15: Do You Like The Stars?

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Aila was never one to give up

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Aila was never one to give up.

The fact that Kaiden had stayed, that he hadn't pushed on and attempted to reach The Dragon Temple first meant that he wasn't truly angry at her. He was simply hurt by her words, which was understandable.

She emerged into the clearing with nerves fluttering in her stomach. She dropped her rucksack beside his, and lay down using it as a pillow like he was. He was lying on his back, his eyes locked on the darkening sky above them.

"I'm really sorry for what I said Kaiden," she said sincerely. "It was wrong and I had no right to speak the way I did. You are neither dull nor incompetent and it was very loyal, compassionate and thoughtful of you to try to help others the way you did. It's why I think you'll make a great king someday."

She took a breath, pausing to gauge his reaction. An subtle change in his breathing told her that he hadn't expected that last part, and the silence that followed indicated that he didn't know how to react.

"I took it as an insult when you questioned Merelia's stories because I love my kingdom, and it irritated me that you had resources and knowledge that I didn't have at my disposal," she continued.

She inhaled, having finished what she'd come to say. After a few seconds of silence, Kaiden spoke quietly.

"Do you like the stars, Aila?" He whispered, his gaze leaving the canopy above him and locking on her inquisitive green eyes.

Aila smiled as her heart released the guilt that had simmered there all day. A breath of relief escaped her.

He was bringing back the dialogue from their first encounter so many years ago. It was his beautiful way of saying he accepted her apology, and that he wanted to talk to her the way he had that day. As he registered the recognition and contentment in her features, his eyes twinkled and she smiled as she answered.

"Very much," she murmured, rolling onto her back to look at the stars shining above them. She was extremely aware that his eyes were still fixed on her, analysing her as if she were a star.

"You're injured," he observed. "I thought Castor would take care of it."

"I had to speak to you first," Aila shrugged.

Kaiden made a face that conveyed how nonsensical he thought that was. After sitting up, he reached into his backpack, procuring a water pouch and one of his clean shirts. As he held them up with a question in his gaze, Aila nodded and he gently took her arm in his. She watched as he first cleaned the wound, captivated by the focus in his piercing gaze. He then tore his shirt into large strips, and her cheeks flushed and she was forced to look away as the act emphasised his muscles. When he wrapped his shirt around her arm like a bandage, she felt gratitude building within her.

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