19: A Midnight Swim

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Amidst stories and laughter, the day passed quickly and before the trio knew it, the sun was setting

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Amidst stories and laughter, the day passed quickly and before the trio knew it, the sun was setting. They again found a clearing near the river to set up their camp. As they ate their dinner of bread, cheese and mixed vegetables, they discussed their journey and the progress they had made that day, covering a couple of miles more than they had planned.

Before the stars could make an appearance, Aila yawned and retreated into her tent. She ordered Castor to wake her up for her watch, but her heart told her that he wouldn't listen. He hadn't slept much at all and yet he didn't give any sign of being tired. Aila wondered if this was how he also functioned back home.

When she curled up in her sleeping bag, sleep drifted over her slowly, pulling her away from the soft murmuring of male voices outside the tent.

Her slumber was similar to a coma in the sense that no dreams found her, she didn't move much and her mind was inactive. However, unlike a coma, it didn't last long.

Aila's eyes opened at what she assumed was around midnight. Outside the tent, the air was still, and shadows fell across the material. Feeling awake, she unzipped the tent and peeked out, gazing in wonder at the full moon above her.

Castor's eyes swiveled towards her, and his brows furrowed in concern.

"Everything okay?" He whispered.

"Yes," she whispered back. "I'm not tired anymore. I can take watch now."

"No, that's okay. I'm not tired either."

"Cas, that's impossible," Aila breathed. "You've barely slept since we left."

Castor shrugged, and Aila took a seat next to him.

"I'm tempted to take a dip in the river," she murmured.

"I'm tempted for you to do so too," Cas grimaced jokingly, and Aila shoved him as she chuckled under her breath.

"Shut up, you don't smell any better."

Cas grinned.

"My clothes could do with a wash too. Do you reckon Kaiden would fire-dry them when he wakes up?"

"Yes," Castor said confidently.

"Really? If he refuses, I won't have any spare clothes and-"

"I think he'd do more for you than you realise," her friend interrupted with a frown.

Aila's cheeks warmed and she turned away, hoping that the darkness shielded her from his view.

"Okay, I've got an awful amount of sweat clinging to me." She stood and stretched, retreating into her tent to get the tank top she hadn't worn yet. "Don't go to the river but keep an eye and an ear out," she instructed.

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