, getting up off of the ground and standing next to the bed. Cas's eyes explored my body and lingered momentarily on my groin; my arousal was very evident to say the least. "Do you understand what that means, Dean" Cas asked, his eyes finding mine again only this time they were blown completely with lust. 

I nodded again, "We're soulmates," I paused and swallowed hard before continuing, "Gabe told me everything," I blindly gestured behind me with my thumb. Cas looked behind me, "My brother isn't here Dean."

I swiveled only to find that the archangel had in fact left the two alone in the room. I sighed, my annoyance with Gabriel evident, "That son of a bitch."

I turned back to Cas, finding myself face-to-face with him. I gasped at the proximity but brushed it off with a small cough. "You seem better." I say, not backing up from the angel. Cas was still on the bed, kneeling on the edge making him as close as possible without touching. I couldn't help it but my gaze kept straying from Cas's eyes and landing on his lips. So close. The tension was not helping my hard situation. 

Cas finally spoke, his breath fanning across my face, "If you're going to keep looking at me like that, I strongly suggest that you leave." 

"Or what." I couldn't help the response that slipped out. This whole thing was messing with my brain.

Cas's hands reached for my hips and he hooked his fingers into the belt loops on my pants, pulling us closer together with force, our bodies colliding. I groan as our clothed dicks make contact. Oh dear god yes. Castiel leaned his face closer, and I closed my eyes, anticipating a gentle and loving kiss, one that I had been silently craving since they first met in the barn. The angel ghosted his lips against my own...

But pulled away. A sad whimper escaped from deep within my chest at this.

I didn't have time to mourn over the kiss that would've been when I felt Cas move his mouth next my ear. Cas's hot breath against my neck made my skin erupt with goosebumps and I let out an involuntary shiver and God did I love it. Castiel finally spoke, his words coming out with passion and dominance and his voice dropping an octave lower, "Or I will lose control and fuck you so hard that you won't be able to walk for a week without thinking of my cock up your ass."

My legs legs quite literally buckled at his words, rubbing our lengths together only making my knees weaker and I ended up kneeling on the floor. Again. Only this time, I was face-to-face with Cas's groin that was beneath his boxers. Cas's very interested groin. I froze, realizing my position, until Cas reached down and gently caressed my chin making my gaze rise and meet the angel's eyes yet again. Cas is sporting what's called a Dom!Brow and it only made my dick jump in my pants, longing to be free.

 Cas is sporting what's called a Dom!Brow and it only made my dick jump in my pants, longing to be free

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Am I the sub in this? I mean, I am literally on my knees in front of him...Fuck how is he this hot.  "Do you think you are ready for that, Dean?" Cas asked, soft yet firm at the same time. Every fiber of my being was screaming yes but my brain faltered. Was I ready for this?

The angel saw my hesitation and released his hold, retreating back to the middle of the bed, "Then go." I got off of the floor and slowly walked out the door, closing it behind him. What the hell just happened?

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