33: Wild Freedom

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Sleeping in the Dragon Temple was rough; the roofless building meant that the light filtered in much earlier than it should have, when the sun began to rise at approximately four in the morning

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Sleeping in the Dragon Temple was rough; the roofless building meant that the light filtered in much earlier than it should have, when the sun began to rise at approximately four in the morning. The lack of central heating also meant that her sleeping bag wasn't enough to prevent a numbing air from seeping into Aila's bones.

"Rise and shine," Ember called with a grin. "Your training begins today, Spark."

Aila grumbled something incoherently, her eyes still clenched tightly shut. She gasped as Ember pulled her out of her cocoon and the cold air nipped at her skin.

"Here," he handed a plate to her, filled with a variety of cooked fish and some different berries and nuts. "Eat up. You're going to need energy."

Aila began to eat. "Did you get all this today?" She asked in between mouthfuls.

Ember shrugged dismissively. "The least I can do for you."

"Thank you," she replied with a smile. "I'm fed up of bread and cheese."

"I know," he said with a soft smile.

"What's your training plan?" She asked.

"First we're going to awaken your individual elemental powers," Ember replied and Aila nodded in reply, still holding a sliver of a doubt as to whether she had powers at all.

When the food had been eaten, a wicked glint entered his eyes that spoke of other plans that he had in store for her.

"How would you like to be the first human to ever ride me?"


"In dragon form I mean," he clarified.

Aila's stomach dropped at the prospect. Adrenaline started pounding within her, bringing a sense of elation at a new adventure. She'd always loved the sky and now she had been given an opportunity, she'd been granted the privilege, to soar above the clouds in a way that few people had been able to do.

"I'd love that!" She grinned and felt her heart clench at the way Ember's shoulders relaxed.

In a sudden flash, the young man before her had disappeared. In his place was a beautiful beast, immense in his size and magnificent in his glory. Golden scales reflected the sunlight, casting a glow around him and creating an ethereal essence which made it impossible to look away. He wore his spikes like a crown; though very intimidating, the dangerous weapons were also like a piece of artwork: intricate, delicate, remarkable. His wings were much the same, appearing fragile in their beauty, but carrying a strength within them that spoke of hours spent among the clouds. Familiar red eyes regarded her warily, holding a vulnerability in them as if he were frightened to see her reaction to him.

"Beautiful," Aila breathed in wonder. It was a true understatement and for the first time she found herself questioning just to what extent languages facilitated communication.

Ember lowered his body to the floor,  bowing before her, almost as if he were thanking her. Aila climbed onto his back, settling slightly ahead of his wings and clutching onto one of his spikes for balance.

He released a small puff of air before spreading his wings and launching into the open blue expanse before them.

The wind blew her hair behind her and Aila couldn't keep the grin off her face. She thought she'd experienced freedom before, but this... this is what true pure  freedom, in it's undiluted form felt like.

Once they were so high up that the trees were no more than a mere dot and the surrounding mountain peaks appeared to be simple hills, Ember hovered in the air for a second before he released what sounded like a chuckle. As he tucked his wings in, Aila tightened her grip on his spike right before he plummeted towards the ground, playing a dangerous game with gravity, and  free-falling.

Aila laughed, a carefree sound that she didn't think she would make for a while. 
Her mind was filled with blue eyes, black hair, fire, which reminded her of the last time she had felt true joy.

Her heart was beating harder than it ever had before and she tossed him out of her head, unwilling to allow him to ruin this magical experience.

Before they collided with the earth, Ember spread his wings and took off again, this time zigging and zagging in between the mountainous terrain. Snow capped peaks glistened before her and with the rising sun, the clear sky and the greenery surrounding them, it was truly a memory that Aila would never forget. After a few minutes of flying, she began to hear the unmistakable sound of powerful running water.


As Ember began to descend, she spotted a river rushing beneath them before it dropped over the side of a cliff. Ember flew alongside the river before he too nose-dived over the edge, following the course of the water. Aila's heart was again in her throat and she watched with bated breath as he controlled his plunge so effortlessly, straightening at the last second and avoiding being submerged. He carried them both to the riverbank, depositing them both on a  flat grassy area. The river flowed on one side of them, the current significantly less powerful than near the waterfall,  whilst the forest spread out to their left. A canopy of trees provided shade, only allowing the occasional glimpse of blue to peek through.

Ember again bowed low for Aila to dismount before shifting into his human form. He mirrored the windswept, exhilarated look she currently sported, again looking so boyish and carefree that she was struck by the fact that he was so much more than a normal young man.

"That was..." Aila began, at a complete loss for words. "Thank you."

"I can't count how many times I've been flying but it's still like every time is the first time," Ember released a low whistle, his eyes shining.

"Okay boss," Aila grinned. "What's my first lesson?"

Ember nodded at the river.

"We're going to conquer your water powers first."

And then with no additional warning, he pushed her into the river.

Apologies for the delayed update! It's been a very hectic week!

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Apologies for the delayed update! It's been a very hectic week!

This one was fun to write. I love descriptive scenes.

~ MaddyWilson 💙

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