Chapter 4 - Roomies

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-Dean POV-

"Holy shit," was all I could get out of my mouth.

I didn't know that boners could come up so quickly until I saw him standing there. He had clearly just gotten out of the shower and the bathroom towel was hanging dangerously low on his hips, water droplets still dripping down his toned abdomen.

"Dean," His voice trembled slightly and I could tell he was holding himself back from me, "How are you here right now?"

I snapped out of the trance his body had me in and avoided eye contact as I answered him, "Gabriel. One snap and I was gone from the bunker, not sure how to get back so I guess I'm somewhat stuck here with you."

Enochian words slipped from Cas's lips and I don't think they were very holy given his frustrated facial expression. "What is it, Cas? It's not like we haven't bunked before." I say jokingly, remembering those awkward nights when we had to share a bed on a hunt because Sam 'accidentally' booked two rooms with only one bed in each. Sam then made the horrible mistake of taking a shower after this. He had no clothes left to change into afterwards due to some 'accident' with his luggage. How mysterious...

"It's not that Dean," he stated, disregarding my joke entirely, "I asked Gabriel to get me away from you and he goes and deliberately puts us in this position."

"Wait, why were you trying to get away from me?"

"You know why."

Cas started to turn back to the bathroom but I stood up quickly and caught his arm, "No, nuh uh, don't shut me out Cas, talk to me."

I don't really know how it happened, it was so fast, but the next moment I remember was Cas shoving me into the closest wall. His hands had my shoulders pinned down hard and his right leg separated my legs. Unbeknownst to Cas, his thigh was not helping my erection. It was taking all of my will power to not help myself and ride his thigh while he watched. Shit, these thoughts aren't making this any easier.

His breath fanned across my face and I shivered at it's warmth. He was so close, my eyes couldn't help but flicker between his eyes and his lips. He opened his mouth to finally respond to what I said, even though I had completely forgotten what I had said in the mere seconds he's had me pinned. 

"When angels are with their mates during the angel's mating phase, things tend to get a bit," he paused and looked to my lips as I licked them, "sexual." I swear his voice dropped another octave when he said this and my body couldn't help but react. My hips stuttered slightly against his thigh, giving the most minimal amount of pressure to where I needed it most, making me moan. Luckily, I caught myself before it escaped and bit my lip, keeping me from exposing myself.

I saw Cas's pupils dilate and I knew then that he felt me shift after he said that. I also knew that my erection wasn't exactly secret anymore. I felt his leg move under me, moving closer to my dick and I couldn't hold it back anymore and my head fell back against the wall, a moan escaping my lips unexpectedly. I can't remember a time when I was so fucking sensitive.

Cas let out a deep, guttural, noise. His hands that were at my shoulders shifted to my hands and hoisted them above my head. I leveled my face to his again, this time flushed. His eyes moved from my eyes to my lips and back to my eyes. God, I want him so badly. After all the staring contests and close walking and shit, I wanted this. I instinctively lean in, closing my eyes, trusting to meet his lips with mine...

But that feeling never came. Cas dropped my arms and quickly pulled away, closing the bathroom door behind him.

I sighed, letting all of the tension out of my system, and headed towards the bed. The mattress turned out to be the perfect middle between hard and soft and the comforter was fluffy and warm. I laid down on the closest pillow and thought what had happened in the course of 24 hours. Cas looked sick, saw Cas's wings, Cas offered to fuck me, Gabriel told me shit and transported me here, Cas rejected me after riling me up. I actually really want this. I mean, after all the one-night stands and meaningless sex, it was still Cas. It would always be Cas. I looked under the sheets and sure enough, still rock hard. I mean do I blame me? The man is hot. 


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As soon as that thought comes to mind, I think up a plan. 

I take my shirt and pants off along with my boxers and get comfortable on top of the sheets, displaying myself like a freaking all-you-can-eat buffet. I grabbed my erection with one hand, closed my eyes, and slowly started stroking, allowing myself to enjoy this. I was going to make him regret leaving me there. I began to go faster, imagining Cas doing this to me, and I felt myself get closer every pull. Cas's name fell from my lips like a prayer as I sped up, wanting him to hear me. My release was getting so close but I wanted Cas to see me, so I did something I've never done before. 

I begged.

"Cas - oh fuck - please, Cas - mmmh please, I need you Cas," I was babbling like a mad man, desperate for release.

I heard the door to the bathroom open swiftly but I didn't stop. No, I opened my eyes, making eye contact with a very turned on Castiel. I begged one last time for him to help me and something in him snapped.

Next thing I know, he was straddling my waist taking hold of my dick, slapping my own hand away. "Mine." he growled lowly, pumping my erection passionately, making me see white as I came in his hand. "CA-" he swallowed my scream in his mouth as he kissed me roughly through my orgasm. 

He released my dick and licked his hand off, cleaning my cum off of it. 'That kinky motherfucker'

I laid my head back against the pillows and let out a long and satisfied breath, "I could definitely get used to that." 

He chuckled deeply. I looked back up at him, still in the same position on my lap, "what's so funny?" 

Cas's eyes held a glint of mischief in them, "What's so funny is that you think that I'm done with you."

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