Chapter 3 - Late Night Chats

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-3rd POV-

Dean lay awake that night, staring at his ceiling. He couldn't stop thinking about what had happened between him and Cas. About the things Cas said to him and the way his words made his dick twitch, begging to be touched.

'Or I will lose control and fuck you so hard that you won't be able to walk for a week without thinking of my cock up your ass.'

Cas's words echoed in his brain and his pants started getting tight again. "Damnit, Cas." Dean mumbled to himself. He contemplated whether or not to jerk it out again but decided against it and willed it down. Knowing he wasn't going to get any sleep, Dean made his way out of his room and into the kitchen for a late-night snack, only to find the kitchen occupied by the sugar-addict archangel. Gabriel shown a knowing smirk on his face and asked the obvious question, "How'd it go with Cassie?"

He couldn't help but blush at the memories that came back to him all too quickly but he recovered by turning the topic against Gabe, "Oh shut it Gabriel," Dean started, "I'm done with your little mind games. What the hell is happening to Cas and why is he - like a - a horned-up version of himself?!"

"I did say it would get complicated if you pressed the right spot, Dean, if anything you should've been more careful. And anyway, he's not even here anymore. He's somewhere better."

"What?! You-" Dean huffed angrily and stalked around the kitchen to plant himself at the counter, across from the devious trickster. "Gabriel," his voice low and full of warning, "if you don't tell me what's wrong with Cas and where he is, so help me God, I will get my angel blade and stick it so far up your-"      "Oh~ Dean I didn't know you were so kinky, maybe you are good fit for my baby bro." Gabriel teased, winking suggestively at Dean. 

Choosing to ignore the last part of what Gabe said, Dean launched himself at the archangel aiming his fist at Gabriel's face. He would've made perfect contact with Gabriel's jaw if Sam hadn't come into the room at that moment and intercepted the conflict. "Dean! Stop! What're you doing?!" he yelled, catching Dean in his arms before he could reach their feathered guest, "it's almost two o'clock in the morning and you guys are fighting each other?!" 

Dean shook Sammy off and resumed his previous place at the counter. "Thank you for coming to my rescue sammoose," Gabe said almost flirtatiously. Gabriel being ignored again, Sam interrogated Dean, "Dean, why were you about to fight an archangel in our kitchen?"

"Would you believe me if I said it's because he ate the last piece of bacon?" Dean joked half-heartedly. 

"No, but I wouldn't be surprised," Sam stated knowingly, "but that wasn't your 'the bacon is gone, and you done it' face, that was your 'I'm going to murder you and make it look like an accident' face."

"I mean how different are they-" Sam cut Dean off before he could divert the topic.

"Dean just tell me what happened."

Dean's mind started panicking. Do I tell him about the thing? What will he think of me?  

He didn't have enough time to thoroughly panic, however, because Gabriel took it upon himself to answer for Dean. "Castiel is going through a 'phase' of some sorts," he started, Sam's attention turned to him and Dean's interest got piqued, "all angels go through this, I did but that was a millennial ago. Cassie needs to," Gabe paused, searching for the right words, "sleep with his chosen mate and create a bond with them, both physical and mental but they have to have an emotional bond first or the process won't work. If they don't have consensual lovemaking within 3 days of the angel showing symptoms, then the angelic partner could... well... perish. In Castiel's case, he met his mate already which is usually the hard part. However, his mate has not come to terms with their emotions yet because they are being a stubborn little shit." He finished, turning his gaze towards the oldest Winchester.

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