6: A Ruined Land

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"Okay, so what do you know about The Dragon Temple?" Aila asked Kaiden, who walked beside her, trailing his stallion by the reins

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"Okay, so what do you know about The Dragon Temple?" Aila asked Kaiden, who walked beside her, trailing his stallion by the reins.

They had been walking for roughly two hours in silence, and Aila had been longing to break it. A midday sun now shone directly overhead, though it didn't do much to permeate the crisp chill in the air.

"All in due time," Kaiden replied vaguely.

Aila was just about to make a snarky remark, when the sound of exclamations met her ears. She turned towards the commotion, watching as she came across two groups of people engaging in a brawl.

They were now somewhat far from the main city, travelling through places in which the effects of the war were becoming more and more obvious. Trash lined the streets, and the people appeared underfed and exhausted.

One of the women had knocked out a member of the other group, and was now scrambling over, trying to push her way through the wall of people to reach a woman at the back of the other group.

"Give it to me! We paid for it first!"

Aila caught a glimpse of the woman who was being targeted. She saw a flash of a loaf of bread and understanding washed over her.

She made her way to the group, standing between them expectantly. When they realised there was an unknown person amongst them, the conflict ceased, and they all stared at her, waiting.

"Please don't fight," Aila's voice was low, but not timid.

She reached into her hiking bag and pulled out a loaf of her own, handing it to the group without the food. Trembling hands took the food from her, questions simmering in all of their faces. Aila reached into her wallet, pulling out a handsome sum of money, before splitting it amongst the people.

"Please share this equally amongst the town. It should hopefully be enough to last the town for a while. The war will end soon, and everything will be okay."

One way or another, one of the kingdoms would own the chalice and the war would cease. All she could do was hope that she and Cas would be successful.

"What's your name?" Aila asked the woman to whom she had given the bread.

"Katlin," the woman replied in a shaky voice.

"I know it's hard Katlin," Aila lovingly took Katlin's hand in her own, rubbing circles on the rough skin. "But you have to hold onto hope for a better future. This world can't handle more fighting."

Katlin nodded, a hint of shame overtaking her. Aila lifted her chin, forcing the woman's eyes to meet hers.

"Everything will be okay."

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